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Altered Conference - 3-4th November 2017, Berlin

Migrated topic.


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Senior Member
A cool sounding conference happening in Berlin in early November, may be of interest to some Nexians.

A conference exploring psychedelics and altered states of consciousness.

The conference is primarily focussed on psychedelics but is pretty wide spectrum and all-encompassing with regard to altered states. Berlin is meant to be a cool city too, a great excuse to check it out; have been wanting to go for a while. I'm going to be speaking there, and refreshingly the conference people are thoughtfully providing a travel stipend for international speakers as well as paying speakers a bit too which is nice. A few of the Breaking Convention crowd will also be in attendance there and speaking, should be a cool experience.
I'll be around. If some of the Nexians are interested in networking, feel free to send me a pm.

Looking forwad, tseuq
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