Another guy once tried to cultivate the insanely easy to grow grass phalaris canariensis. But he reported that this one had a total of 0% dmt.
Do you have any better suggestions to draw from your botanical knowledge? Any suggestions would be more than welcome!
Yes! Yes I do! Make super strains! Look at how much corn changed in 1000 years! With the knowledge we have today of plants we can make some real big changes in their chemisity and way they look! Hot Peppers are a good example of this!
Check this out!
Teosinte compared with Corn (the green Teosinte is laying on top of the blue Corn)
Teosinte/Corn Link
Super Strains!!!
whether there are plants that are easy to grow and are a reliable and abundant source of DMT.
You may have mimosa plants in pots indoors during the winter, plant them outdoors in the ground in the spring, harvest roots in the fall and then start the cylce all over again!
You may plant DMT-grasses around a pond each spring!
You may keep a couple Psychotria plants as indoor house plants for most of the year, and real producers in the spring and summer!
Psychotria plants do get indoors! Just look at mine!
They're very pretty plants as well!
They look nothing like Cannabis or any other illegal plants! They look more like your common house plants- Coffea plants, seen below:
You don't have to get all your DMT from these plants, you may even still get most of it from stuff you order but it's about alot more than just producing the most drugs! It's about protecting and propagating these amazing magical botanicals!
whether there are ways to increase the DMT content in known plants, so it WOULD pay of, to grow such a plant for yourself.
That's the point I was trying to make about Teosinte/Maize/Corn! We can breed/select these botanicals and make super strains! But we've got to have them in cultivation first! This is important work and I need help!