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what does god look like?

Migrated topic.
I definitely believe in God and also know that it`s impossible to describe this `source of extremely creative energy` in our words.

I`m always fascinated how things(non a man-made) are created.
Like one day I`m fascinated by abilities of snake (infrared vision, very sensitive smelling receptors on it tongue, digestive tract of it etc.) then the other day by planet Venus(where is atmosphere of sulphuric acid ,metalic "icecaps" on the mountains, extremely high pressure etc.) Thereafter ILPT saying that `plants of God` are very fascinating.

I`m just very happy to live in this universum and trying peacefully walk path of the life and explore more of this beautiful God`s creations.
Thank you GOD !
All politicians and people with power and money should concentrate on exploring and discovering new things ,instead of fighting, to help humanity rise to higher level. Then we can be perhaps step closer to the creator of all this beauty.

God bless
I always thought god looks like

69ron said:
God told SWIM many things about the future that were completely impossible for anyone to know. All of them came true. Prior to that SWIM did not believe God existed..

Wow... I really want to know what God told you which came true.

I have been with god on aya and stuff but never got anything measurable from it like precise predictions of the future. Maybe one day that will change.
moyshekapoyre said:
69ron said:
God told SWIM many things about the future that were completely impossible for anyone to know. All of them came true. Prior to that SWIM did not believe God existed..

Wow... I really want to know what God told you which came true.

I have been with god on aya and stuff but never got anything measurable from it like precise predictions of the future. Maybe one day that will change.
yeah, i think you shouldn't take these things too seriously. Thinking about god, or experiencing the presence of god is all very nice and entertaining and i wouldn't want to miss it. But a bit of scepticism ain't so bad either.
Okay so a new addition to an old topic. Like others have stated before God can come to people in different forms. My most recent experience with him he took the form (CEV), of a radiant gold light as bright as the sun engulfing my whole existence and penetrating to the depths of my consciousness. Other times he showed up as an old wizard looking man, radiant white light, and other times was a faceless presence on my journey.

I really like to comment on the future prediction comment. This to me feels like a use of a power which can be touched by the psychedelic/yogi state. I have always been taught/told not to act on these powers. But one time I decided I would be impatient and try to force the coming of my being. Not a good idea, a week later I was busted. Luckily the cops didnt find my 2 zips of shrooms(hid them under dirty underwear!) But the dogs sniffed out the pungent LSD/Mazar I had under the seat. After meditation and contemplation I was realized that by trying to evoke my powers before I was ready, I f;ed myself. And I had to pay the piper.

Now I realize we all have different roles in this cosmic play, and yours may be of a future seer. I would also love to hear some of the revelations that were passed to you.

But I would Warn any that come into a scenario where you believe you have been given powers, or you are aware you have the possibility of such powers to actually try to use them. This is a dangerous game your playing by forcing things you are not ready for, but in the end good luck. And be patient, if those powers you think have been bestowed upon you are really real, they will be there tomorrow.

Anyway enjoy our creator in the many manifestations that have been manifested, and may your journeys be full of the divine.
Dose the computer screen still look the same as it usually dose?
Is the room glowing a little bit, observing you, observing it?
Flowing with your very being, and your very experience?

If yes to the following your probably either a tripper or a spiritual being. In that case maybe god is you but you dont want yourself to know about it?? its a little far out, although... you never know?
God is both manifested and unmanifested...

As manifestation please just go to the nearest mirror to see a manifestatio of god.

As the Unmanifest, well, it's beyond all thought, beyond all change, beyond all.

All is one.
Inconceivable, singularity and breakthrough like. If such a thing exists it is what set the Universe into motion 13.7 years ago. Not knowable by our puny little minds that will be lucky to live 80-100 years.

I LOVE the people who insist it is anthropomorphic and concerned with our affairs. LMFAO. Okay, well then its' current manifestation must be as a Chinese or East Indian (& even with mysogenistic infanticide practices) and most likely female.
God look like you because it is you.

The concept of god is a human concept, and therefore I do not believe it is the truth. Coping mechanism. Simplification. Truth is by far even more bizarre and obscure.
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