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what does god look like?

Migrated topic.
DarkShaman said:

I wouldn´t worship THAT god.
VisualDistortion said:
I really fricken love that picture dark shaman. Best avatar on this site. And pan is a wimp of a god. My vote is that god is that giant squid thing from Hell Boy. I personally choose to worship Piltzintecuhtli.

Do you mean comics or movie?
ohayoco said:
If you saw Her, you would die from the shock of Her Beauty. Spice is the closest we can come to seeing Her True Beauty.

But here is a depiction of Her:

This is Her daughter in whom She is well pleased:

These are some of Her angels:

And this is that grumpy old man from the neighbouring cloud enjoying his view of Her:

She is the Giver of Life. Smoke some spice while looking into Her as She appears in Her Human Form, that is the closest you can get!

Now this is a godess I would worship (especially her daughter, ha ha!).
Master of plants said:
VisualDistortion said:
I really fricken love that picture dark shaman. Best avatar on this site. And pan is a wimp of a god. My vote is that god is that giant squid thing from Hell Boy. I personally choose to worship Piltzintecuhtli.

Do you mean comics or movie?

The movie. No one ever read the Hell Boy comics, except maybe you. But anyways I'm swiching from Piltzintecuhtli to ohayoco's god.:lol:
I'm quite sure that the next new, big trend in Run-Way Fashion will be wearing one of those giant pussy suits!!!
At least I hope so!!!!

Can you imagine, sitting a big important board meeting at the office, ten people, men & women, all in various styles of Vagina Suits.
Black ones,
white ones,
Hairy ones,
shaved ones,
fat ones,
pin-striped ones,
some with big..."lapels" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge😉 ),
loose ones,
puffy ones,

I could go on, but I'll bet you get the idea...
I should stop before I go too far.

:lol: :lol: :surprised :lol: :lol:
VisualDistortion said:
Master of plants said:
VisualDistortion said:
I really fricken love that picture dark shaman. Best avatar on this site. And pan is a wimp of a god. My vote is that god is that giant squid thing from Hell Boy. I personally choose to worship Piltzintecuhtli.

Do you mean comics or movie?

The movie. No one ever read the Hell Boy comics, except maybe you. But anyways I'm swiching from Piltzintecuhtli to ohayoco's god.:lol:

Shy reading H. B. comix. A convert!
Ya know, looking closer at that picture of the woman in their vagina suits for a second, I could not help but notice something, & it made me think a bit...:twisted:

OK, go with me for a second;
It seems that each of those woman in the picture probably made their own suit, right?
So if you look at each woman, then look at the particular pussy suit that each woman is wearing.
Each one is different...
Seems to me that each lady there might have used her very own kitty for a model...check it out...I'm not just being a perv...
My favorite one is the second lady from the left, the one who chose to make her's with big, flippity-flappity lips & the only furry muff surrounding...
She wins as far as I'm concerned!!!
...if only because she's leti'n us all know whats goin' on down there...:p :lol:

The one on the right end is funny too...custom design as well...:lol: :lol:

Oh shit...I guess I am just being a perv:p

SoCal said:
ohayoco said:
This is Her daughter in whom She is well pleased:

now that's a god(dess) I can get behind! 8)

I fuggin' love that the last part of this discussion is going on in the "what does god look like?" thread!!!
:lol: :lol: Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!!!:lol: :lol:

BTW, how many times do you fellas think we can re-post this picture of god & her crotch, in this thread?:lol:


And in the ultra-serious Philosophy/Spirituality department... should be moved to the Tavern ;)
But I didn't even notice that vagina after seeing the pic maybe ten times. My eyes were drawn to the face, proof I'm a saint ;)
tryptographer said:
And in the ultra-serious Philosophy/Spirituality department... should be moved to the Tavern ;)
But I didn't even notice that vagina after seeing the pic maybe ten times. My eyes were drawn to the face, proof I'm a saint ;)
Yeah, me too...:roll:

The first gods where food... they still are gods and goddesses to some of us...


in south america theres mama maize and mama papas (potato) mama ameranth, mama quinoa, mama coca, pachamama (earth mother) and many others...
deer, wild game then live stock became deified... then our own image became deified and we lost our sacred relationships to food and life, or the relationships became corrupted and exploitative...
god is a pretty culturally specific linguisticly islolated concept as well... many culture dont have a word for god, we tend to just project our own idea and word onto every one else... in latin america.. these arent goddesses really just matrons, natural forces that take care of us that we inturn take care of...
I must say that there seems to be an even greater variety in the image people seem to have of 'god', than i thought possible. If you would mix them up, you'd get a picture of a giant vagina with scary teeth, made of potatoes and corn.
So it all becomes quite freudian. Especially the vagina's and the scary monsters. Freud believed that some men see vagina's as scary monsters because of the power their mother's had over them when they where little boys.
I coincidentally happen to know this because there is a dutch author who dedicated half of his life to writing a trilogy on the subject of a man who's scared of teethed vagina's...very odd.
Well, all I know is that intimacy with beautiful women has brought me a lot more happiness than god ever did.
I guess I was saying that, in reality, that's who I worship.
Hyperspace too, of course.
polytrip said:
I must say that there seems to be an even greater variety in the image people seem to have of 'god', than i thought possible. If you would mix them up, you'd get a picture of a giant vagina with scary teeth, made of potatoes and corn.
Oh shit that's funny!!!

So it all becomes quite freudian. Especially the vagina's and the scary monsters. Freud believed that some men see vagina's as scary monsters because of the power their mother's had over them when they where little boys.
I coincidentally happen to know this because there is a dutch author who dedicated half of his life to writing a trilogy on the subject of a man who's scared of teethed vagina's...very odd.
Have you seen that independent movie released last year called Teeth?

It's about that exact thing, Vagina Dentata, a cursed woman with a vagina full of sharp teeth that bites off the cocks of all these guys.
Pretty good movie...Bit on the strange side but that's all OK with me!

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