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Glass Shard Re-Crystallization Pictorial

Migrated topic.


Justin Thyme
Hello! This pictorial was created because of a lack of detailed information about the re-crystallization process. For some, like this kitty I know, learning about re-crystallization was frustrating as there were a lot of variations in method. Many were very similar and all had the same basic concepts but this pictorial is for anyone who has struggled with the process of transforming yellow or off-white powder into clear shards of DMT! Re-crystallization and be preformed multiple times however if one starts with yellow, off-white or white powder doing it one time can yield good clean crystals. Depending on how yellow your original product is a good amount of loss can be expected. A sacrifice for pure product! One that is very much worth it... smoking clear glass shards is as smooth as butter!

1. Obtain deep pot and fill it with hot water
2. Obtain strainer and set it in the pot of water and adjust level so the water comes up enough to cover half of a mason jar.
3. Turn heat on high to bring water to boil.
Note: Any other creative + safe means of a boiling waterbath will work for this, just make sure your holding container is not touching the bottom of the heating container.




4. Test digital scale accuracy using a 5g nickel (4.98, close enough)
5. Weigh out 1g DMT and put into a shotglass. Pyrex "mini-measure" shotglasses work well as they have ml markings on them.




6. Seal about 50-60ml of solvent (heptane works best) in a mason jar and let sit in boiling water bath for 15 minutes
Note: Unscrew lid and release pressure buildup as necessary. After 15 minutes solvent should have tiny sreams of bubbles in it but it may not.
7. Remove pot from heat.
8. Take jar of hot solvent, unscrew lid and swirl for about 10 seconds to let cool just a bit.
9. Pour about 25-30ml hot solvent into shotglass containing DMT. Typically a full shotglass worth.
10. Mix thoroughly with eyedropper.
Note: Stick eyedropper to the bottom of the shotglass and suck in + squeeze out solvent to thoroughly mix particles until all is dissolved.
11. Use eye dropper to fish out any hair\dust chunks that remain in the shotglass.




11. Remove strainer from pot and add ice cubes to reduce temperature.
12. Reduce temperature until a kitchen thermometer reads 150F
13. Put strainer back into pot and adjust water level so the shotglass can be placed on the strainer and the water will only come 3/4 up the glass.
14. Cover the shotglass containing the DMT solvent with foil and set into 150f waterbath.
15. Let sit for several hours until water is back to room temperature.




16. Remove shotglass from waterbath. Notice the separation of oils.
17. Use eye dropper to suck up yellow oils and squirt into second shotglass.
Note: In that new shotglass oil will sink and any DMT solvent you grabbed will float.
18. Tilt the second shotglass and suck back out any remaining clean DMT solvent and add back to original shotglass.
Note: As an alternative the clean solvent can be poured back into the original shotglass as the oil will stick to the bottom.




19. Take first shotglass with DMT solvent and pour into a third clean shotglass. The little bit of oil remaining will stick to the bottom of the glass.
Note: Notice in picture that once dried the remaining oil still contains a good ammount of DMT and should be saved for future re-crystallizing.



20. Cover shotglass with foil and let sit for 3-4 hours in room temperature then put in freezer for 24 hours.
21. After the freezer, pour off solvent into collection dish and put shotglass in front of a fan and wait 10-15 minutes or until dry.




22. Scrape crystals off and enjoy! Here are some pics, each one of a different batch, after only a SINGLE re-crystallization.


A/B freeze precip Re-X in naphtha left open at room temp, this is my first re-x, very happy with the results! taken with a cheap point and shoot camera, so i cant get the full effect of the crystals but they're gorgeous! crystal farming seems addictive.


Beautiful Crystals and now I know where I am going wrong.. According to the OP I should have a sexy female Asian in a tree.

Gonna be a bugger to find that round these parts..

Does anyone know of a UK equivalent or does she have to be full blooded Asian?
ZenSpice said:
Beautiful Crystals and now I know where I am going wrong.. According to the OP I should have a sexy female Asian in a tree.

Gonna be a bugger to find that round these parts..

Does anyone know of a UK equivalent or does she have to be full blooded Asian?
😁 😁 😁
When I follow this tek I don't get oil at the bottom of the glass. I followed the tek to a t minus the fact that I only heat up the naphtha to 45 degrees Celsius as I've read any hotter then that and you will melt the oils and stuff you are trying to remove making the process pointless.

After stirring and agitating a lot most of the yellow stuff breaks up into oils but within a minute or so it all.forms.back together into a clump,not something I can siphon off with a eye dropper.

So should I just pour off the solvent and discard the yellow stuff or does it still.contain DMT? I suppose I could heat the solvent higher but due to what I stated I don't know if its a good idea? I know my first attempt at this I used hot hot solvent and everything dissolved but even after two rextal my final product is yellow crystals. And there not powdery at all there like glass shards but there stained a deep yellow . I've yet to try them as I have four different types of DMT right now and I haven't had a chance to try them.

Any suggestions ?
Hi do have any update. I had the same problem as you. After let the shooter glass cool down in ice filled water. There is nothing to remove. There is some yellow stain in the bottom but it us kind of stuck there and won t come out easely. Tho on the side of the shoot glass I have small pure with crystal formation. I didn't remove anything yet and didn't put it in the freezer. Just after I ve wait several hour and took it out of the now room temperature wather. Good new is a got some tiny crystal the bad one is I can remove the yellow and it mixting up with the crystal at the bottom of the glass. Those on the side of the glass look real clean tho.
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