I know i will probly end up sounding crazy to most, but whatever. I have not had a good DMT Trip myself, yet, but i have read many reports from many sources. Its natarul to try to come up with an excuse to debunk the possibility of the DMT-Aliens being real, because man likes to think he knows how things operate, comfortable with what he already knows, when in truth no one knows shit other than what they expirence, and as we know two people can wittness the same shit and have diffrent expirences, and diffrent versions of what happend. So the best thing you can really do in my opinion is compare everything in thought to come up with the most intelligent, most logical theory. Excepting it only as a thoery that has room to grow and change when knew things are learned, when new theorys are presented.
This truly amazes me, the DMT-Aliens and the trip compared to abductions, to me this makes alot of the pecies fit together. Let me begin. It explains the UFO phenomena, i'm sure you've seen all the shows. Under water USO's, theorys of bases in the ocean, Bermuda Triangle, Dragons Triangle. UFO's have been a really big thing, it would be hard to believe that some of it wern't true. As far as the DMT-Aliens claiming they gave us some of there DNA, i look towards the human abilities. With so many claims of Physics, telepathy, OBE, Remote Viewing. (RV) One of my favorites because it has been claimed to be real by the CIA in 1995 the document was released, project started at Stanford Research Institute. Even to go as far as the chinese myths of the flying people, and the mexican flying alien humanoids reports. The myths of atlantis and contact with aliens, cave man drawings.
As far as for having a way to explain how exorcisms tend to work with faith of god, with so much belief could come enough physic energy to get rid of the ghost on your own. You think god came down and did it for you, but really it was all you. Ghosts are just wierd, possibly stuck in confusion from dieing, not knowing how to operate in the new existence they were cast into, like stuck in a bad trip, really your fine, but its all on weather you can accept that.
Its also funny, in a case i remeber a person saying the DMT-Aliens told them that they put DMT on earth for us to be able to communicate with them, being that DMT really is every were, and even though it is most illegal(schedule 1) as a chemical, anyone can order the materials that contain it and extraction is easy with a little homework.
The final push i have to let me accept this as truth is the crazy dreams i had when i was around 6, very vivid and the only dreams i remember from that time. I wasn't being abducted and also never thought anything of it until around 18-19, i remeber being in a ship looking through some kind of window, seeing lots of other big ships with a few big bright orange stars in the background, thats all i remember. Anyway, all this and more i probly left out leads me to believe that maybe the DMT-Aliens are real and are telling you the truth when they say Earth is their project.
This truly amazes me, the DMT-Aliens and the trip compared to abductions, to me this makes alot of the pecies fit together. Let me begin. It explains the UFO phenomena, i'm sure you've seen all the shows. Under water USO's, theorys of bases in the ocean, Bermuda Triangle, Dragons Triangle. UFO's have been a really big thing, it would be hard to believe that some of it wern't true. As far as the DMT-Aliens claiming they gave us some of there DNA, i look towards the human abilities. With so many claims of Physics, telepathy, OBE, Remote Viewing. (RV) One of my favorites because it has been claimed to be real by the CIA in 1995 the document was released, project started at Stanford Research Institute. Even to go as far as the chinese myths of the flying people, and the mexican flying alien humanoids reports. The myths of atlantis and contact with aliens, cave man drawings.
As far as for having a way to explain how exorcisms tend to work with faith of god, with so much belief could come enough physic energy to get rid of the ghost on your own. You think god came down and did it for you, but really it was all you. Ghosts are just wierd, possibly stuck in confusion from dieing, not knowing how to operate in the new existence they were cast into, like stuck in a bad trip, really your fine, but its all on weather you can accept that.
Its also funny, in a case i remeber a person saying the DMT-Aliens told them that they put DMT on earth for us to be able to communicate with them, being that DMT really is every were, and even though it is most illegal(schedule 1) as a chemical, anyone can order the materials that contain it and extraction is easy with a little homework.
The final push i have to let me accept this as truth is the crazy dreams i had when i was around 6, very vivid and the only dreams i remember from that time. I wasn't being abducted and also never thought anything of it until around 18-19, i remeber being in a ship looking through some kind of window, seeing lots of other big ships with a few big bright orange stars in the background, thats all i remember. Anyway, all this and more i probly left out leads me to believe that maybe the DMT-Aliens are real and are telling you the truth when they say Earth is their project.