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OG Pioneer
MODERATOR EDIT: If your thread was merged with this thread or your post moved here, please read the FAQ or do a basic search as the answer to the question can be easily found

swim did his first extraction using normans tek

first messed up by puting in the pre powdered root bark in before adding lye and water.

and also used 20ml water instead of 15 becouse its pre powdered bark

and when taking naptha out it was not yellow but got rly cloudy when taken out freezer after 3 hours
what could have happened?
I was wondering if anyone could provide me a link to a relatively simple DMT extraction process. I own my own house, so disturbing neighbors or landlords is not an issue, but I am more or less math/science incompetent, so the less "science" the better. I get sort of overwhelmed by the amount of different techs out there, so I was hoping some kind soul could recommend one or steer me in the right direction. Videos are also quite helpful as I am a see/do type learner when it comes to acquirning skills. Thanks in advance.
Id read through all of them in the wiki and see which one you understand the most or by reading all of them youll better understand the process its not like baking a cake it helps to know what the molecules doing and what your doing to move it from one phase to another.

Im no chemistry expert and i found this is what has helped me.
Probably STB Tek like Noman's is the best/easiest to start with.
There a nice tutorial video on STB extraction named "The DMT Workshhop".

Cyb's MAX ION Tek is what I do because being A/B Tek it gives me an opportunity to perform defatting and employ different improvements. It has good yields too.

I plan to experiment with dry teks as they are very practical: no need to work with naphtha, no need to defat, uses FASA improvement to directly crash alkaloids from acetone. You however need anhydrous acetone and fumaric acid to do that.
genghis74 said:
I was wondering if anyone could provide me a link to a relatively simple DMT extraction process. I own my own house, so disturbing neighbors or landlords is not an issue, but I am more or less math/science incompetent, so the less "science" the better. I get sort of overwhelmed by the amount of different techs out there, so I was hoping some kind soul could recommend one or steer me in the right direction. Videos are also quite helpful as I am a see/do type learner when it comes to acquirning skills. Thanks in advance.

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Soon I will start extractions and now I am configuring out how to do it reading the teks.
I woul'd like to keep this thread in right sections but since I am newbie can't post there.
I know that a lot of information is there but will try to keep this treat for spesific questions while learning and after started the extractions.
I will start with small amount first but my point is doing medium-large scale extractio s probably with 0.5kg pulls.For me vovin's tek seems the most profesional the most logical and with most traditional precursors used in chemistry.For the moment I have 2 questions:
What should be the difference in defatinng with solvent befor basifing and defating using acid water after the pulls are done so the DMT moove from the solvent to the water and after that basify pull again?
2.Acid cook
What amounts of liquid u use to cook it.Vovin's tem say mutch more liquid ia used than Lextek(2kg pull)
bionecrosis said:
Soon I will start extractions and now I am configuring out how to do it reading the teks.
I woul'd like to keep this thread in right sections but since I am newbie can't post there.
I know that a lot of information is there but will try to keep this treat for spesific questions while learning and after started the extractions.
I will start with small amount first but my point is doing medium-large scale extractio s probably with 0.5kg pulls.For me vovin's tek seems the most profesional the most logical and with most traditional precursors used in chemistry.For the moment I have 2 questions:
What should be the difference in defatinng with solvent befor basifing and defating using acid water after the pulls are done so the DMT moove from the solvent to the water and after that basify pull again?
2.Acid cook
What amounts of liquid u use to cook it.Vovin's tem say mutch more liquid ia used than Lextek(2kg pull)

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Good evening friends ✌️✌️. Was hoping to get some tips on cleaning the Pyrex dishes that have been used during extraction. Also using a glass vaporgenie with flavordisks that hold some dmt within them and would like to rinse everything into a Pyrex tray and freeze precip to collect all the goodies from them. I had in mind to heat up some naphtha and pour it through everything and collect in one main dish. My question is, is should there be freshly heated naphtha for the vgv, then freshly heated naphtha for the flavordisks and so on and so on and collect it all together? Or use one amount of heated naphtha and run it through everything, collect in the main tray and go from there? Thank you, much love and respect ✌️.
downwardsfromzero said:
Do a bit of reading and you would see that acetone or isopropanol are better. Warm naphtha would work if that's all you can obtain for the forseeable future. But really, try to get hold of some acetone.

I've read pages upon pages trying to find this answer and still haven't found anything as far as heating one mass amount of solution or multiple amounts for doing multiple pieces that are being cleaned out. I was wondering if I used one amount of solution for multiple things, would that leave more traces of dmt behind because there would be more in the solution as to if I used a small amount for one Pyrex trey, then a small amount for the flavordisks and so on , then combine to freeze precip, would that method be more efficient in leaving to no traces behind. Thank you for your help.
I am planning on making some sort of ayahuasca analogue with Mimosa hostilis bark. I have 10 grams of mimosa bark that I'm going to make a brew out of and drink, I also have 10 grams of syrian rue extract to use as the MAOI (it's 10x extract), my question is how much of the syrian rue extract I should take, and if I should take it before drinking the mimosa brew or mix it in the brew directly.

Don't use a meth pipe. Even the most skilled are prone to burning their DMT when using meth style pipe. The pipe you linked would work for enhanced leaf, changa, or sandwich method (bongs are better, IMO). Be sure to check out the FAQ and to search the forum, if you are unsure where to begin. From the FAQ:

What's the best smoking method?
take a look in the WIKI
ACRB TEK 100g "PICS" (Newbie Friendly)

"The only difference is this is for 100g ACRB with a step commonly known as Backsalting, a mini AB or simply a clean up at the end"
Beard Entity said:
Question - can I vape pure DMT citrate just from vaporizer? Without making a juice with PG etc.
And how to make DMT citrate from DMT f.b. the most proper way?
DMT citrate needs to be dissolved in PG or PG/VG. Citric acid is not volatile enough to vaporize safely without decomposition. The benzoate may vaporize well enough for the direct e-mesh to work but you would need to be careful with your temperature settings. Benzoate can thermally decompose to form benzene:sick:

Have a good read of these threads:
as well as starway7's convective e-mesh experiments:

Edit: Maybe your post should have gone into this thread in the Welcome Area which I couldn't find earlier:
So I'm new here but can anyone help me out please!! Not getting any DMT when extract off napatha what could I do to my mimosa root bark POWDER to make it release DMT
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