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A Guide to DMT Enhanced Leaf (Changa)

Migrated topic.
Evening Glory said:
Such a potentiation is really incredible, are you sure it is correct? It does contain thujone among other substances, and thujone acts on GABA and 5HT-3 receptors. It could be that the thujone is potentiating the DMT through it's action on serotonin receptors, and/or perhaps through inhibition of a CYP 450 enzyme. This is really interesting!

I think there may be some relation with Thujone and spice. Have noticed a couple glasses of absinthe making for a stronger experience as has my wife.

Just an observation....of course absinthe also has several other herbs which may be playing some role there.
Yeah SWIM doesn't generally mix the two or even take any other substances when smoking it, which is quite unique to DMT as generally when taking other psychedelics she does (i.e. lsd & psilocybin & cannabis or lsd & alcohol etc) She felt more just relaxed and slightly euphoric from the few glasses of wine, not trashy drunk or anything. In future she probably wouldn't mix with alcohol, but on that occasion she still had two amazing experiences so she doesn't regret it per se.
gammagore said:
Hmmmm, rather try not to smoke after consuming alcohol.

SWIM is not sure that that really is a concern. In the amazon tribal people celebrate with entheogens as well as alcohol all at the same time... There was one ethnobotnaist reporting that vilca snuff, ayahausca vine and peach palm chicha was all being consumed with no moderation in a festival setting... if you do not have a problem being centered while under the influence of alcohol then it probably woul dnot be a problem... if you where slammed drunk though... yah... probably not a good idea... we have so many moral judgments placed on alcohol... that are mostly cultural and not universal. Alcohol can be a nice way to ease into smoking changa with a lessened anxiety and in a celebratory intention. alcohol itself can open the heart in amazing ways... intention changes everything... everything...
The spirits of changa have never batted an eye or showed the least bit of hesitancy to revel and participate in the intoxicated nervous system of a human... IMPE...
Dorge said:
The spirits of changa have never batted an eye or showed the least bit of hesitancy to revel and participate in the intoxicated nervous system of a human... IMPE...

Personally I've seen someone go into a catatonic state after smoking spice after a few beers in an evening...not much at all...
I do not think it's good to combine a CNS depressant with the lightning like acceleration the spice brings to the CNS.
Just what I think...
Aye... DMT after more than 3 beers of so seems to not function as it should. I see a spiral of very bright light and hear a carrier wave that would punish the most tolerant of dogs. If I'm really drunk then I pass out and forget who I am for an hour or so...

yeah I don't do that anymore and wouldn't recommend it for others.
Dorge said:
gammagore said:
Hmmmm, rather try not to smoke after consuming alcohol.

SWIM is not sure that that really is a concern. In the amazon tribal people celebrate with entheogens as well as alcohol all at the same time... There was one ethnobotnaist reporting that vilca snuff, ayahausca vine and peach palm chicha was all being consumed with no moderation in a festival setting... if you do not have a problem being centered while under the influence of alcohol then it probably woul dnot be a problem... if you where slammed drunk though... yah... probably not a good idea... we have so many moral judgments placed on alcohol... that are mostly cultural and not universal. Alcohol can be a nice way to ease into smoking changa with a lessened anxiety and in a celebratory intention. alcohol itself can open the heart in amazing ways... intention changes everything... everything...

ye, what I meant to say is, it is hard to judge when you should not smoke after consuming alcohol, 1,2,3 beers? Where does one draw the line. Some people feel the effects after just one beer or glass of wine.

I do know that I tried smoking one night after some celebrations, "itl all be ok I said". I took one draw of my VG and I imediately felt bad, no way was I going to clear the dose. It really struck me that I should not have done this.

I feel that the intoxicating effects that alcohol give are no way to go into a journey.

Each to their own. And ye, dont smoke it slammed drunk:)
gammagore said:
Dorge said:
gammagore said:
Hmmmm, rather try not to smoke after consuming alcohol.

SWIM is not sure that that really is a concern. In the amazon tribal people celebrate with entheogens as well as alcohol all at the same time... There was one ethnobotnaist reporting that vilca snuff, ayahausca vine and peach palm chicha was all being consumed with no moderation in a festival setting... if you do not have a problem being centered while under the influence of alcohol then it probably woul dnot be a problem... if you where slammed drunk though... yah... probably not a good idea... we have so many moral judgments placed on alcohol... that are mostly cultural and not universal. Alcohol can be a nice way to ease into smoking changa with a lessened anxiety and in a celebratory intention. alcohol itself can open the heart in amazing ways... intention changes everything... everything...

ye, what I meant to say is, it is hard to judge when you should not smoke after consuming alcohol, 1,2,3 beers? Where does one draw the line. Some people feel the effects after just one beer or glass of wine.

I do know that I tried smoking one night after some celebrations, "itl all be ok I said". I took one draw of my VG and I imediately felt bad, no way was I going to clear the dose. It really struck me that I should not have done this.

I feel that the intoxicating effects that alcohol give are no way to go into a journey.

Each to their own. And ye, dont smoke it slammed drunk:)

In my experience alcohol is probably more sensitive to peoples intentions as any other mind altering substance. If ones intention if for the more empowering aspects of alcohol then thats one thing people can experience from it... something that people may never experience honestly unless they hold that intention. If one does that judgment is not an issue. the intoxicating effects of alcohol are dependent upon what ones intentions are and what their motivations are for drinking and what their expectations are from drinking as well.

In nepal shamans will drink pint glasses of 100 proof schnaps after breathing a mantra into the glass, and giving an offering of the booze to the directions... this turns the alcohol into pure shakti or energy. They are not drunk more like high and super charged, they will nto even smell drunk... many cultures do this with alcohol. I DO THIS with alcohol. Its just liquid spiritual fuel that we waste on personal narcissistic pleasure and escapism and slovenly attempts to get something else to do the world for us.

And honestly SWIM has seen many people drink and smoke Changa in celebratory spaces with no ill results what so ever.
Many many times...
I have noticed that others who drink before hand when smoking spice have very mild journeys and very little if any experience during the journey. It depends how much you drink I guess, I dont gain any knowledge from alcohol hence why I dont drink. I personally feel alcohol and entheogens should not be taken together. :b

Much Peace and Understanding
Aegle said:
I have noticed that others who drink before hand when smoking spice have very mild journeys and very little if any experience during the journey. It depends how much you drink I guess, I dont gain any knowledge from alcohol hence why I dont drink. I personally feel alcohol and entheogens should not be taken together. :b

Much Peace and Understanding

Lol house...

its all a matter of intention... anything that alters consciousness can be worked with in the proper intention to benefit the whole... you can learn a lot from learning how to do this with alcohol. its an amazing teacher.
But to each their own... I have no desire to derail the thread by going off subject...
Swim just wants to communicate that SWIM has never seen it negatively impact any ones changa session. Not that its swims opinion, but this is observed OFTEN.
gammagore said:
Im still to learn how to use alcohol properly then.

im telling ya learn that mantra! or jut make one up your self lol... :idea: the yoga of drinking... as taught by agari sadhus...:shock:
breath into the glass i drink this for the benefit of all sentient beings i drink this not for myself... shakti. then take your finger and tip it into the the four directions of the glass and then in the center flicking it up and to the corners... then tap the glass on the ground. focus all of your intoxication to your heart opening it more and more and more and just give your intoxication away as an offering to the whole... engage and communicate intuitively with others around you... never hesitate... just act... first thought best thought... the process is very powerful. i think this was how people originally related to alcohol and intoxication until Christianity got its claws into folks...lol
I just put 20g's of caapi leaves to soak in some IPA to later infuse with 1:1 DMT:Caapi leaf. I'm noticing a very dark green and I'm wondering what the finish is like with all the chlorophyll in the mix and is it oily at all?

Is this is how folk do this? Just evap the IPA straight from the soak, down onto the leaf?
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