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Yohimbine Similar to 5-MeO-DMT?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

Yohimbine can cause hyper-sensitive responses with adverse effects in some people.
I am not one of those. I enjoy Yohimbine very much as a stimulant which I find good for physical endurance and which feels somewhat nice and when used with other substances, as it effects serotonin receptors. I feel that agonizing certain 5-HT, d2 and the NMDA receptor has benefits as a whole.

Now I've been taking yohimbine almost daily for months, and I don't recommend experimenting with higher doses of it unless you have daily use experience, a tolerance, and have titrated up to 15-20mg of it orally.

The product I have came with a spoon with a tiny 5 mg scoop on the end. I have started out taking 1 dose, then 2, then 3, now sometimes 4 orally with no major extra effects.

The other night I insufflated about 20mg of the powder. The physical effects from this are not too nice and reminded me physically of 5-meo-dmt. A hypertensive / cardiovascular restrictive effect. I smoked a little cannabis to try and lower blood pressure than I layed down in the dark. The cannabis didn't seem to help but after lying down a while the constrictive effects relaxed away completely and I began to have psychedelic effects including non-saturated but detailed visions.

I should mention that I had a glass of absinthe earlier and good absinthe will make other drugs more trippy.

I imagined that yohombine is quite similar in effects when insufflated as traditional snuffs. Unpleasant body sensations but when you lie down and relax, a novel mind-expanding experience.

I felt that Yohombine and 5-MeO-DMT felt quite similar and when I looked up the receptors, saw that they both have high to moderate affinity for 5-HT1A and a weaker affinity to 5-HT2A (5-MeO-DMT's active metabolite Bufotenin mainly acts on the 5-HT2A receptor).

P.S. -- In the past I used to pour a full-spectrum alcohol extract tincture dose over a bowls worth of cannabis and let dry before smoking it. I felt that it added subtle but enhanced effect to the cannabis high.

Yohimbine has high affinity for the α2-adrenergic receptor, moderate affinity for the α1 receptor, 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, 5-HT1F, 5-HT2B, and D2 receptors, and weak affinity for the 5-HT1E, 5-HT2A, 5-HT5A, 5-HT7, and D3 receptors.[13][14] It behaves as an antagonist at α1-adrenergic, α2-adrenergic, 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, and D2, and as a partial agonist at 5-HT1A.[13][15][16][17] Yohimbine interacts with serotonin and dopamine receptors in high concentrations.

Caution: Please leave yohimbine alone as a recreational psychedelic unless you have experience, patience, tolerance and respect with it.
Yohimbine is a central nervous system stimulant and can cause adverse effects in higher doses when used without respect and caution.


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Maybe you already know, but Y is good for lucid dreaming, too.

Concentration Curve:
Yohimbine is characterized by quick
absorption and a short elimination half-life. It reaches its peak plasma
Yohimbine level just 1 hour after you take it and is practically out of system after
only 5 hours.

I consider the 9mg dose of Yohimbine that is typically
included in a single capsule as insanely high. The first dose I took
was 3 mg and I experienced significant overflow. For me, overflow
typically stops at about 1.5 mg however it is literally impossible to fall
to sleep on this high of dose. At about 0.75 – 1 mg, Yohimbine can
be used as a lucid dream trigger. To use Yohimbine synergistically
with Galantamine, I typically use 0.35 – 0.5 mg. Using a 0.35 dose
implies that you divide a single 9 mg tablet into ~ 25 pieces.

Page 94.
Yeah.. some people are hyper-sensitive to it. The person who wrote that report might probably experience very unpleasant effects at just 5-10 mg.

I haven't heard of it affecting dreaming, and have not personally noticed that, but never make it before bed. The only thing that worked extremely well for giving me vivid dreams was piri-piri eyedrops used anytime of the day, would always give me vivid dreams the night of.
i made a tea from yohimbe powder and holy cow its too much

couldn't focus right at all after drinking it, didn't realize that a sip of coffee would inspire a hot flash w/ sweating and clammy hands

compared to catuaba (t catigua) its entirely less preferable for me. Yohimbe lacks a focusing component i appreciate immensely from coffee or catuaba making me less proficient at work, which is a no no

only thing left to do with this red clay colored water is extract it i guess :)

maybe it can be vaped as a fb, if iboga could, i feel anything can ::::) or is atleast worth a shot
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