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Why aren't you guys growing your own botanicals DMT-sources?

Migrated topic.
heres my list of plants so far...

1 salvia divinorum bush
8 cannabis plants(an elf grows it, not me)
18 peruvian torch cacti
1 big pot of phalaris arundinacea
1 coleus blumei plant
1 salvia apiana plant

I started an equadorean cubensis grow a while back but my roommate started to throw his cloths into the erea wherewe decided to grow(which was sopposed to bekept clean) and the mycelia stated to go green
:cry: , I moved out soon after and he took all the jars, i still have a good grow book though so when I get $ for more spores... and I had a preaty good size outdoor herb and veggetable garden last summer..

I really want to grow some better spice carriers than phalaris when i get the seeds.. def mimosa, chacruna and chaliponga, then some cappi as well. One day I plan on having like some sort of giant garden full of enthnobotanicals, and I am going to build some sort of outdoor tambo type thing for others to come and trip in and play music.. once I move about 25 mins down the highway right near the ocean:d

Also anyone familiar with voacanga? I came across some seeds a while back in shop across from my college, but the lady didnt know weather or not they were viable? ..same with my syrian rue seeds, I am unsure of weather or not they will be viable
So SWIM wants to know what plants can be grown within a couple of years? P. viridis is an option? What about syrian rue? Also thinking of starting cacti collection will probably go with some strain of san pedro unsure what type as of yet.

A decent strain of Trichocereus would be good. Psychotria you would need to take with you in a pot if you moved or I personally don't think it'd be worth it. Tobacco and salvia are really good options, they don't take long to grow. Calea is another... all these can be grown outdoors in 1 growing season. Let me know if you need any help picking out a good Trichocereus strain.

Excellent botanical list Fractal enchantment, keep up the good work man! Ya want a Salvia nermosa plant to go with your others?

One day I plan on having like some sort of giant garden full of enthnobotanicals, and I am going to build some sort of outdoor tambo type thing for others to come and trip in and play music..

You too? We really need to start a community that's a model for a decent human society.
It would be excellent to grow all my own plants but I live in Scotland where it rains a lot, not very sunny and is usually bloody cold. Although I do have a small (inside) garden with San Pedro, Peyote and a small squadron of Salvia.

I have tried to grow a few extras in spring like Dagga and Bundleflower but they don't normally come to much however next year I have access to a section of a large polytunnel which shall be utilised to the fullest.
Thanx coatl, my list is always growing as well..

hmmm what exactly is salvia nermosa?? i also have another salvia plant, maybe splendens that somegirls gave me, not sure though exactly, one day i will post pics..

About salvia apiana, it cantains lots of thujone.. anyone have experience with thujone

Think I forgot a few plants.. i have so many random herbs, lots of peppermint and basil..
and morning glories, heaveny blues.

Ya we totally need psychedelics to be integrated into our society in a respectable way, I want to learn as much as I can from the mushrooms and sage directly so I can become a knowledgable and legit guide for others..
i love growing all my own entheos - it is the best way to go about this hobby, learning what the plant needs and caring for it on a daily basis is a very rewarding experience and a good way to learn more about the plant. your experience starts when u plant the seed and the end reward is far greater than if you purchased it.

on saying this i was wondering - i would love to expand on what i have, is trading of seeds allowed here ?
i have a quite substantial seed bank but there are certain plants i dont have seeds for and would love to.

anybody got any seeds to trade or donate ?
Trading is not allowed, which I think really suck... because like you, I like plants, I'm not into extracted chemical drugs like everybody esle here. I understand why they don't want us trading those... but botanicals? Why not!?

Go to Spiritplants.
This is something I will do when I own a house to myself. Renting a different house from year to year has it's downfalls.

I will be acquiring a salvia plant in the near future as I hear you can grow them indoors. I may not even harvest any of the leaves. Just like the plant. Only ever smoked salvia a couple of times but it didn't agree with me.
I have been under the impression that only one form of Salvia(divinorum, w/ purple flowers) had salv. A in it. any strain of Sally that starts from seed i know is not viable for alkaloid extraction.
4 big salvias plants (more than 1.5 m tall)
3 peruvianus 1 medium, 2 babies (from seeds)
2 sceletiums
Sprouting seeds of mimosa hostilis :)
Good time now to plant my seeds of viridis and desmanthus.

I would love to have kratom seeds but that's not that easy to find. Will maybe try to grow some cebil seeds.
It's a great time to plant anything right now!

Feb. - May is the time to start seeds and make cutting and such!
Well outside the Northern Hemisphere... outside the U.S. thing may be different....

I'm not really sure what you meant by your post....
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