Hello there! I've just read a recent thread before posting this... and the guy had a similar problem to mine. And that made me have a second question to ask... So here they are. Swim is doing a simple AB extraction and she confronted with these 2 problems. 1) The acidic solution she had was too much, so she boiled the soltuion to a quarter. Now.. she actually BOILED the soltuion.. Did that affect the yeld in any way? I couldn't imagine this was possible, until i read the recent post previously mentioned, in which this guy said he wanted to do the smae thing, but some told him it would probably be a bad idea.. So did boiling the Acidic solution affect the yeld or not? 2) Also, Swim eneded up with a too big quantity of basic solution.. and she doesn't have enough Solvent... nor does she have a big enough Separatory funnel for all the solution. Would boiling the basic solution, so that the final quantity would be reduced, affect the yeld in any way? Swim used HCl, Lye, distilled water and MHRB. Thank you very much.