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wow oh wow bufotenine success!!

Migrated topic.
so i brewed up some cebil extract today and put it on a 'changa' mix...no caapi but 200mg harmaline .5g peppermint .2g lavender and .3mg mullien...with 40 seeds...i have this little tiny bowl..only holds a little pinch..but i smoked three bowl fulls over the course of say 7-10 minutes...and finally got to see some bufo visuals and still seeing them now

while smoking the body high was extremely powerful...SLIGHTLY tense..but not bad...no nausea but a slight stomach pressure...it wasnt hard to keep smoknig this stuff...but it did take some drive to do it...

anyway i didnt quite reach the visionary state..but the visuals were very different from any psychedelic i have taken...i am having a hard time trying to even thing about how to describe them..i want to try it again..but i need to construct a better pipe.....this stuff is awesome but nuts..

im still getting mild visuals and a nice warm body buzz..a clear mind

cant wait to try this again after taking some time off the psyches..been taking resin for a few days....and think there might be some mild cross tolerance..
cool jorkest!..yes the open eye visuals are very unique..definatily tryptamine like but with it's own strange bufotenine siqnature.

The closed eye visions I had in the dark last night were more like other tryptamines like psilocybin with lots of jeweled mosaic surfaces and such..but still unique as well..at the peak it was very intricate and beautiful..

It's freakin awesome because I can get immersed in visions and the length is perfect when taken with some cappi..I bet if you drink like 5 grams of caapi or take some THH you could keep redosing without tolerancy as well.
Jorkest said:
cant wait to try this again after taking some time off the psyches..been taking resin for a few days....and think there might be some mild cross tolerance..

I assume you’re talking about mescaline.

SWIM found that mescaline very much negatively impacts the visuals of bufotenine. Maybe this is JUST SWIM’S reaction? But it seemed that they both blocked a lot of each other’s pleasant effects, and the experience was very mediocre.
does anyone have idea what to expect with less than pure bufo and thh/harmine combo and/or changa blends because SWIM would prefer not to boil xylene and limonene attempts have been worthless... SWIM has experienced vilca stomach nausea and it was stomach clenching but for less than 5 mins, unfortunately SWIM never experienced any bufo effects, but never really gave it a good go... the impure extracts have been smoked to no effect (but only with a small amount), SWIM expects more with caapi... mainly concerned about amplifying nausea, SWIM expects some but would prefer the ratio of pleasure/pain to be worthwhile :)
the last time I took mescaline I ate the cactus after I smoked some bufotenine..I felt the mescaline hitting after the main bufo peak and both of them seemed to synergise very well together..the mescaline hit way faster than usual and the nice visual glow of the bufotenin was prolonged and led into the mescaline nicely..

One day I want to smoke bufo while peaking on cactus.
lbeing789 said:
does anyone have idea what to expect with less than pure bufo and thh/harmine combo and/or changa blends because SWIM would prefer not to boil xylene and limonene attempts have been worthless... SWIM has experienced vilca stomach nausea and it was stomach clenching but for less than 5 mins, unfortunately SWIM never experienced any bufo effects, but never really gave it a good go... the impure extracts have been smoked to no effect (but only with a small amount), SWIM expects more with caapi... mainly concerned about amplifying nausea, SWIM expects some but would prefer the ratio of pleasure/pain to be worthwhile :)

Yes read my report from last night in this thread..1 page back I think. I extract my bufo with 99%iso..the tek for it is in this thread somewhere..

The only side effects I get are minimal and sort of pleasant..at the high dose I took last night I felt wierd for a few minutes comming up but it gave way to a wonderful trip very quickly..well worth it..

I find that a small ammount 1/4 cup of coffee or mate helps with constriction...

You will get some side effects probabily with the iso tek but for me they arent bad...I smoke enought so that I am feelign them though then I know I am going to trip.
Even completely pure triple recrystallized off-white long shard bufotenine crystals are not pleasant for the first few minutes before the trip starts. There’s a tingling sensation that’s very strong that is felt in the back of the head right after a really strong dose is inhaled. It’s almost a “pins and needles” sort of tingling. It is not pleasant at all. After a minute or so it spreads to the rest of the body and becomes pleasant as its intensity dies down. There is no nausea to speak of even at very high doses. There’s a slight feeling of pressure or tension, mostly in the head, but it is very slight, and if you are a regular user, you probably won’t even feel it.

The trip is like this:

T+0:00: inhale 10 mg of pure crystals boiled in a test tube vaporizer.
T+0:01: feel intense prickling in the back of the head. No other effects felt.
T+0:02: prickling sensation becomes a tingling sensation as it spreads to the rest of the body. Some slight visuals are present.
T+0:04: visual effects becomes very strong, but no true visions are present. The room is flickering. Everything has psychedelic snake like swirly patterns all over it.
T+0:05: audio effects are heard: voices, music, unusual sounds, etc. With the eyes closed visions are now possible.
T+0:10: it peaks at around this point and the visuals become more psilocybin like. The visions seen with the eyes closed are starting to fade and become more like static.
T+0:15: it’s very noticeable weaker, and much more like psilocybin. At this point more euphoria is felt.
T+1:00: visuals are still present as the trip is fading away.
T+2:00: the effects are pretty much gone.

If it’s impure (amber, brown, or dark yellow) and was extracted from cebil (or especially yopo), you’re likely to feel strong nausea and strong pressure in the body and head for at least 2-5 minutes after taking the first hit. You may also get a headache. The nausea can feel like you were punched in the stomach. It is very unpleasant nausea. SWIM found that MAOI compounds like those in caapi and rue intensify and prolong this unpleasant effect caused by the impurities.

If your stuff is producing these effects, it’s a good idea to bake it in the oven at 300 F for about 30 minutes. This should remove most of the impurities. Remember that bufotenine vaporizes at 608 F, so 300 F is plenty safe for it, but can easily decompose, vaporize or inactivate a lot of other compounds. You can probably go up to 500 F with no problem, but you need to make sure your oven is really 500 F. Some ovens are extremely inaccurate.
yea this was awesome....i kept smoking little hits throughout the night...just for the body high...and when waking up this morning i feel like a little kid...i feel great...

also im still experiencing slight visuals from it...ive noticed this before with other extracts..i feel great...but still kinda loopy...
Ya the body high is very nice.for a while I was smoking the stuff every single day..trying to figure it out slowly and learn from it.

Now that I finally got to that visionary level i will probabily take it 2 or 3 nights a week for the next littel period..at times with caapi tea as well..

I have this urge now to go and just take a friggin massive dose...soon:)

I want to try one seed sublingually as well about 20-30 minutes before I smoke the caapi-bufo mix..
I just dosed again about 30 minutes ago..and a bit more 15 minutes ago..couldnt wait till night:wink:

I started playing my guitar but stopped after a bit and just sat on the floor in silece looking outside withthe sun shining and god everything is so beautiful..so still and perfect. It's perfect peace with everything..the way I always want to feel. It's like it grabs my soul and gently massages it into paradise..

There is only feeling..no good or bad..everything just..feels!

I swear this is the most empathic entheogen for me to work with..wayy better than MDMA..so much more visual as well..I can understand why it was popular amongst the chanvin and inca people..and why basically everyone was using it..they must have so happy:d
According to what I've read, cebil was once the most wide spread hallucinogen in use. Its use seems to have died down when ayahuasca became popular. It’s much easier to drink tea than to snort a bunch of seeds. I think the pain of snorting it was what made ayahuasca take over.

They did smoke it but not everyone likes smoking either. Tea is much more user friendly. If cebil could be used as a tea and still be just as effective (it’s not) that would be great.

It’s one of the few hallucinogens that leaves you feeling relaxed mentally. You feel at ease with everything. There’s no anxiety to it, no speediness to it, it’s very gentle.
so ron what does your swim think of sublingual? Has your swim drank a caapi brew or dosed THH/harmine and then taken vilca sublingually?

If so what would a good dose be?,I was thinking 1 or 2 seeds toasted and freebased held in the gums or under the tounge being very careful not to swallow..after drinking a light caapi brew.
SWIM rarely uses the seeds. He uses pure bufotenine only these days. For that about 50-100 mg is needed for good effects sublingually. About the same as needed when snorted. It’s roughly 10 times as much as you need when smoking it. It’s very inefficient, but the onset is much nicer and the overall effect is more psychedelic, but less visual. There’s also no prickling sensation felt when done that way. The overall trip lasts about the same time, except the onset is 30-45 minutes instead of 5-10 minutes.

It’s a nice experience, but it’s a waste of material, and its no where near as visual as when it’s smoked. But with an MAOI, I don’t know.

SWIM has not yet tried it sublingually with an MAOI, if I recall correctly. He’s tried it with 4 Datura stramonium seeds. The combination is very nice.

The strength of the bufotenine should be doubled if used with an MAOI no matter which method is used: sublingual, snorting, smoking, oral, etc.
So I went again this morning on an emptry stomach after drinking some water, mate and taking 2 grams of vitamine C..I have also been dieting with homemade vegetable and letil soup I made and drinks made inthe blender with berries, hemp seeds, flax seeds and flax seed oil..and small amounts of chicken. Lots of water.

I dont know how much I am taking but I smoked alot once again. This time I got nausea very similar to when drinking ayahuasca..not really negative but more a purge sort of feeling without being dizzy..lasted a few minutes..thought I would puke but I did not.

This gave way to a very spiritual/entheogenic experience. I was sitting in the dark with my eyes closed and I saw these migrating blue circular patterns that extended through my head and outside of me. I heard this ringing pitch and the more I listened to it the deeper into this spiritualy ecstatic feeling I went. I felt like I could feel and hear the vibrations of all the cells throughout my body and the harmoics the put out were all alligning into one sinlge tone that I was conciousily picking up..it was extremely beautiful.

It got a bit overwhelming and I turned on the light..I looked up at the stucko ceiling and the whole things was a sea of beautiful qently vibrating sparkles. At lower doses I can see static all over the ceiling..but now the static had turned up a notch and brokcen through into these wonderful shimmering sparkles..millions of them. along withthe vibrations was slight warping and qentle harmonic waves extending out in circular patterns..

There was also a good degree of psychedelic mental effects with this experience..and an overwhelimg feeling of ecstacy and oneness..weather from the caapi or bufotenine I couldnt say..doesnt matter though I always take them together now.

Dont know if peoople are getting sick of these reports but I have the urge to report every time sinse vilca is such an obscure thing...many people still have the impression its a toxin..not too many people at all seem to work with it..I think that the way it is prepared is like an art and has alot to do with why its not so common in the western entheo community.. The vilca-caapi hybrid is a very beautiful and helaing experience..definatily deserves a place alongside the other more popular entheogens.

I think that the snuffs are the origional ayahusca..well maybe tobacco was the origional admixture..
fractal enchantment said:
So I went again this morning on an emptry stomach after drinking some water, mate and taking 2 grams of vitamine C..I have also been dieting with homemade vegetable and letil soup I made and drinks made inthe blender with berries, hemp seeds, flax seeds and flax seed oil..and small amounts of chicken. Lots of water.

I dont know how much I am taking but I smoked alot once again. This time I got nausea very similar to when drinking ayahuasca..not really negative but more a purge sort of feeling without being dizzy..lasted a few minutes..thought I would puke but I did not.

This gave way to a very spiritual/entheogenic experience. I was sitting in the dark with my eyes closed and I saw these migrating blue circular patterns that extended through my head and outside of me. I heard this ringing pitch and the more I listened to it the deeper into this spiritualy ecstatic feeling I went. I felt like I could feel and hear the vibrations of all the cells throughout my body and the harmoics the put out were all alligning into one sinlge tone that I was conciousily picking up..it was extremely beautiful.

It got a bit overwhelming and I turned on the light..I looked up at the stucko ceiling and the whole things was a sea of beautiful qently vibrating sparkles. At lower doses I can see static all over the ceiling..but now the static had turned up a notch and brokcen through into these wonderful shimmering sparkles..millions of them. along withthe vibrations was slight warping and qentle harmonic waves extending out in circular patterns..

There was also a good degree of psychedelic mental effects with this experience..and an overwhelimg feeling of ecstacy and oneness..weather from the caapi or bufotenine I couldnt say..doesnt matter though I always take them together now.

Dont know if peoople are getting sick of these reports but I have the urge to report every time sinse vilca is such an obscure thing...many people still have the impression its a toxin..not too many people at all seem to work with it..I think that the way it is prepared is like an art and has alot to do with why its not so common in the western entheo community.. The vilca-caapi hybrid is a very beautiful and helaing experience..definatily deserves a place alongside the other more popular entheogens.

I think that the snuffs are the origional ayahusca..well maybe tobacco was the origional admixture..

Fractal Enchantment

What a beautiful experience, from reading your journeys i have a new found interest in bufotenine. Thank you so much for posting your experiences i look forward to reading more of your journeys.

Much Peace and Happiness

It's awesome to see all these reports, as it's one thing there's a lack of on this forum.

So are you starting to feel a tolerence developing or are there any effects that are manifesting in a different way?
No tolerancy yet..but I have decided to go for a day or 2 and then wait 2 or 3 days and then dose for a day or 2 again...for time to think about the trip and integrate etc..and in case of tolerancy..

I have noticed a deepening or increase in psychedelic effects though each time I take it. The first few times one might not get too deep into visuals or visions etc..thast the way it was for me anyway. there is still a bit of nausea with my mix..nothing like what I hear in some other reports though..but I dunno maybe some will just focus on the nausea. Every time I take it it seems there is some new visual or mental effect that pops up and then it's like a norm in the next set of experiences..

The experience gets deeper and deeper the more you relax into it as well..getting very relaxed and focusing on the initial feeling is what I try to do..and if you hear the ringing..listen to it it seems to take me deepr as well..

Music seems to go with it VERY nicely as well..but silence is interesting also..

I have been trying to find lectures or anything else I can find..documantaries etc on vilca and yopo snuffs..but there is virtually nothing..other than ott. Johnothan ott seems to be the only one who has worked with it and published results..other than those horrible tests done on inmates that were bribed with morphene to participate..and it was only injected and was probabily bufotenine n oxides
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