I finished working on the crystals around last march with the Aceton crystals.
I had pulled so much DMT that I really found its enough.
A lot has happened till then.
In november I started growing mushrooms again and while waiting for the first fruits to come, around xmas I thought since I've always discarded everything left in the bark besides pure DMT, I should try to pull some 'jungle' with left over xylene from a mescaline extraction. So I started again with two 100grs mimosa extractions. One with my usual A/B and one with lime, cause I somehow felt, maybe the diamonds will show up again...
Well and unbelieveable but true- from 500mgs of very very pure white fluffy crystals pulled from the lime-bark I re-crystallized DMT DIAMONDS again!!! (or better put they showed up again)
The white fluffy material I pulled was very pure. They were sparkling and very shiny. So I guess it has something to to with purity of the molecules.
I won't try to repeat anything now, I am working on some Fumarate water crystals and have a lot to do with the mushrooms.
But I had to share the new diamonds, so here's for your pleasure:
I won't say anything more about their magic compared to any other DMT. I admit I was maybe a bit too enthusiastic in those days about them. Over this last year I found that DMT is never the same. Even when you try to repeat all conditions it will turn out totally different.
I stopped smoking at all and I am researching a bit more the experience from snorted Fumarates. It lasts longer and builds up more gradually. Its somehow between smoking and oral use. Two weeks ago we snorted 300mgs Fumarates and was a very, very intense experience.
I've been off the forum since last march. Has anyone ever tried to grow DMT diamonds, too?
Much love, cap