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Why aren't you guys growing your own botanicals DMT-sources?

Migrated topic.
Because SWIM hasn't the place to grow them.

She says she has the seeds of Mimosa tenuiflora, Desmanthus illinoinsis and Acacia Obtusifolia, but no place to let them grow. :(

She owns some land in a forest and was planning to let them be there, but wasn't able to make that happen this season. Maybe next season.
[quote='Coatl]What's with all the importing, exporting, vendors, etc.

Why not grow your own?!

Mimosa can be easily grown in many parts of the U.S.A., indoors in colder, wetter climates and outdoors in hot arid regions!

We just need to find some super mimosa strains which produce high DMT and propagate the cuttings!


Can't you see what this will do to the laws? How this will help?

Be self-sufficent! Don't give the law room to touch you!

I doesn´t have to.
There are many N,N-DMT plants which can be grown outdoors in North America and Europe! If you have no land of your own then plant them in parks and on any usable land you can find!
I've got a a few vines and chacruna plants growing. Got them to a usable size in under 2 years. I do live in the tropics though. Also got a mimosa growing. Around 5m high in under 2 years and producing seed. Please don't plant mimosa in a wilderness area as these plants have a scary weed potential. Vine could become a weed too but the seed don't form very often and isn't viable for very long. Chacruna doesn't have a very high weed potential in my opinion. Please consider the weed potential of these plants before wildcrafting them as you could create a monster that makes you feel bad not good and that would be beside the point of planting them.
Dimitrius said:
Because SWIM hasn't the place to grow them.

She says she has the seeds of Mimosa tenuiflora, Desmanthus illinoinsis and Acacia Obtusifolia, but no place to let them grow. :(

She owns some land in a forest and was planning to let them be there, but wasn't able to make that happen this season. Maybe next season.


Its always lovely to plant and grow your own entheogens but please think very carefully about impacting the forest with alien species which could upset the balance of the natural area in turn harming the ecosystem and animals that live in that ecosystem. If possible, if you want to plant entheogens in the forest try to plant ones that are indigenous to the specific forest area these plants wont upset the balance that has been created very intricately within the forest and they will create no negative impact on the animals that live there. Just some thoughts......

Much Peace
Thank you rahlii and Aegle. Those are good thoughts.

Where they were considered being planted the native trees were removed several years ago and replaced with a small forest of pines.... a relative sold them for money. :roll:

Perhaps it is not wise to plant them, even if they are entheogenic species, and even if planted within the pines. The forest and forest creatures have no doubt adapted to the small area of pines over the past several years.

This is in the southeastern united states. Not quite tropical. Not quite "orangey". 😉

What do you think?

No worries any time, I think its best to use your own conscience as a guide if the animals have adapted to the natural area than do your best to not introduce new plant species that are not endemic to the area as i said this will have a great impact on the animal species that live there. Rather if possible find another location that wont affect any animals or plant life in a negative way.

Much Peace
True enough, growing ethnobotanicals is easy and protected by Iah, as seen in rastafari community. But, for example, thanks to Wikipedia I get to know Phalaris is expansive genus, so beware!
I'd really like to see more people growing their own botanicals...

There is a DMT plant to suit EVERYONE's climate and you don't need a farm or a bunch of land, many of these plant can be grown in a small apartment if need be.

Phalaris grass, Arundo donax and Desmanthus species are prime examples.

Grow 'em!!!
SWIM is actually in the process of setting up his spice grow room...hes gonna have a few more plants than just spice producing but...hes got some phalaris brachystachy, most likely psychotria alba(doh)he wants some real viridis but they are tough to find, and hes also gonna have his cacti in there..as well as some caapi strain...slowly but surely the strains will come...
I'd like to point out that although we *should* be selectively crossing mimosa, (or genetically modifying it) to produce higher levels of DMT, It probably won't happen.

Survival pressure forces people to breed crops into super-yeilders. More food = More children. Its something that absoloutely everyone *needs*. Whereas there are only a few select DMT 'heads' and we are not exactly under any pressure to produce these kind of strains.

im not saying it won't happen, but Its easy to dream. actions speak louder than words, and all that.
The Traveler said:
Good to see people growing their own sources.

I have many herbs in my garden but most are kitchen herbs like rosemary, thymus, etc.

However, I do have two Peyote buttons and just recently seeded some HBWR seeds. Also last year I seeded some Syrian Rue but they were all eaten by snails :(. I also got some viable Secret Lotus seeds but I'm afraid it won't fit in my small pond and that they will also die when it starts to freeze.

Pesky snails!!!!
They were at my rhubarbs this year. Luckilly though they are extremely vigorous and weren't spoiled. They were promptly made into an extremely vigorous crumble, too :D
I'd like to point out that although we *should* be selectively crossing mimosa, (or genetically modifying it) to produce higher levels of DMT, It probably won't happen.

OMG! Thanks for saying that!

I can't even get 90% of you to grow plants, I figured I'd be crazy to ask y'all to try to breed them (maybe that is for later on down the road)!

But I cannot agree more! We could have super plants if we would take the time to breed them!

Jorkest I can help you find real Psychotria viridis, send me an email if ya need help!
I still live my my parents, and they don't want me growing anything that can be used illegally on their property. This means DMT containing plants can't be grown, because I'd use it to extract DMT.
I do grow salvia though, and right now this is my only plant.
I would very much like to grow things outside, but we have frost so they usually can't be grown.

Anyone know of plants that can survive frost that I'd be able to grow outside?
And drugs do you think make good house plants?

Also, I have bad luck with plants a lot of time, so I wouldn't want to buy anything expensive. One day I want to buy a bunch of different cheap seeds off the internet for various plants or something.
grow some cacti or something..easy to grow and legal to grow..you dont have be extracting it or eating it..just grow them out and extract it later..

I feel lucky...I moved back in to my dads house when I went back to school cus the rent is cheap, and he doesn't care about any of my plants, or my extractions..I talk to him about aya and DMT and salvia all the time. I have a feeling one day he will even drink with me.

He was even going to send me over to vancouver island for an aya ceremony for christmas, but I thought $200 was way too much.
fractal enchantment said:
grow some cacti or something..easy to grow and legal to grow..you dont have be extracting it or eating it..just grow them out and extract it later..

I feel lucky...I moved back in to my dads house when I went back to school cus the rent is cheap, and he doesn't care about any of my plants, or my extractions..I talk to him about aya and DMT and salvia all the time. I have a feeling one day he will even drink with me.

He was even going to send me over to vancouver island for an aya ceremony for christmas, but I thought $200 was way too much.
I would, but getting a salvia cutting was a hassle, I don't really want to do it with a cactus too. Not too mention cactuses are even more.
What cactus do you think will get me as much mescaline fastest?
and what cactus do you think would be cheapest?
I have been in contact with somebody that has Psychotria viridis cuttings. They will be available in a month or so. I was wondering if anyone could share personal expieriances growing this sacred plant. What are optimum conditions in order for it to thrive. PH, growing medium, humidity, temps.
Also for caapi too.
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