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Glass Shard Re-Crystallization Pictorial

Migrated topic.


Justin Thyme
Hello! This pictorial was created because of a lack of detailed information about the re-crystallization process. For some, like this kitty I know, learning about re-crystallization was frustrating as there were a lot of variations in method. Many were very similar and all had the same basic concepts but this pictorial is for anyone who has struggled with the process of transforming yellow or off-white powder into clear shards of DMT! Re-crystallization and be preformed multiple times however if one starts with yellow, off-white or white powder doing it one time can yield good clean crystals. Depending on how yellow your original product is a good amount of loss can be expected. A sacrifice for pure product! One that is very much worth it... smoking clear glass shards is as smooth as butter!

1. Obtain deep pot and fill it with hot water
2. Obtain strainer and set it in the pot of water and adjust level so the water comes up enough to cover half of a mason jar.
3. Turn heat on high to bring water to boil.
Note: Any other creative + safe means of a boiling waterbath will work for this, just make sure your holding container is not touching the bottom of the heating container.




4. Test digital scale accuracy using a 5g nickel (4.98, close enough)
5. Weigh out 1g DMT and put into a shotglass. Pyrex "mini-measure" shotglasses work well as they have ml markings on them.




6. Seal about 50-60ml of solvent (heptane works best) in a mason jar and let sit in boiling water bath for 15 minutes
Note: Unscrew lid and release pressure buildup as necessary. After 15 minutes solvent should have tiny sreams of bubbles in it but it may not.
7. Remove pot from heat.
8. Take jar of hot solvent, unscrew lid and swirl for about 10 seconds to let cool just a bit.
9. Pour about 25-30ml hot solvent into shotglass containing DMT. Typically a full shotglass worth.
10. Mix thoroughly with eyedropper.
Note: Stick eyedropper to the bottom of the shotglass and suck in + squeeze out solvent to thoroughly mix particles until all is dissolved.
11. Use eye dropper to fish out any hair\dust chunks that remain in the shotglass.




11. Remove strainer from pot and add ice cubes to reduce temperature.
12. Reduce temperature until a kitchen thermometer reads 150F
13. Put strainer back into pot and adjust water level so the shotglass can be placed on the strainer and the water will only come 3/4 up the glass.
14. Cover the shotglass containing the DMT solvent with foil and set into 150f waterbath.
15. Let sit for several hours until water is back to room temperature.




16. Remove shotglass from waterbath. Notice the separation of oils.
17. Use eye dropper to suck up yellow oils and squirt into second shotglass.
Note: In that new shotglass oil will sink and any DMT solvent you grabbed will float.
18. Tilt the second shotglass and suck back out any remaining clean DMT solvent and add back to original shotglass.
Note: As an alternative the clean solvent can be poured back into the original shotglass as the oil will stick to the bottom.




19. Take first shotglass with DMT solvent and pour into a third clean shotglass. The little bit of oil remaining will stick to the bottom of the glass.
Note: Notice in picture that once dried the remaining oil still contains a good ammount of DMT and should be saved for future re-crystallizing.



20. Cover shotglass with foil and let sit for 3-4 hours in room temperature then put in freezer for 24 hours.
21. After the freezer, pour off solvent into collection dish and put shotglass in front of a fan and wait 10-15 minutes or until dry.




22. Scrape crystals off and enjoy! Here are some pics, each one of a different batch, after only a SINGLE re-crystallization.


That bestine shit is running $12.99 for a 16 oz container. This isnt any kind of must for dmt clean-up, or is it?

Who cares $25.00 smacked down on 2 cans. So now I can go see if I can get these cubes to gleam.
No, it is not necessary to use bestine to clean up spice.

However, it does work a lot better than naphtha. I am still on my first can that I bought over a year ago. using 50-100mL at a time really makes it hard to use it up quickly. Never pull spice with the bestine only use it to clean up the spice.

If you don't want to shell out the money for bestine, just use naphtha. You'll still get pretty crystals, you'll just have to be more careful. I suggest not heating the naphtha up too much. You don't want it too hot to touch.
Anybody know what is the best way to get the oil to sink to the bottom? Every time my friend gets the crystals to dissolve no oil appears. Then later the crystals that are stuck to the glass are yellow? On the initial recrystallization he gets most of it out but can never seem to get the rest?
WillieG said:
Anybody know what is the best way to get the oil to sink to the bottom? Every time my friend gets the crystals to dissolve no oil appears. Then later the crystals that are stuck to the glass are yellow? On the initial recrystallization he gets most of it out but can never seem to get the rest?

Use less solvent & don't heat it too much.

Use a hot water bath to warm the solvent to no more than 100-120F degrees.

Break up the DMT into a loose powder as much as possible, so it will dissolve easier.
Put it in a separate small jar, I use a 50ml beaker.

Then use an eye dropper to add only 3-4 drops of the warm solvent at a time, to the jar with the DMT in it, swirling the jar around for at least 30 sec before adding more.
Also, use the hot water bath to help keep the solvent being used warm. After adding a few drops of solvent to the jar of DMT, then swirl it around to mix it while holding the bottom of the jar in the hot water bath. The heat will help to dissolve the DMT quicker & easier.

At some point any excess, discolored crap, will start to coagulate on the bottom.
Don't add any more, unless you notice solids in the colored stuff forming on the bottom.
If you add too much solvent too fast, or it's too hot, the impurities will dissolve too.

I just did this with Heptane & I only used a little less than 20ml of Heptane to completely dissolve a little over 500mg of very pure DMT. (It will take a bit more if using Naptha.)
I have some nice large 100% clear, lotus flower-like crystals growing in there now at room temperature. Much like the ones on the first page of this thread.
It's only been 24 hours & their quite large already!! I'll add some pics when I get em out in a week or too.

Oh and as far as the Heptane (Bestine) being expensive, if you don't end up evaporating it, it can be reused for a number of re-crystallization, so it's really an investment.
I bought one small 120ml container of it over a year ago & I've used it now for around 5-6 re-crystallization's!!
I've still got over 3/4 of it left too!
Normally, I don't need to use any more than 20-30ml & I usually freeze precipitate & filter out the DMT. Then reuse it next time.
With the crystals I'm growing now, after a few days, I'm going to cut a slit in the top of the plastic seal & let it evaporate down this time though.

Not really so expensive...

I just finished growing some very nice sized & very pure, clear crystals in room temp Heptane (Bestine).

Here are a few pics.

The biggest one is .168mg & 100% clear throughout!! Quite nice for just letting it all sit there for a week!

Just wanting to show off a little,:oops: first time I've done anything but freeze precip, my crystals are normally extremely pure, but small.

WSaged said:
I just finished growing some very nice sized & very pure, clear crystals in room temp Heptane (Bestine).

Here are a few pics.

The biggest one is .168mg & 100% clear throughout!! Quite nice for just letting it all sit there for a week!

Just wanting to show off a little,:oops: first time I've done anything but freeze precip, my crystals are normally extremely pure, but small.


Those chunks look good :D thanx for the pics.

What tek do you use for extraction? STB or A/B?
How much time do you spend cleaning up and re-crystallization?

But personally I don't mind yellow spice. I like DMT n-oxide..
Very Nice WSaged. Heptane is the absolute best I've tried so far for ReXing the SPice.
SOme like it yellow, some like it white, some like them both.
I still don't have a ton of experience but so far the white seems to come on a lot smoother for me.
Guest said:
Very Nice WSaged. Heptane is the absolute best I've tried so far for ReXing the SPice.
SOme like it yellow, some like it white, some like them both.
I still don't have a ton of experience but so far the white seems to come on a lot smoother for me.

Ooops, posted w/o being signed in.
Plasmod3smata said:
To grow your crystals large and in charge, i would not suggest freeze precipitating. Let your covered solvent sit at room temp for several days, then allow to evaporate slowly. This will give you the nice big crystal formations.

Just a variation you can employ, depending what you wanna do and how you want your final spice to look.

Hmmm... do you use around 25-30ml per gram or more then that? I remember coAsTal growing large crystals by letting sit in a solution of around 50ml per gram...

It seems like in the super-saturated mixes a lot crystals form on the side of the glass within the first few hours of being in room temperature... so much so I didn't think leaving it for a few days would form large crystals... but it is something I definitely need to try!

Is it better to use closer to 30ml per gram or closer to 60ml for the slow-evaporation during large crystal formation?
I heat my solvent, and use a small shallow glass dish instead of a shot glass (easier to scrape out). I only add enough solvent to dissolve the dmt, no more then JUST enough.It is not much at all, nowhere near a shot glass full for sure. Then just cover and let it sit and grow.

This is my glass i use for growing crystals

And here are some of what i've grown. Once i notice it stops growing, i uncover and let it evap. You can get half a gram into one large crystal clump, it's pretty neat really.




what tool do you use to scrape off such a rounded surface?
The big chunks just pop off I used a sewing needle to wedge them loose. I use an old auto insurance card to scrape the insides of round shot glasses and mason jars. Its basically a super light thin plastic business card. flexes around easily.
Just incredible work there Xenonison.
I have gotten some very shiny, sparkly looking stuff doing heptane freeze precips in shot glasses but those large clear crystals are fantastic. I love playing with the process almost as much as I love the spice itself. I will have to see if I can get some large crystals like that. Give me an excuse to either clean up some yellower stuff or do a little more extracting. Like I need an excuse LOL.
And just scored big time! :lol:
The local art store that I go to for my Bestine, which used to carry only the small little can of it now carries the quart can for only 16.99!!
This should last me for quite a while, although I have been evapping some of it lately rather than freeze precip. It evaps so quickly off a glass dish that one can clean up some spice in a hurry. Now that I have it all white I may ReX one last time and let it slowly cool and freeze precip to try and get it more crystalline.
Went from yellow to white w/ little sparkles so one more time should really make it special.
lowjackal said:
The question arises from the fact that the the can of supertech starting fluid swim is looking at has 2 ingredients:
Heptane (142-82-5) and Diethyl Ether (60-29-7), plus carbon dioxide as a propellant.
This is why the question was put forth asking if a combination of the two would work.
Bestine is sold as what? and for how much?
As this is $2.09 per 11 oz. can of supertech starting fluid.
Maybe I'll see if it's a worth while product mixture and report back with pictures the end results.

I'm off to find out what the hell bestine is.

I've distilled supertech starting fluid and ended up with heptane, diethyl ether, and some nasty lubricants. If I remember correctly I used a erlenmeyer flask, vigeraux column, worm style condenser, and a submersible fountain pump in a refrigerated water bath that was intended to keep milk chilled for a commercial espresso machine with inline milk frother. The distillation flask had a thermometer inserted and a vigerux column on top leading to the improvised condenser. I can't remember the temps but use a digital hotplate with a water bath and some method of raising the distillation flask off the bottom surface of the waterbath, turn up heat SLOWLY. If I were to do this again I'd use a vacuum on the assembly to lower boiling points and eliminate vapors. When storing ether use a dark glass flask, and insert a piece of copper tubing to prevent peroxide formation, and keep the jar away from sunlight or heat. If I were to do this again I'd use a vacuum on the assembly to lower the boiling points.
mogascreeta said:
what tool do you use to scrape off such a rounded surface?

get a wooden dowel, about 2 inches taller than your jar then use a bandsaw to cut the dowel in half legnthwise for 3.3" then insert a credit card, adjust the credit card so that the length of the the card sticks out enough so that the dowel doesn't hit the sides of the jar mouth when scraping the walls. Then the credit card is adjusted properly cut the backside of the card off, glue in place coat the entire handle with "plasti dip" to get rid of any groves that things may get caught in. The credit card has a length of 3.37" so the bottom portion sticking out of the dowel can be trimmed to fit the profile of your rounded bottom jars, if using a flat bottomed beaker the rounded edge of the card fits the profile nicely already. I like to use a black plasti dip so that any xtals on the handle are clearly visible.
everythingsflashin said:
ok cool. so would it work to just have a large container with CO2 creating substance at the bottom, and place the grow dish in the container and seal it all off?

Wine aficionados have a product called "Oenophilia Private Preserve Wine Preserver" which is a can of inert gas, it's about $10/bottle, the gas is heavier than air so you only need a bit, you don't need to completely flood the atmosphere in the collection vessel, just make a little layer on top. You can test the amount needed by filling your collection vessel to it's normal level with WATER do a test squirt, insert a match, the flame will be extinguished when it hits the inert gas. DO NOT TEST WITH SOLVENT, if the layer is not large enough it would catch fire.
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