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Why aren't you guys growing your own botanicals DMT-sources?

Migrated topic.
SWIM at the moment is growing salvia...kanna...chacruna...and san pedro..and has some viable Cebil seeds starting to sprout...yay for seeds!!!!
ive got a pedro, bridgesii, a. maidenii, lions tail, morning glory, and some cebil i might try growing :)
Good to see people growing their own sources.

I have many herbs in my garden but most are kitchen herbs like rosemary, thymus, etc.

However, I do have two Peyote buttons and just recently seeded some HBWR seeds. Also last year I seeded some Syrian Rue but they were all eaten by snails :(. I also got some viable Secret Lotus seeds but I'm afraid it won't fit in my small pond and that they will also die when it starts to freeze.
swim grows a lot of trichocereus species, peyote's + graphted yotes, salvia, kanna, ashwaganda, leonotis spp grows wild everywhere here so do many acacias - swim has far too many seeds to plant - like every common entheo... almost.
Traveler, Fuego, Phlux- that is awesome! Keep up the good work!

I recently just planted some Figs, Paw-paws, Wintergreen, Tobacco and sowed about 500 Lophophora and Trichocereus seeds.
obliguhl said:
A friend had the idea to grow Illinoisis bundleflower somewhere wildly. Too bad there aren't any good teks around, specificly for this plant and more experience reports /yield etc .

YES! The bundleflower thrives where SWIM lives. One problem: what does SWIM do with it once the roots are gathered? Does anyone know of any good teks or specific experiences?
Oh and btw, on cue with the thread, I would grow more if i didnt live with my parents...

They would get really suspicious, and like what another poster said, even more suspicious if i took a nibble at some of the leaves and roots every once in a while.

I do have a plan to get to a hardware store and buy some morning glory seeds to plant in various places around where i live. desolate prairies, along open fence lines, etc. One question on growing MG: I know that theyre supposed to be planted in the spring(so as soon as possible) but where i live, the winters get pretty harsh. so anyway, will seeds be born by the time winter comes around? about 7 months.

Now... Let's talk a little bit about Mimosa...

I have a few growing right now. The trick is finding true form Jurema seeds, ya gotta get the REAL Mimosa hostilis, once they are past the seedling stage, you can grow it basically like a cactus... with very little care.

I'm also interested in growing TRUE & POTENT DMT-rich Anadenanthera plants. I really need a source for decent seeds... if somebody here can help me PM me! Remember I only want the seeds with the absolute best genetics! I want to preserve the "true" Yopo!!!
My garden is looking rather sad. Just bought some Psychotria viridis and obtusifolia because of this thread.
Also some Habanero and Jalapeño seeds, as pepers seem to be the only plants that don't just die on me :(

also lol @ Master of plants, absolute bloody classic :lol:
Haha, the Master of Plants quote is an instant classic. :D

I am growing lots of Delosperma bosseranum (Kanna-like herb from Madagascar), several strains of Morning Glory (Ipomoea), 4 Rivea corymbosa, 1 Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, 5 Peruvian Torch, 4 Sida acuta and often Psilocybe Cubensis. I also plan to grow some Psychotria viridis soon.

I agree that it is a good idea to grow your own ethnobotanicals! However, your ego is totally out of control, 'Coatl! Try to work on it, I actually feel sorry for you.
I am getting more and more into growing...
Currently my ethnobotanical collection is : 4 Salvia plants in different stages of health / growth, a rooting Caapi vine section, 1 little weed plant from a seed a friend gave me, 2 clumps of 4 little San Pedro (T. Pachanoi), 1 Peruvian Torch, 2 little Bridgesil, also just planted ome Mapacho Tobacco seeds with one seedling so far. I'd love to get a P Viridis plant but seems to be hard finding seeds or live plants around here.
I appreciate space can be limited, but some ethnobotanicals are definitely worthy of investigation...mushrooms especially (not strictly botanicals I know), Copelandia cyanescens is an amazing and largely unknown, undergrown species, Psilocybe cubensis and Psilocybe mexicana 'Jalsico' are all promising indoor fungi species that won't take up much space at all...also Peyote/San Pedro/Peruvian torch, very tough plants, won't take up too much space (eat them if they get too big), Salvia divinorum and Cannabis 'Lowryder' plants are all worth checking out.

In a few weeks I'm going to grow some Phalaris brachystachys and see if these guys are worthy of exploration.
The main reason i dont grow any ehteos is for the same exact reason as entropymancer. I have very limited space,i don't plan on settling where i am and it takes yrs. of cultivation in order to bear the fruits of your labour.

I live in south florida and have wanted to plant Mimosa trees down here in a preserve that nobody would even know about and could take care of it from a distance and in say 10 yrs. i know where i can find some mature root bark.

I Know florida has the right climate to grow mimosa outside, but does anyone know if they can thrive through seasons (summer)of heavy rain? I'm under the impression that mimosa trees thrive in dry area's. Does anyone know the answer.....because if they could make it through the rainy season i will plant a bunch of them in this preserve.

But coatl is absolutely right.....we should all grow our own. One day
That's one of the cool other things about the fungus, as well as taking up very little space, you can be tasting the fruits of your labour in weeks as oppose to many months/years...and Copelandia store very well (taking up VERY little space when dried) without losing any potency for when opportunities present themeslves.
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