Okay, so, to update my above post. As some of you might assume, since I didn't write back something must have went well. If you did think that, then you are correct.
The elemi x by itself doesn't do very much for SWIM. It does a little, SWIM feels it, but it is very subtle. I think it wouldn't do very much even if SWIM took the whole bottle (15ml){not that SWIM will since that is dumb and unsafe}, even though others suggest otherwise. I will actually be surprised if elemicin by itself causes a true and strong psychedelic experience (for most people) with no off putting side effects. I could see how elemicin and mystricin could together create that experience though, something we should look into.
Anyway, SWIM had 100mg of mescaline four hours after eating the elemi x. For three hours SWIM didn't notice much change at all. Weird because the mescaline should have kicked in t minus two hours. SWIM is assuming the huge meal he ate directly after eating the mescaline slowed down the absorption and thus the effects from taking hold. Any hoo, at around 10:45 [3 hours 45 minutes after eating the mescaline], SWIM realizes he is actually tripping, and very nicely. This experience increases for about three or four hours and then fades slowly over several hours. It was not only a mescaline trip, SWIM was sure of this. He could feel the elemicin in his body, it is very distinctive. SWIM pupils were huge, not normal for the 100mg of mescaline. SWIM concludes that elemicin synergies really well with mescaline; and LSA probably, as well as other things, maybe even DMT. Elemicin and mescaline was a really nice trip, with a lot of euphoria. On thursday, SWIMs birthday, he will be taking a larger dose of mescaline and elemi x together at the same time. Those results will be posted. (Note, for others who will likely try this combo, start small, very little is known of the interaction between elemicin and mescaline, it could be dangerous.)
Also, no caffeine was taken this time, so no headaches or pains involved. Though SWIM did notice a elastic pulling type pressure in his brain. SWIM is sure the elemicin has this effect, its not too bad.