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what does god look like?

Migrated topic.
Im not sure worshiping is a very balanced relationship dynamic no matter who or what its with... but it seems to be stuck in post christian minds it would seem...
I guess I'm using the word in the colloquial sense... 'worshipping women' as in 'yearning desire for intimacy with'. And a reverence and respect for the object of my desire.

I agree that any god worth worshipping, wouldn't require or wish for said worship, because such a god wouldn't believe in the master-slave relationship.
Though i never looked at the universe as giant sort of vagina or womb, i must say that i begin to apreciate the metaphor more and more.
69ron said:
God does not look like anything. God can appear in any form you like, but God is a purely spiritual entity made up of only energy. God has no body.

SWIM "saw" God, but not with his eyes, but with his soul. God cannot be explained easily using language. God is an immense consciousness without a physical body. We are all physical beings with visual appearances and we assume God also has an appearance. This assumption is based on our limited view of reality. God is not limited to a visual appearance based on atoms and light. God has the power to create atoms by mere thought. Unlike us, God is not made of atoms. God is 100% spiritual energy approximately the size of the universe.

God told SWIM many things about the future that were completely impossible for anyone to know. All of them came true. Prior to that SWIM did not believe God existed.

God can use words, visions, manifestations of God, telepathic, and many other means of communication. God has complete control over all energy fields in the entire universe and can at will change anything. God is not bound to the laws of physics, but rather the laws of physics are creations of God’s consciousness, as are you and I creations of God’s consciousness.
We are all a part of God’s endless imagination. Every last bit of the universe is something imagined by God.

Anyway, that is how SWIM saw God in an ayahuasca journey.
I think my last psychedelic journey revealed a simmilar image.

This was realy something of a near death experience: at a certain moment i started to fear that i might not be able to make it back, and then it still kept getting even deeper. There was some deep from power inside of me that caused me to totally surrender, that made it impossible for me to panic or feal fear also, because if i had panicked or given in to fear, it would have been realy bad.

In less then half an our, maybe just minutes after it started to work, i became totally unable to think in sentences or even in words. The trip started at 1 o'clock at night and i regained the abillity to think in sentences again at about 8 or 9 o clock, when it started getting light again. That trip lasted for more then 12 hours.

At a certain moment time and space had totally vanished. They had become nothing but a single vibration of energy, or something of an energy field.
It was clear that this was totally encompassed by something very divine, that all of this was there for a reason.
I felt very strong that i was given a glimpse, or even more than just a glimpse to the other side.

I can say that my position is, that i believe in god, but that i am highly sceptical at the same time. This is the most honest position i think i can take towards the existence of god.
If god exists, wich i believe, this god has given us our powers of reason, that enables us to raise justified doubts, with a clear intention. I think god wants us to doubt, to be sceptical, although this might seem odd to many people.

It is even so that at thát moment, that i felt something of "how can this be real?", that without words, god seemed to say to me: "now you have truly found me".
It all seemed crystal clear.

If there is a god, it wants us to doubt. It doesn't want to be taken for granted.
I can say that my position is, that i believe in god, but that i am highly sceptical at the same time. This is the most honest position i think i can take towards the existence of god.
If god exists, wich i believe, this god has given us our powers of reason, that enables us to raise justified doubts, with a clear intention. I think god wants us to doubt, to be sceptical, although this might seem odd to many people.

From this I know that you were really *there*.

I recognize the "smell"... :)

How marvellous it is, really... You find God and then God tells you it's absolutely ok to doubt him, that in fact, we were *created* to doubt him, that it's not a sin at all, but a part of the game. What an infinitely wide perspective He has.
cellux said:
I recognize the "smell"... :)

How marvellous it is, really... You find God and then God tells you it's absolutely ok to doubt him, that in fact, we were *created* to doubt him, that it's not a sin at all, but a part of the game. What an infinitely wide perspective He has.

Interesting...I had forgotten about the "smell" and even now the memory is extremely vague but it has sparked a moment of recognition in me. Thank you for that.

It really is quite marvelous isn't it? All perspectives are valid, as they all contribute to the tapestry of experiencing Itself. Doubt is just as valid and rich of an experience as belief is.
Swim doubted God for most of his life. His circumstances, losing a parent really left him with a loss. Swim did get reacquainted with God through psychedelics. Now swim realizes things happen for a reason, our circumstances shape us into the beings we are today. We need hardships sometimes, to let us recognize the ebb and flow of life. Hardships help us grow up mentally, emotionally etc. Its not always about smelling the roses, but falling on our faces too. Now swim tries to always remember God, and embrace the good and bad when it comes. Swim also got to know God through coincidences or snychronicities. Things would happen again and again that would defy any mathematical odds. At first swim thought his mind was playing tricks on him, so he kept doubting till they kept coming and coming. Eventually swim had to come to terms with what was happening, and accept it, and love it. Now when it happens, its like God is waving at swim, saying hi, remember me lol. Its hard to realize the formless while were wrapped up in form.
I had forgotten about the "smell" and even now the memory is extremely vague but it has sparked a moment of recognition in me.

Yeah, memories vs. recognition... Oh, how difficult it is to grasp it from *here*.

I feel guilty when I talk about it, because all I'm saying is coming more from my memories, not from that immediate recognition. I'm guilty of building a pseudo-enlightenment from my memories. This may be the real meaning of idolatry. My only excuse is my love - or obsession? - of That. Deep sins may result from this longing. One can divert an entire nation from the path (albeit temporarily). A church living through thousand years can be built on the memories alone, so powerful their source is.

Oh how difficult it is to live in the shadows, without those senses which let one really *understand*. We come back and we believe we can grasp it with the toolset we have here. Actually, we don't even remember what we had *there*, we only remember that we could do it. So we try again and again, and fail. Going into quarrels with Burnt and brothers. How unfortunate.

I'm happy when someone comes along who was just *there*. It inspires me, I can thrive on the freshness of it. The experience is a testament to the possibility, that my own one was not just a dream. I hope a lot of people will have this experience. I'm sure it would make the world a better place.
I opened myself, took it all in and saw it all happening, inside and around me.

I tried to trust the process, trust my instincts, trust my inner wisdom. I tried to give in, surrender completely, accept everything as it is and let the process play out through myself. To follow the path, wherever it may lead to.

Fortunately, this time I didn't have to make any difficult choices.

I think I found love, and found love to be something completely and utterly different from anything I thought about love before.

Everyone is free to decide what to do with their lives. You can go in or out, you can be swept away to an out-of-mind drugged state or stay straight and follow the process with the illusion of the clear mind. The only difference might be in the level of consciousness, if that's what is. And the higher you get, the more you fade away; the more you become one with everything, the less they will see you, the less they will hear from you, because you will be something like the wind or the scent of flowers: always there, loving, supporting, giving, but claiming nothing, just being something which is you and not you at the same time.
(I wrote this one in 2003, after I got home from a Goa Gil party. I posted it onto a Hungarian forum. This is the only post I wrote in English there - for some reason, English seemed better suited for expressing what I had in mind. I thought you may like it.)
I personally don't believe in God but from my understanding so called God is energy, energy can be all the colours of the rainbow......

Much Peace and Understanding
Seven said:
Swim doubted God for most of his life. His circumstances, losing a parent really left him with a loss. Swim did get reacquainted with God through psychedelics. Now swim realizes things happen for a reason, our circumstances shape us into the beings we are today. We need hardships sometimes, to let us recognize the ebb and flow of life. Hardships help us grow up mentally, emotionally etc. Its not always about smelling the roses, but falling on our faces too. Now swim tries to always remember God, and embrace the good and bad when it comes. Swim also got to know God through coincidences or snychronicities. Things would happen again and again that would defy any mathematical odds. At first swim thought his mind was playing tricks on him, so he kept doubting till they kept coming and coming. Eventually swim had to come to terms with what was happening, and accept it, and love it. Now when it happens, its like God is waving at swim, saying hi, remember me lol. Its hard to realize the formless while were wrapped up in form.

Indeed Seven its only through suffering that we truly gain knowledge. :d

Much Peace and Happiness
for god to look like anything, there needs to be someone to look and something to be looked at. This implies a secondary level of existence already. The way I see it, god is exactly the One, the Absolute that unites all multiplicity, the All-Embarking-Metaphor, the unspeakable Endless Endlessness :)
Aegle said:
I personally don't believe in God but from my understanding so called God is energy, energy can be all the colours of the rainbow......

Aye, this is one description of God. The word God itself is so very limiting. It can easily be described as the energy that makes up all of existence.

The One
All That Is
Intelligent Infinity
Endless Endlessness (I like this one!) 😉
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