fractal enchantment said:
69ron..does your swim experience any tolerancy to bufotenine when combined with maoi's?..or negative effects from repeated daily use? I have been smoking bufo 4-5 times a week for the last month or so...and my last 3 trips have been with caapi extract..
I can’t really comment here. SWIM only occasionally uses bufotenine with MAOIs.
fractal enchantment said:
I have yet to experience any tolerancy..but I think I remember you mentioning a while back that after 3 days in a row with bufo that the negative vasoconstriction builds up?? I havent experienced any lingering negative effects..other than a slight headache on days I took it without caapi when I was overly tired..and coffee always cleared it up..
With pure bufotenine SWIM has not noticed any build up of any negative effects, but rather a decrease in hallucinogenic effects, such that after several days in a row, SWIM cannot reach the same level of visual effects with the same dose. If SWIM waits about 2 days then he can get full effects again.
SWIM usually would use bufotenine a few times a day for a few days in a row, and large doses, enough for full visionary experiences. The visionary effects would get weaker and weaker, and eventually would just be visuals without visions.
I define visions and visuals as two distinct effects.
I define visuals to mean the twisting or blending of objects, appearance of colors that aren’t actually there, seeing shifting shapes and patterns, etc. Visuals lack content. They are just interesting shapes to view.
I define visions as full dream-like experiences where you see people, places, hear voices, etc. These are rich, full of meaning, with story content. They are more than just a bunch of fancy visual effects.
If SWIM uses bufotenine 3 days in a row a few times a day, he can still feel the effects of bufotenine, but visions become impossible for SWIM. Only minor visual effects can be had.
I don’t know if SWIM is unique in this way or not. Apparently shamans will sometimes use Yopo/Cebil snuff many days in a row during certain long lasting celebrations. So maybe some people do not develop tolerance to it so easily as SWIM does. However, they usually chew caapi along with it in such events, and also use coca.