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What is your preferred method of ingestion?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey all, I recently had my first experience with the sacred cacti. It was in a powdered form, scooped into a cup with water steeped in coca leaves. As far as I'm aware, this is the ceremonial way to ingest in Peru, though I'm sure different tribes have different methods.

How do you like to ingest this plant? Powdered, viscous tea, eating raw cactus? Do you have a preferred method that seems to deliver desired effects more efficiently than other methods? Do you prepare it differently depending on what species it is? I'm only interested in use of the full plant, not extraction.

Thanks in advance!


-SM :)
Fresh slices, boiled in rainwater over a wood fire with herbs from the garden and a few drops of potions to help with the magic, smudged abundantly with a favourite incense throughout the process. Skim off any scum and put that to one side for later consideration.

Strain out the slices and boil them up again, combine both teas and reduce down to the consistency of chicken soup. Drink while warm, telling yourself all the while that it really is chicken soup 😁

EDIT: Just remember, I chucked in some lime juice and lime slices as well.
Fresh slices, 2 x freeze/thaw, blendered with lemon juice, boiled, t-shirt filtered. Tea chugged all at once and chased by Club Soda.

Worked well the first time so I stick with this method.
My preferred method is definitely full spectrum extract, it's just so much easier on the digestive system than any other method.

As for tea, Using dried chips/stars, short boils/lower temp, and making sure there is minimal agitation of the material tends to create a tea that is much less snotty/gunky. The alkaloids are readily water soluble, multiple hour boils and reductions ala ayahuasca is undesirable ime.

I strongly recommend against any method that requires eating multiple grams of powder/chips/skins/resin for the sake of your belly.
I used to think there was a big difference between tea and pure mescaline but over the years I've come to the conclusion that the only differenc is in not knowing how much you have ingested. That random element to drinking tea can colour the experience tremendously leading one to think that there are many other alkaloids at play. But really it's mostly mescaline doing the work 😍
I started out with acetates initially, though I hadn't worked to prep them much and it all ended up being incredibly messy. Mostly sub-300mg experiences. :d

Worked with tea many times and hcl, and they both have their strong points for me personally. A tea always felt to 'hit more buttons' initiating a wider expanse of experience [could be in my head though who knows], so much so that while it feels similar and unfolds similarly, still quite a bit differently to me, versus hcl. I've had some incredibly lasting impressions and memories from torch tea during the spring/summer months. The only downside for me is that a thick concentrated tea is by far one of the most vile tasting things I've yet to experience, many times over on the gross factor compared to other brews i've drank.

Overall though I prefer hcl in a capsule. Produces a 'tiny tiny' bit of nausea/stomach upset within the first 160 minutes or so, though that quickly fades into the ramping up of the experience and the strong dreamy stimulation that continually builds leading into the coming heights of the experience. Also hcl is pretty convenient - put hcl in capsule, store until use, toss it back without thought when ready. For me all the underlying qualities of the mescaline experience are present from hcl, so in some ways it can be hard to discern it from a tea.

As long as enough is taken - you can't go wrong any which way. :twisted:

love mesc tho it lacks a certain aspect that I've come to know as the spirit of the plant

many tea experiences w crazy deep encounters w beings, terrestrial and otherwise
many mesc experiences doing yoga and melting into patterns and heart strain at higher doses

not sure why
antichode said:
I used to think there was a big difference between tea and pure mescaline but over the years I've come to the conclusion that the only differenc is in not knowing how much you have ingested. That random element to drinking tea can colour the experience tremendously leading one to think that there are many other alkaloids at play. But really it's mostly mescaline doing the work 😍
I'm going to go ahead and fully agree with this with one single caveat; nausea.
Personally, I have felt no nausea from either method after washing out the taste of the cactus from my mouth. But in observing others, I have noticed that the tea/cactus often creates nausea/vomiting. I would speculate that the difference between mescaline and cactus juice is the GI disruption that seems to be experienced by most.
syberdelic said:
Personally, I have felt no nausea from either method after washing out the taste of the cactus from my mouth. But in observing others, I have noticed that the tea/cactus often creates nausea/vomiting. I would speculate that the difference between mescaline and cactus juice is the GI disruption that seems to be experienced by most.

Yeah it's weird, for me tea never made me vomit though the initial nausea id get quickly would turn into intense cramps for a couple hours, though that'd eventually go away and fade into the experience.
Once I've gacked the tea and washed the taste out of my mouth I usually don't feel any nausea until 10 minutes or so before I purge. Only time I didn't purge, on some Peruvianus it gave me some intestinal cramps at about T+5. I would rather have purged.
I prefer acetate goo over tea. I have yet to experiment with more purified forms of mescaline (sulfate, HCL ect. etc.) but plan to in the future once my bridge garden expands over the next few years. But for now, acetates FTW!

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