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Bufotenine IPA Extraction & Bufojam Changa Tek

Migrated topic.
dude that sounds like a great way to extend the effects of the dmt.....i like it dude...personally i love eating a few bufo seeds here and there...they are soo nice
fractal enchantment said:
^nausea is there but only for the first few minutes, mostly constriction though is what I get..then it fades and the trip really starts..for me anyway. I just smoke my dose slowly over a few minutes to lessen the side effects..it's not nearly as bad as the unextracted snuff though.

When you say that you smoke the dose slowly over a few minutes, what method are you using. Are you smoking it in a joint or taking measured hits from a bong?

The natives usually smoke it as a big cigar with caapi and tobacco rolled up with the toasted ground seeds. It’s very effective this way. The MAOIs in caapi prevent tolerance build up so that you can more slowly absorb the bufotenine and not get tolerant to it, allowing you to spread your dose out very thin without it losing its effectiveness.
wikiwahwah said:
fractal enchantment said:
^nausea is there but only for the first few minutes, mostly constriction though is what I get..then it fades and the trip really starts..for me anyway. I just smoke my dose slowly over a few minutes to lessen the side effects..it's not nearly as bad as the unextracted snuff though.

When you say that you smoke the dose slowly over a few minutes, what method are you using. Are you smoking it in a joint or taking measured hits from a bong?

My caapi-bufotenine changa is strong enough that 1 bowl is good for a trip..4-5 hits over a 5-10 minute period is how I take it..never tried it in a joint.
Been away from the nexus for a while. Coming back and seeing this thread has been a fantastic surprise! Many thanks to all the fellow nexians. :D
Hi, SWIM is looking for answers to the following, if you would be so kind:

1. How should he evaporate the Isopropyl? Just leave it in a dish, or does this take too long? He really doesn't want to put flammable liquids around high heat sources :shock:
2. Is 450f OK for the Oven intead of the hotplate? He's guessing the door should be left open.
3. What's the best way to 'filter' the Isopropyl Alcohol? Using a coffee filter?
4. Can he just scrape up the result of the evaporation and smoke it?
I evaporate it in a window in an evaporation dish..

I dont filter it..I just pour it off of the seeds into an evap dish and then once the finer seed stuff has settled out I use a glass dropper to remove the iso into a clean dish for evaporation.

You can scrape up the resin and smoke it but it burns better in a leaf base and personally I like it the best with harmalas.
Would adding sodium carbonate to the caapi+IPA hurt anything? Would it help free-base the harmalas for smoking, or is this for some reason not necessary?

I don't understand something that's going on here.

Thanks! :D

EDIT: it don't matter, still works with sc
My friend did the following:

1 9 grams (80-90 seeds) toasted at 450 for 25 minutes. stank the whole house up.
2 ground up seeds and added 2 grams sodium carbonate, and enough tap water to make a paste. stirred.
3 dried paste, and added about 40ml 99% ipa
4 decanted ipa, and evaporated. Repeat 3 times

He smoked a bunch of this sticky black resin out of a dry bong, on two screens. Very minor effects - he possibly felt a little sedated, or 'out of it' and his Heart felt like it was beating a little harder than usual. He then smoked hits of the dry seed matter incase the extraction didn't work. Nothing more to report.

Either the seeds are bunk, or the above technique is very ineffective.

My friends pretty disappointed - Comments are welcome

it has a sort of reverse tolerancy..you have to be willing to work with it for a while and be patient in my experiene..I dont know why vilca is like that but it is..doesnt seem to want to give it up unless you are dedicated.

Did you feel any nausea? I smoke it until I feel like purging sometimes..and always lay down in the dark..I approach it exatly the same way I do with aya..and I always take it with caapi extract. The visions do not come unless you lay back with eyes closed in the dark..you just get some visuals otherwise..if you arent blown away visually within liek 5-8minutes after smoking and laying down than smoke more..
"he possibly felt a little sedated, or 'out of it' and his Heart felt like it was beating a little harder than usual."

Sounds like a minor threshhold dose to me..once you feel that keep smoking and do in the the dark..and take harmalas with it. When the dark room starts of flicker take one more hit and lay back.

The tek works fine as long as the seeds are decent, but there is some nausea at high doses..bufotenine is soluble in iso and the resin is stronger than the seeds..the natives didn't use the stuff for thousands of years for nothing.
fractal enchantment said:
it has a sort of reverse tolerancy..you have to be willing to work with it for a while and be patient in my experiene..I dont know why vilca is like that but it is..doesnt seem to want to give it up unless you are dedicated.

Yeah, that's part of it for sure. SWIM’s first batch of seeds were very potent, but his first few experiences with them were nothing interesting at all. It took several tries before a good experience was had. In that way it’s almost like marihuana. For SWIM and many others, their first marijuana experience did very little at all. It’s as if you need to learn to use bufotenine, you need to open up to the experience, learn to go with the experience, or little is felt from it.

Bufotenine is not forceful like DMT is. Visions come when you’re ready for them. If you’re not ready or willing to let them happen then they don’t happen. Even with all the experience that SWIM has with bufotenine, he can at will prevent the visions from happening even at pretty high doses. That’s not possible with DMT.
Yes this is what is so facinating about bufotenine..I used to not belive it either..but it is the most visionary entheogen I have ever worked with...

It doesnt come on like a rocket ship in the way that DMT does though..you have to relax and sort of find that mode and then BAM it all starts to happen..the geomety is insane and it openes up this visionary tryptamine dimension that is just totally confounding.

I am still learning how to get more effects out of it..last night I started really getting into the auditory effects along with the visions..I actaully heard people speaking and such..when before all I heard was a high pitched ringing and humming sound.
I also think that if you have lots of experience with oral tryptamines, psilocybin in particular..and have taken it in the dark alot and lay down to have visions than it will help you to understand how to use bufotenine that way.. Psilocybin and aya both in my experience aren't really visionary until you lay down in bed in the dark and let the visions come..they can both be very visual though..bufotenine is very visual for me as well but it's the visions I search out.

If you are only used to smoking DMT and just blasting off than it will be harder to figure out those bufo effects at first.
Interesting -
He did not experience any nausea whatsoever - he lay down in a dim room, and did see the odd flash of something, or hear the odd sound, but this could have happened while not on vilca. He smoked at least the equivalent of a single pull from 9 grams of seeds. With Shrooms and DMT, even at low doses - there is never any 'is this working?' for him.
There might have been minor flickering... How would he use rue to enhance the vilca? By smoking it? He is wary of interactions from the tea.
I make an alcohol extraction on caapi and I evaporate it onto a smoking mix along with the bufo..
How long did you soak the seeds in iso for?..I find that if I jsut soak for like 1 hour it's not nearly as strong as over night or longer.

I can do like 4 pulls on the stuff and all of them are active..and I combine them all..did you evap each one seperatily?

Once it really hits you you wont be wondering if it's working..

I dont know about other people..but to get to a visionary level..I always have to deal with some nausea..sometimes worse than other times but its always there durring the first few minuts and then clears up, and doesnt bother me really I just lay there and wait. I can get effects without nausea but they are threshhold.
He soaked for at least an hour - yes, they were evapped seperately. To be honest, he doesn't sound keen on combining it with MAOI's until he can figure out what it does on it's own. He says he'll try again tonight with the new info and report back!
So my friend smoked about 7 good sized hits of the resin out of a dry bong. A decent amount of smoke - after the first hit, he usually feels a strange 'pressure' in the back of his head, this goes away quickly and does not increase with other hits. He feels a little bit of a body buzz, and a bit dreamy/out of it. He lay in a dark room and again noticed a slight 'flickering'. It did not develop into anything. If he needs to make 2 or 3 times this much to get a decent effect, that would mean using a LOT of seeds for a few experiences, and smoking an unpleasant amount of harsh, bad tasting resin. Is there a better way of using this stuff to get an effect? Could it have not freebased properly, so smoking is ineffective?
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