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A Guide to DMT Enhanced Leaf (Changa)

Migrated topic.
soulfood said:
I just put 20g's of caapi leaves to soak in some IPA to later infuse with 1:1 DMT:Caapi leaf. I'm noticing a very dark green and I'm wondering what the finish is like with all the chlorophyll in the mix and is it oily at all?

Is this is how folk do this? Just evap the IPA straight from the soak, down onto the leaf?

That sounds about right.

The end product does take longer to dry, after evap it took another 3 days or so for it to dry to smoking consistency. Not that oily.

As dorje said, a food dehydrator will help if you are in a hurry.
Aegle said:
I have noticed that others who drink before hand when smoking spice have very mild journeys and very little if any experience during the journey. It depends how much you drink I guess, I dont gain any knowledge from alcohol hence why I dont drink. I personally feel alcohol and entheogens should not be taken together. :b

Much Peace and Understanding

Yeah personally I find it a discusting combination..I really really dont like it. I find it an utterly useless experience.
I honestly get the feeling that the spice punishes me for my behaviour when I used to drink to much and then hit the spice. That carrier wave just kept getting louder and louder and the spiral started spinning faster and faster and my heartbeat gets more unbearable every second.

I genuinely feel the spice punishing me, even the thoughts in my mind get twisted that way. I'm very conscious these days not to get to that stage of drunk where it may seem like a good idea. Just a couple of beers every now and then. Also no spice unless I've been feeling the calling for at least 24 hours and have good reason to voyage.

I'm a cunt when I'm drunk anyway. I really hate that guy!
So yeah still kinda new to this here. So with enhanced leaf your not losing any of the spice to the dish you evap in? and if not would anyone care to elaborate as to why the leaf absorbs it all?
Sweet, SWIM will be trying that in the near future then. Also i agree with the calling of the spice. I dont sit saying to myself ima get high today, but every so often ill walk past my stash and it seems as tho something taps my shoulder as i pass it and i say to myself maybe. If i cant get it outta my head by that night i set up and have a session. Everytime has been an unplaned event, even my first step in. I got home and said "OH YEAH! I almost forgot!" SWIM took what came of 30g MHRB loaded it up and wow SWIMS dog looked like a pastel smudge painting! It was Love at first toke!
SWIM's finally done it! A few weeks ago he set some passionflower as well as some caapi leaves to soak in Acetone. Today, he mixed up some caapi leaves, pau d'arco, and some blue lotus. Added the spice to the (now) green solvent and its evapping now.

SWIM is eager to see how this treats him.
So how would you use harmaline freebase ?
SWIM just receive some as a free gift, and wonder if he should make a quick changa with it or take sublingually by its own...or prior to smoke spice.
rOm said:
So how would you use harmaline freebase ?
SWIM just receive some as a free gift, and wonder if he should make a quick changa with it or take sublingually by its own...or prior to smoke spice.

If I dont use caapi in my blend, there will forsure be some sort of harmala extact in there, ive used the harmala you are talking about, normaly about 1/3 of the spice+herb mix. So 1:1:0.3 herb: DMT:harmala. Works wonders:)
Just disolve along with the spice and herb and let dry.

And yes you could take it sublingual prior to blastoff.

PS, Ive moved this over to the Changa guide r0m, hope ypou dont mind.
SWIM is shocked to see more sites selling leaves lately. SWIM has found some sites JUST SELLING leaves.
Any will work, but the lower the percentage, the longer the evap time. Additional water in the IPA doesn't effect the extraction but will take longer to fully evaporate.
i wouldn't do another post for this question,so i post here: I have Nepeta cataria in my garden..and smoke quite good,not harsh to smoke.. somewhere oen the net it's said it has marijuana like effects but it didn't seem to swim,anyway, someone have tried to do changa with it?
DiMiTriX said:
i wouldn't do another post for this question,so i post here: I have Nepeta cataria in my garden..and smoke quite good,not harsh to smoke.. somewhere oen the net it's said it has marijuana like effects but it didn't seem to swim,anyway, someone have tried to do changa with it?

If its safe to smoke, its safe to make changa with. Make a small batch 1:1 and let us know the effects.
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