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omnia sunt communia!
OG Pioneer
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swim did his first extraction using normans tek

first messed up by puting in the pre powdered root bark in before adding lye and water.

and also used 20ml water instead of 15 becouse its pre powdered bark

and when taking naptha out it was not yellow but got rly cloudy when taken out freezer after 3 hours
what could have happened?
Hi there,

Thanks for reading.

After a small amount of experimentation into taking [what I like to call] 'domestic' ayahuasca (Syrian Rue + root bark, specifically Mimosa Hostilis), I finally found my drug. I thought LSD was the one, truly I did, and it still remains to be a fantastic, and large part of my life, but after feeling as good as I do on ayahuasca, as healthy, and as clean as I do, spiritually, it took it's place righteously as number one.

Mod said:
No discussion of buying/selling/sourcing. Please read the attitude!

and how much of it would I need to use/what would be comparative to maybe 5 or 6 g's of MHRB?

Or in fact, if you're able to answer that question, what even would be a good amount of MHRB? I searched for ages and never found it out.. I ended up making approx. a wine bottles worth of liquid from 42g's, from which a wine glass or two was poured and it was sipped over the course of the experience, it wasn't really measured that well. It wasn't particularly strong, but not weak either. I've only had it orally maybe 3 times now, none were strong.

What exactly am I aiming for? Strength, to the point where everything breaks down and then rebuilds? Or lucidity, to the point where I'm able to learn the futility of chasing stress? (I imagine the latter happens in both scenarios).

Many thanks! I did look up these questions to some extent, on here, and Google, but to no real avail. It's so hard to find info on oral DMT, yet I have now gained little understanding as to why people would even want to smoke it, when oral is this pleasant.

Hi All who read this...

Im not much of a forum 'head' nor much for rambling on about stuff i should know better about...so small talk over :)

I have a genuine question/dilema and this is the best place to work out what to do, here tis :

What i should do with a bag of Yellow Vine (dried 500g) and leaf.

Not a joke question, seriously, i have been looking at this for some time now and no way will i just discard or give away, but equally no way will i brew up - and take this piss out of what i percieve to be a hugely important chapter in my life, and one that has clearly been laid out by me, before i was even born.

This came into my life approximately 2 years ago! I have kept it safe, dry etc etc but i dont know what to do next.....

Maybe this sounds lame to some..but to me, the very fact i have come to you for advice means its time for something to happen i just dont want to do something stupid or shitty

anyone ??
I've never smoked DMT before. So I put 100mg of DMT freebase into my high tech temp controlled wax vaprozer and set it to 200C. Tried to smoke it but most if not all of it sublimed on the glassware and I felt nothing. I guess this vaporizer is not made for DMT and is not suitable for it.

What is a cheap or easy DIY gadget I can use to smoke DMT effectively?

Can you snort DMT HCl? Which salt is better for snorting: tartrate, acetate, fumarate, HCl?
Who can recommend me which tek to use when it comes to extracting Acacia Maidenii

Is it best to use the root bark of the Acacia Maidenii, I've heard leaves will work, Or even twigs/the bark from the tree.

Around me some guy has knocked down quiet a few trees (due to building) I was going to go harvest all the Acacia Maidenii there would be some BIG tree's knocked down :)

Try lextek, im guessing your in australia so that might work out best.

Wasted acacia trees are bbaaaad, get as much as you can before the bulldozers move in.

Inner bark is great, outerbark is ok, leaves or ok too but if u use nps it will pull more oils and yellow plant gunk so more purification.
No idea...could you give us some context or use it in a sentence? Or could you provide a link where you saw this acronym? Or did you perhaps mean MHRB?

If you meant MHRB that stands for Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark...
Hey everybody

3 friends and I have decided to take Ayahuasca
Yet, only 1 of us have tried DMT befor "smoked crystals" from MHRB, then again twice but from a Toad (mainly 5-Meo DMT)
Me and the other 2 have never been in a psychedelic trip of any sorts befor.. But we believe deeply, after Soooooooo much research and inhaling knowledge (thanks to you guys) and many other sources.. Now we deeply believe this could help us for the better.. Its just what we need, And decided to make this happen!
But we learn everyday.. And i need to be 100% sure befor i take any step forward and take my friends with me
Is it safe to make an Ayahuasca Ceremony without a shaman?
And please give me any advise that could help us and guide us
Thank you so much for the great great work :) :)
Hi ,

Just finish a 500g mhrb extraction using heptane As the solvent , the end product is very different to what I'm used too , usually use naphtha , the spice is extremely light & fluffy with an iridescent , mother of pearlish hue to it , is this normal ?

regards H
I was wondering what to expect when I get DMT, meaning what it should look or smell like, I do not want to be getting involved in fake (synthetic) substances that could end up harming me. I am just looking to get a good trip. [0 Times Consumed DMT]
So I didn't k ow I could look through the Nexus while.i took the test and I finished it all alone. Didn't et em all but I'm surprised at what I know. But it presses me to keep.learnimg and expanding my knowledge and hopefully going this family
I've been reading a lot about DMT the last few years and have been on this site multiple times and cant seem to find what I'm looking for or I haven't looked hard enough :lol:. So I'm just going to ask for help instead. I recently got my hand on some Changa, I'm not sure the blend or any of that. My friend I got it from says its 50-70% I'm not sure if that's right or not. I have two questions, the first being how to smoke properly, I'm just using a water bong, i have read some posts here stating not to use water and some saying nothing wrong with using. I want to get the most out of it without wasting too much, that being said with or without water in the bong?

My second question is would it be ok to sandwich Changa and freebase dmt, for example in the bowl bottom layer changa, then some dmt, then some ash, then some more changa. Would this be too intense? I haven't been able to find anything on this topic, ive read similar topics where sandwich with other herbs and freebase DMT is used, but nothing if you were to mix Changa and freebase crystal. Again, sorry for the noobness :lol:

i tried a small amount for the first time earlier tonight, i put a tiny bit of cannabis at the bottom of the bowl and then threw some of the changa in there, I experienced a little bit but nothing crazy. Baby steps, first time exploring this area, been smoking cannabis my entire life, so this is a huge difference in terms of the "high"

any help or information would be of great use. :love:
I would use water in your bong and buy a milligram scale. Sometimes it's best to work your way up. There's no rules or guidelines to any of this but I wouldn't mix ash or cannabis with changa, to be that defeats the purpose.
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