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What the FAQ? Please Do Some Research...

Migrated topic.


omnia sunt communia!
OG Pioneer
MODERATOR EDIT: If your thread was merged with this thread or your post moved here, please read the FAQ or do a basic search as the answer to the question can be easily found

swim did his first extraction using normans tek

first messed up by puting in the pre powdered root bark in before adding lye and water.

and also used 20ml water instead of 15 becouse its pre powdered bark

and when taking naptha out it was not yellow but got rly cloudy when taken out freezer after 3 hours
what could have happened?
Not getting any DMT when extract off napatha what could I do to my mimosa root bark POWDER to make it release DMT
This could be due to any of several things -
  • too much naphtha
  • insufficient chilling of naphtha after pulls
  • naphtha too cold before pulls
  • insufficient base added to bark
  • bunk bark
  • generally poor technique
As @Varallo suggests, you'll need to provide far more detail to stand a chance of working out what went wrong. Meanwhile, be sure to have a read of this and this ;)
Hi ajw,
Maybe care to share your method IN DETAIL, so I can help you out, also don’t forget to share what you did for research to solve your problem, taking a proactive approach is important.
Well right off I didn't heat anything and it was before I found this web page here. I feel so stupid for using Google but it lead me hear so I glad for that I been reading for days at all different ways
Well right off I didn't heat anything and it was before I found this web page here. I feel so stupid for using Google but it lead me hear so I glad for that I been reading for days at all different ways
Let us know how it goes, and don't be afraid to ask for more specific guidance. Meanwhile, I'll merge this thread into the FAQ thread.
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