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Do you actually feel different as a person after having partaken in yage?

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Esteemed member
I can't help but notice I do feel somewhat different after trying ayahuasca. I've tried it numerous times but I've felt changed since the first time I drank it and that feeling seems to stick with me.

It is a bit strange that you can kind of feel the presence of ayahuasca within you upon falling asleep, in your dreams, and shortly after just waking up. It feels quite distinct, like some sort of contact from beings much smarter than us without feeling like you're going insane.

Besides this kind of presence, I've also noticed that it has a strong anti-depressant effect, and some nootropic effects as well but not to the degree I expected it to be before trying it.

It also told me if I want maximum healing to just keep drinking it, which is strange since I've heard from many people that one time is enough to change your life forever.

Even though my experiences were positive it seems the trips are really hard to integrate and you only remember that feeling but you wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world.

It is probably hard to integrate because we live a life where actual change is nearly impossible to happen overnight. I personally fall back into a loop of bad habits (not too bad) because of my job. I seem to be working too and for to little money to actually make a difference. Sure there is a chance for a better tomorrow since obviously I work that much but that takes a while and by the time I get there my sleep schedule is ruined, I don't eat well, and don't exercise since I work my ass off.

Aya has not yet thought me a way to get around on this, but it did changed the way I perceive all of this. How about your story? What has aya thought you? Did it manage to make a drastic change in the way you see the world? The way you feel? Behave? Do you consider it lives up to the hype? I personally do, even though it is not a magic pill solution like I expected it to be it has given me much more.
Long-term use of psychedelic drugs is associated with differences in brain structure and personality in humans.
these data suggest that regular use of psychedelic drugs could potentially lead to structural changes in brain areas supporting attentional processes, self-referential thought, and internal mentation. These changes could underlie the previously reported personality changes in long-term users and highlight the involvement of the PCC in the effects of psychedelics. Long-term use of psychedelic drugs is associated with differences in brain structure and personality in humans - PubMed

For me, it was the smoked DMT flash that caused "transformation", rather than ayahuasca, but it's about the same territory...

I absolutely feel different. I credit ayahuasca with everything i am today. A year after my last ceremony i got extremely ill and it's those lessons i got with ayahuasca that have helped me not just stay afloat but thrive. It's hard to say what ayahuasca "taught" me because it isn't tangible knowledge. It was sort of just a process of seeing heaven, being beaten down to hell, and then realizing the only thing that changed in that process was the stuff that i manifested from my own head (ie not the external world.) To say the external world doesn't influence us would be a lie, but then again what is the external world other than a collective decision to manifest the best or worst of ourselves as individuals in any given moment. My experience with ayahuasca has been limited but has been centered around how do i navigate between those two states fear (hell-disease-dysfunction) and love (heaven-health-harmony). It's involved all sorts of shedding of limiting beliefs regarding my own lack of potential or strength as well as heavy doses of humility in regards to how i receive and handle knowledge. For example as a scientist and chronic illness patient this has manifested a lot in shedding the arrogance that says I'm going to conquer nature and rather deeply listening to what the scenario is telling me. Ie respecting the intelligence of the body and external world as much or more than the intelligence of my own conscious brain. Always trying to hear it out so that my action in regards to a scenario contribute to true healing in the long run rather than further decay. I'd say it exceeds the hype. At least when taken in proper context. I haven't touched the stuff in 3 years and it's shown no hint of leaving my system. I was a dark person before then and it handed me over to the light so to that I owe my life
dragonrider said:
Yeah. But it wears off over the coarse of months and years.

As for the posts above, I'm not trying to discount yagé in any way, just for me it happened with smoked DMT...Siddhārtha Gautama said "1000 people, 1000 paths"...

My DMT transformation occured 4 years ago, and I'm still fully "transformed", I'll admit that I overdosed, I induced a "life or death" crisis in my psyche, it was either emerge transformed, or be destroyed...

dragonrider said:
Yeah. But it wears off over the coarse of months and years.

Not always the case, especially with sensitive people and God forbid it be other than what you described because... Imagine being hyper-slapped and then having to wait months until you felt normal again. Or did ya'll forget that evil exists as well as good?

All I can say is thank goodness for synaptic plasticity... then again, RIP original minds of accidental thumbprint doses.
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