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Why aren't you guys growing your own botanicals DMT-sources?

Migrated topic.
I heard they are real tough and can endure rainy seasons so if I were you I'd definitely try seeds are cheap. Maybe start them in pots near you til they get a little thicker in case wind/rain destroys them as seedlings.
If you grow from seed all the ones not adapted to your area will die out and you will be left with a "Florida strain" of Mimosa, suited to FL's environment... this is what happened to the Apple when it came to the New World (check out the book "Botany of Desire" for more info on this)!
It sounds like i should just grow it from seedling and like Kannamate said, grow them in pots untill there a little stronger and then transplant them to the preserve.

I wanted to do this a while ago and then i started thinking..... "what if i move out of florida?" but if the seeds are cheap there is really no inconvenience to planting them and i'll alway's know of a good spot to harvest root bark !!

Also, i think chachruna would be a good outdoor plant down here.

Anyone no of any good seed vendors? An inspirational seed has been planted. :d
"what if i move out of florida?"

Then you will have contributed to the continuation of the Mimosa plant's genes and ensured it lives for another generation, you have also increased it's habitat (however be extremely careful and never introduce fast growing plants).

This is a wonderful thing in and of it's self.

Also, i think chachruna would be a good outdoor plant down here.

Psychotria? O yes very much so in Florida!

Anyone no of any good seed vendors? An inspirational seed has been planted.

Yes, www.Shaman-australis.com, they have many species of Psychotria (including two types of viridis), ask for "true" viridis. They also have Iboga and Khat and many other rare plants. They ship to the U.S.
Yes, www.Shaman-australis.com, they have many species of Psychotria (including two types of viridis), ask for "true" viridis. They also have Iboga and Khat and many other rare plants. They ship to the U.S.

Apperently they are out of p.viridis seeds and only have plants which they dont export. I see basement shaman and some of the more "well Known" ethnobotanical vendors have them but i would like to deal with someone that specializes specifically in seeds but mabey that doesn't matter. any thoughts?
Growing from seed will work fine, but I don't suggest buying plants unless you know it is "true" viridis, often people sale other species (whether they know it or not).

They ship to U.S., trust me.
well I see there's one on ebay that lives in florida that sells mimosa seeds. You should grow your own caapi too floridas perfect for it multiple people sell plants on ebay I found one sells mimosa hostilis plants too.
Anyone ever try growing syrian rue? SWIM planted some in sandy soil but nothing is happening. Do they need to be germinated specially?

SWIM tried growing p viridis from seed once and got it to germinate and put out two leaves. But it never did anything more it just sat there and eventually died after a few months. SWIM tried lots of things to make it happy like a bit more humidity but nothing worked. Maybe a cutting is better to start with?
Bancopuma said:
That's one of the cool other things about the fungus, as well as taking up very little space, you can be tasting the fruits of your labour in weeks as oppose to many months/years...and Copelandia store very well (taking up VERY little space when dried) without losing any potency for when opportunities present themeslves.

Fungi are the best! Thats what SWIM mainly works with now. A few salvia plants, but SWIM likes his fungi!

Low cost to set up a "NICE" DIY fruiting chamber.

Incubation can be done in a room that maintains 75 deg; give or take a few degrees.

The only part that takes a little extra precaution is pressure cooking the jars or bags. Then having a clean/sterile method of injection.

Theres a few things i left out. But all in all fungi rock!!

SWIM has had nothing short of great yields doing jars n' casings. And you are definitely rewarded with the fruits of your labor!!

....Get it!?....."Fruits" of your labor :)

Ok i'll stop...
burnt said:
^^Certainly is a fun hobby. Tip use pasteurized straw.

Haha thats kind of funny. SWIM was planning on using that after his coco coir/verm casings are finished.

SWIMs heard alot of good things about poo/straw mix.
Kannamate said:
well I see there's one on ebay that lives in florida that sells mimosa seeds. You should grow your own caapi too floridas perfect for it multiple people sell plants on ebay I found one sells mimosa hostilis plants too.

Thanks for the heads up Kannamate !!

I think a little caapi along w/ p.viridis & mimosa trees are just the types of things to spruce up this preserve. No one walks out there (the preserve) it's just some land that the county wont let anyone develop on. Infact, if it works out well.....there are a bunch of preserves or state parks that i would be willing to contribute to it's eco/bio diversity.Sounds kinda like a fun little project that won't take up too much time or money. I like this.

This thread has definately planted a seed of inspiration in me.

I also think a few cacti would be a nice addition to my apartment.

I would love to have a "fungi kit" (it would definately bring some near term gratification), unfortunately i need a little more closet space.

Very good thread !!
burnt said:
Anyone ever try growing syrian rue? SWIM planted some in sandy soil but nothing is happening. Do they need to be germinated specially?

The most important consideration here is to obtain viable seeds. Perhaps the best way to do this is to get a small amount of seed from a few different sources and test them for germination. Seeds can remain viable for at least a few years.

Soak seeds in room temp water for several hours, then sow in a relatively fast-drying situation. Water and cover with humidity dome until germination occurs, which could be around 3 days to a week or more at 80degF. It is a misconception that Peganum harmala seed will easily succomb to damping off. Of course, the humidity dome can be removed after germination, and the seedlings exposed to dry, sunny, warm conditions. Poor clay soil works fine, so no need to buy special mixes or fertilize.
This threads what I'm all about. I got mass amounts of san pedro, achuma, yote, two ariocarpus, aztekium ritteri, astrophytum asterias and some other interesting cacti all growing. I got a bhut jolokia, salvia, a ginkgo seedling, a few baby mimosas and a constant mushroom grow setup. I'm going to start growing an iboga, sassafras, salvia, and hopefully some specials hollys like guayusa for the future when I get my own pad. I have all these plants in my room in perfect harmony with all my electronics and what not. It is excellent. Everyone should at least grow a loph, they're such little suckers you can't possibly say you have no room for one
wish I had some good DMT source plants growing..I have some phalaris but I want something with a clean profile like mimosa..

I do have 6 fairly large salvia plants, 1 big torch, some morning glories and a big coleus blumei..trying to germinate some cebil seeds but they never survive after germination and planting..

Mushrooms are a goal for me as well..I have most of my old kit and grow book..just need to get some spores and a pressure cooker.
yo 1992 rockin the kill rockstars label huh? word up oly wa... lol
good selection of plantas...
swims got achuma... and is surrounded by blue mycorizhea...
At the moment I have 1 bridgesei, 1 pachanoi, 1 peruvianus (possibly as cuzco) and a peyote. I have a good few IcarosDNA seeds waiting to germinate as well. No luck so far, but patience and all that.
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