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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Just how risky is it, really, to import coca-tea? I know someone who has done it successfully on several occasions, though with no more than two boxes of 100 bags at a time. The only inherent risk would be the customs agent, right? Is it my imagination or is this a reasonably safe and affordable way of obtaining cocaine?

According to cocaine.org you could get about .5g from a box of 100, which should run for $30 or less.

The only legal case I've heard of regarding legal problems with the tea is a sheriff who got off for popping after drinking the tea, supposedly unaware of the cocaine content.
First off cocaine is no Entheogen.

Secondly why the fuck would you want to go through all this trouble for 1/2 a gram?

It makes no sense to me... Cocaine is shit drug and nothing but trouble.
If you must have it, go to Peru. Hiking through the Andes, you can get a Quechua to make you some or give you leaves to put in your shoes so you'll absorb it through your feet. And you need it, at 12000 feet.
I occasionally enjoy coca tea. I've never had a problem importing it. Amazon sells it and there are a few places you can get it without it coming through customs.

However, I do not ever extract it (ever). I enjoy it as a tea. It has more antioxidants than green tea, more nutrients, helps to calm upset stomachs, and is overall tasty!
Well--with the ethical stigma and inherent dangers of cocaine use aside--does anyone know the cocaine content of the tea found on amazon? SWIM has chewed the stuff from amazon before and did numb my mouth and even got what SWIM would consider a decent cocaine buzz; though the buzz could have well been a placebo effect, the topical numbness had to have some source compound (presumably cocaine). I have heard rumors that coca-tea sold in the states is decocainized in much the same way as coca-cola.

The one SWIM's had from amazon actually seems to be shipped from Bolivia. This blog claims that the tea is not illegal in the US, however, I am convinced that this blog is just an advertising ploy on the part of this site. This site also sells ayahuasca by the bottle, which I know for a fact customs will seize and arrest whoever tries to pick up the package: This happened to the santo daime church in Boston, though they did get away with a slap on the wrist and instruction to cease such activity.
The cocaine content in tea from commercial preparations ranges from 5-15mg/gram.

It is a legally grey area, but I have never heard about anyone being arrested for coca tea bags. However, importing huge amounts of it may raise some eyebrows in the US customs office.

In the 80's rehabs were encouraging cocaine addicts to drink coca tea to ease their cravings :shock:
sippyj said:
First off cocaine is no Entheogen.

Secondly why the fuck would you want to go through all this trouble for 1/2 a gram?

It makes no sense to me... Cocaine is shit drug and nothing but trouble.

its all relative. if nicotine can be a entheogen why not cocaine? we all agree its a dangerous substance but does that mean its without proper and beneficial use? it may be difficult to use without succumbing to some form of addiction but its still possible.
LemonScented said:
sippyj said:
First off cocaine is no Entheogen.

Secondly why the fuck would you want to go through all this trouble for 1/2 a gram?

It makes no sense to me... Cocaine is shit drug and nothing but trouble.

its all relative. if nicotine can be a entheogen why not cocaine? we all agree its a dangerous substance but does that mean its without proper and beneficial use? it may be difficult to use without succumbing to some form of addiction but its still possible.

Actually the coca plant is considered one of the minor teacher plants. Cocaine on the other hand is NOT. I can't really consider coca tea to be a drug any more than I can coffee or green tea.

Also, the store on Amazon now ships from inside the US. No customs involved.
acolon_5 said:
LemonScented said:
sippyj said:
First off cocaine is no Entheogen.

Secondly why the fuck would you want to go through all this trouble for 1/2 a gram?

It makes no sense to me... Cocaine is shit drug and nothing but trouble.

its all relative. if nicotine can be a entheogen why not cocaine? we all agree its a dangerous substance but does that mean its without proper and beneficial use? it may be difficult to use without succumbing to some form of addiction but its still possible.

Actually the coca plant is considered one of the minor teacher plants. Cocaine on the other hand is NOT. I can't really consider coca tea to be a drug any more than I can coffee or green tea.

Also, the store on Amazon now ships from inside the US. No customs involved.

if were talking about cocaine from a historical point-of-view, then no cocaine is not an entheogen. my point merely is that cocaine could be used for shamanic purposes and therefore be an entheogen. shit why not? people become more socialable on cocaine and perhaps can deal with real life issues. Understood that it is dangerous but so what? so is nicotine, as is datura.

if the coca plants is considered a teacher plant then why not its alkaloid?

its all relative. The term itself is extremely vague. What exactly is a shamanic ritual? is it something we want to clearly specify like our governments regulate drugs or is it something that we want to reinterpret and rethink from time to time?

besides, do you have substantial proof that cocaine has never been used as a entheogen anywhere in the world? i have my doubts but to say its not an entheogen like theirs a definitive answer... well, that sounds extremely short-sighted
ahh my sweet old friend

funnily enough i was just hunting around for some good old coca tea, no go :(
In Melbourne (100% illegal here) there used to be a spanish shop that would stock it. I bought a few boxes, then i bought all of them. I used to make a 10 bag tea that would rock the socks off anyone, what a nice way to start a night. When I asked them to get me a box (as in a big box, probably 1000 x 25 bag boxes) they got a little suspicious on me, and that was the end of those days

Anyway, yes it's illegal, not sure about you guys in the US though. I know there are plenty of US guys over at www.wetdreams.org that get the 1 kilo bulk leaf from an online source (comes from Peru). They don't seem to have a problem with it, but you might want to shoot them a pm and see what the deal is

Now, someone said coke is shit?
Depends on the situation and QUALITY
...coke can be fantastic :lol:
imho i'd consider it safer for abuse than mdma (crystal, not pills)
wait, that doesn't sound good.. eh, you know what i mean

1 kilo of dried leaf will give 6 grams of pure cocaine.hcl via a basic extraction. If only i knew this when i still had the tea!

Pure cocaine, likely unless you've extracted your own you've never come across that purity. I haven't, but someday i wish to

Anyway, it's good, and if you can pull it off i say go for it 😉
Coschi said:
ahh my sweet old friend

funnily enough i was just hunting around for some good old coca tea, no go :(
In Melbourne (100% illegal here) there used to be a spanish shop that would stock it. I bought a few boxes, then i bought all of them. I used to make a 10 bag tea that would rock the socks off anyone, what a nice way to start a night. When I asked them to get me a box (as in a big box, probably 1000 x 25 bag boxes) they got a little suspicious on me, and that was the end of those days

Anyway, yes it's illegal, not sure about you guys in the US though. I know there are plenty of US guys over at www.wetdreams.org that get the 1 kilo bulk leaf from an online source (comes from Peru). They don't seem to have a problem with it, but you might want to shoot them a pm and see what the deal is

Now, someone said coke is shit?
Depends on the situation and QUALITY
...coke can be fantastic :lol:
imho i'd consider it safer for abuse than mdma (crystal, not pills)
wait, that doesn't sound good.. eh, you know what i mean

1 kilo of dried leaf will give 6 grams of pure cocaine.hcl via a basic extraction. If only i knew this when i still had the tea!

Pure cocaine, likely unless you've extracted your own you've never come across that purity. I haven't, but someday i wish to

Anyway, it's good, and if you can pull it off i say go for it 😉
There is actually a small minority of people who have a dopamine receptor that makes one extra sensitive for the effects of cocaine. These people tend to experience coca almost as if it is a psychedelic like acid. To the vast majority of people cocaine is not a very spectacular drug, wich leads to the false belief that it is therefore also a safe drug, wich it isn't. To the minority of people though, who have very powerfull experiences with this substance, it is even a more dangerous drug since these people are also more sensitive to it's addictive properties. When taken frequently, cocaine use has a very high price. Especially the mental hazards are enormous and even more so when it makes you belief that you are in control of it's effects on you. The tea is on the other hand pleasant to drink, comparable in effects with maté, and it is said to have all kind of health benefits. But you could just drink green tea instead and then you don't have to bother with legal issues. Getting involved with legal issues can also threaten your mental health;-)
I looked into this, and yes, there is cocaine-containing coca-tea being sold legally from within the US. Companies making claims of selling 100% organic and natural coca-tea are even backing up these claims as meaning the tea is not decocainized. They even back up the reports of the tea containing 6.4mgCocaine/gram of tea. They even offer prepowdered coca-tea at $50 for 284g, which would yield about 1.8g. Certainly this wouldn't necessarily be a lucrative way to manufacture for sale, but for those who enjoy occasional use, it would be an excellent source for personal use without paying extravagant prices for cut-to-shit-coke from a dealer.
I believe drugs are neither good nor bad or the plants they come from just how they are used or abused.
People make cocaine bad, inherently it is what it is, nothing more or less.
It’s actually a very miraculous substance in my opinion but of course people cannot control themselves with it, this is what makes it bad.

Furthermore something most people don't know if cocaine is administered IV it’s very hallucinogenic and even a bit psychedelic, its nothing at all like snorted or freebase, whole different experience. One of the most amazing things I have ever seen, such pure power. The first time its done it will knock you over or if you are sitting down you cannot get up, the rush is way too strong, the auditory hallucinations absolutly overpowering.

That said I wouldn't suggest it because if done wrong or with bad stuff it could easily kill you.
IT’S VERY EASY TO OVERDOSE SO DONT DO IT or if you must try be very very careful.

But chewing coca leaves, now that I would like to try.
SWIM's read that there are many more interesting alkaloids in the leaf than just cocaine. I would say the most sustainable strategy would be to buy seeds and grow your own. The ones I've seen on sale are pricey, but I imagine ultimately worth it if you are already spending money on their contents.
Oh , another coca discussion .
I once imported 2 kilograms of tea , it was a bit risky to do because i had to pick it up at the customs office , so , i think i wont do it again soon even though i LOVE the Coca Brew :)


Last year I attended the World Psychedelics Forum in Basel , one of the Speakers , a master Shaman gave Information
on Aya , and as well on the entheogenic usage of COCA LEAVES

Tsamani is an ayahuasca, yopo, coca, and tobacco shaman from the Andes, south of Columbia. The word aya translates to the vine of the ancestral spirit.

In the panorama I especially liked what the Colombian shaman K. Tsamani had to say about coca and entheogen use in his culture-


Jaguar eating Ayahuasca

he was discussing for awhile the sacredness of plants and concoctions from plants like Ayahuasca and Yopo, then specifically addressed coca leaves as the sacrament of his people and a very peaceful and transformative and positive force and a feminine energy, and while I kno coca leaves are not the same as cocaine, I couldn't help feeling a little... amused? skeptical? maybe just caught off gaurd and was made aware of this, and thought I coud sense that general feeling in some of the crowd but can only speak for myself-

I think I associate that with cocaine and have certain preconceptions about that drug, and also I felt it strange that one would discuss this plant in such a way as to ignore the abuses of it as though they didnt exist-

but he did not ignore them, he continued and concluded his talk, describing the violence and negative effects of people coming in and taking their nsacred lands to grow this, addiction and greed resulting, how it was unwise and devastating that humans had to "separate what should not have been separated" and create this desctructive chemical and send it across the world to so many people. He stated, please do not use this substance because using it is harmful, but moreso because purchasing it fuels a general state of violence and unnatural abuse of what he considers sacred, and is now fueling war in his home land. I wil never judge anyone's drugs of choice, but his perspective was fascinating, and it was really a new issue for me to see it in this light, from his cultural and spiritual perspective, and the contrasts between the coca plant and the cocaine produced from its cultivation.

Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.
- Mohandas Gandhi
A good reason to grow your own.
However, if the Western world would lift the ban on the export of coca leaves, Peru and Bolivia would be released from their Western-induced poverty, and maybe the drug-barons could also leave, because they would be able to continue their pestilence nearer their customers, and the people would not be forced to sell to them but could sell to a worldwide market instead. Also, coca leaves are said to be effective in weaning people off cocaine addiction.
One could say that buying the leaf is helping the people.

'Bolivian Marching Powder' series on VBS
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