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wow oh wow bufotenine success!!

Migrated topic.
no i love hearing about this stuff..especially now that i have some

and just to let everyone know..i was able to extract and toast this stuff in one day...also put onto some herbs...took only a few hours really...so this is a QUICK tek...and it DOES work...i smoked some and it was beautiful AND INTENSE! i want to do it again..but ive been working with cacti lately..but soon

thanks fractal for putting that on!
I think that some people might be put off by the side effects and stop right there only getting a very mild dose....when you compare it to DMT...but they seriosuily dont seem bad to me and now I always smoke enough to feel those effects..then I wait 2 minutes or so and smoke more..they subside quickly and give way to a nice experience..

Also the caapi seems important..
Touche Guevara said:
So the nausea is pretty manageable with the iso extract?

Yes..for me anyway. If you really smoke enough of it it is there..but I just deal with it becasue it never lasts more than 2 minutes. The whole experiences hits in stages..side effects are the first stage..NOTHING like smoking just toasted and based seeds though.
So I stayed away for maybe 5 days from bufo and other psychedelics, everything but cocoa and some(mate and 1 cup of coffee) caffine..

Smoked some bufo with caapi extract in change 20 mins ago..

And wholy shit!...Im tripping balls quite nicely right now!..but nothing like what I was 5 minutes ago..I sort of dissappeared..I can't even explain it really other than that..for one thing I took a bit less than usual..or so I thought..I made the ratio of leaf way less for this batch so I guess I overshot the dose or was just more sensitive today..

There was flickering, still there but in thebackground now..god it was scary sort of..as I wasn't expecting it, or much of a trip really..it got intense and all of a sudden I realizd that I was gone the minute before, like in and out of existing with the flickers..this flickering phenomenon lasted about 20-30 seconds maybe..liek the way thos old movies flicker in an out realy fast withthe differnt frames..reality was like that and I went with it..

I just had to stop typing for a minute as well becasue everything wemt all digital like a circut board and got overwhelming..very visual..hitting in cycles, liek aftershocks..and I am shaking like crazy..

Anyways it was like I was literally going in and out of this dimension with each flicker..fucking strange..I freaked out a bit and wobbled around in my chair and made these funny movements and then just gave in and closed my eyes and tried to focus on the music(bluetech)..when I closed my eyes there were these DMT like geometric structures moving around and rotating in 3d..forming a tunnel..very simialr to my DMT breakthroughs..and I was getting pulled into hyperspace..

The structures where like 3d geometric blueprints in red and blue and sort of orange spining and opening up against a black background..and the flickering was present there as well, but it seemed to be more organic to that place..and made it go deeper and deeper..

I know myself and others have said that bufo does not pull you out of yourself but I take those words back..at least when combined with harmalas..this stuff is insane..glad to be back in reality! it was amazing and beautiful but caught me off guard. The visuals were the most intense yet with bufo..If I had smoked a bit more of evenjust relaxed into it sooner I have no doubt I would have fully blasted off into hyperspace..

This experience was extremely psychedelic..I lost myself..dissappeared, but only for flicking moments at a time..like nothing I have ever experienced..even with 5meo..it was soooo different..the flickering of reality became the dominant effect durring the peak and it was like all there was was..it was very peaceful as well as chaotic..but I wasn't ready..next time I will prepare for that effect and hopefully be able to relax and explore it more...I can't believe how weird it was..

Thinking back I once dosed a bit of DMT after smoking bufo a few months ago and it took me to a similar place..and it was very visual..weird how this time I got there withut any DMT involved..and no residue in my pipe either..I finished my DMT 2 weeks ago and cleaned my pipe..
probabily an hour or more after dosing now and I still feel it throughout my whole body..it's so wonderful..sitting here listening to trance music with slight visual enhancement and mild warping if I relax my vision..Nice euphoria and empathic/heart opened headspace..I should also add that I had some hot chocolate and yerba mate this morning prior to my experience..

i feel like I took a light dose of aya now and have this pleasant sense of wonder..I feel just sooo nice!
I am not really sure yet..BUT I did do some pulls on some seed powder that I had pulled over the last few weeks and then saved and still got active goo out of it..so more than 2 iso washes are possible..

I usually use 40 seeds at a time..now I will make it 4 pulls instead of 2..

I dont have a mg scale and the only scale I have to use right now is with a friend..I just have sort of gotten used to how much I need to smoke.

I will try to get more on this when I get a scale to do figure out exact weights.
medium experiences..maybe 15-20. Depends on the seeds though. I think 3-4 seeds with caapi extract is a powerful trip that lasts around anhour, sometimes more, with a strong peak for about 10-15 minutes..thats the seeds I have anyway..so with the changa I made with 40 seeds I got like 10 good strong doses..but then again I was only using 2 iso pulls..and I am sure I was not getting all the bufo out.
Comming back from another really amazing vilca-caapi experience...This time the strobing was not as strange and ego distorting as my report from 2 days ago was.

The strobing effect was still there but more with eyes closed..I had headphones on listening to bluetech in the dark and first I started to see the really beautiful crystaline phosphenes dancing in synronized geometric formation, in faint colors and sort of creating this face of a woman for a few seconds at one point..

I opened my eyes to put on another song..fumbled around and lay back again and closed my eyes..

This time there was a fast flicking vibration, with white light, lit form within..and out of it formed this wonderul lotus pattern and it was rotating and morphing into different snowflake/flower patterns..very intricate..I was in awe of it and started to make vocalizations, like light humming..it sort of corresponded with the patterns adn the way I was feeling..it was all connected and the more I hummed along with it the deeper in I went..the flower structure opened up and became more 3d and I merged with it and could no longer feel my body, I was spinning in ecstascy with this thing for a few minutes until it faded a bit and I opened my eyes.

It was damn lovely and reminded me of buddhist iconography..these type of experiences are so much more than just visual eye candy for me, as there is always amazing emotional responces that go along with the beautiful crystaline things I am seeing/becomming..becomming these things reminds me of the true crystaline nature of the human being..shed clean from all the BS that we seem to pick up and percieve ourselves as..I am convinced that the origional bon po/nepalese shamans from where buddhism springs from made use of some sort of tryptamine entheogen.

We are all crystaline at the core.
this is great, so SWIM has almost finished a bufo extract, and this time looks pretty successful, my friend did a bit of experimentation this time had seeds to spare and had previously failed this extract too many times before... will post details if it works out to another thread but long story short, it was a fasa extract but ovened at 300f before fb and after fb, boiled in limo, freeze preciped, to my surprise, there was at least 4x as much black gloop as before (tho I hear the seeds vary) and there there is actually white crystals suspended in limo now... hope they get out ok... but yeah, it's looking really good..
cool..I want to aim for crystals one day as well..hope it works out for you.

I would recomend you try it with caapi at least once..I find it is alot better with caapi..much more healing and more visionary..I feel the need to stress that..the seeds are only half of the picture. I always dose with a caapi extract in the changa and soon I will start drinking light caapi brews before I smoke the vilca mix..
well it didn't come out white but brown, I think this is limo stuff tho, because the brown stuff is very very sparkly!... gonna do another fasa, but I'm positive it's happened this time...
yeah, I realised, it's a real pain... I don't understand why in the past it was ok, now it's not recommended? I do get closer every time though... it's just an ackward tek. Hopeing the next fasa will clean off the limo burns...
Well it does remove a lot of impurities, which I think are much worse than the residues left by the limonene. I just always found that with limonene, the product degraded when drying.
so swim got about 800mg from 50g of arg vilca, but it's "burnt" with limonene... it's twinkling, swim heated a little on a spoon and it behaved just like the limonene jungle dmt, a bubbling, a smell of oranges and then a smoke with a new different smell... like dmt but no quite, very distinctive, made him sneeze, im even more hopeful than b4.. it was definitely a tryptamine smell... is that right?
Jorkest said:
a good way to remove the limonene from the stuff is to redissolve the bufotenine in acetone

That removes trapped limonene, but I always found that the actually limonene heating process left what appear to be non volatile residues.
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