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HELP - Iboga TA Extract - Dosage

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi !

I need your guys help.

Ive been in a 7 year long xanax addiction. Yesterday i came home from a ayahuasca cermony witch dident work. I smoked my dmt after and it dident work either. The shaman said that its because of the benzos nothing works (but it did in the begining, if i just dident take it the same day).

She recomended ibogain to reebot my brain. I got so curious... been on google the whole day and it seems to good to be true. I HATE my xanax addiction, im so fucking tired i want to puke. But when it goes 2 days without im so shaky and cant be around people. Ive done CT before, i CAN be off. But my mental state dont think its worth it. Was off 2-3 months in the begining of the year. Layed in bed for the whole time and just got worse.

So, tomorrow i will buy it.

I need your guys help on dosage. Seems like the TA extract is the way to go. But it expencive as hell. But i dont care if i can get my addiction away..

I just hope i dont need 5 grams.

I could get 3 grams. Is 3 grams enough for me to be mindblown or do i need more?
Want to go ALL OUT.

I can use the root to, 5 grams and mix mabey but it sounds like it harsch on the body.
Will the TA extract be enough? I read from one who did 3 grams and was happy, but on the site it seems that 4 grams is recomended.

Going to start tomorrow so i hope i can get help !


Mod said:
Edited by Moderator: No buying, selling, sourcing.

It seems like people takes a little at time.

Why not take the full dose? i dont want to puke annything out so i rather swallow the grams straight away. Any problem with that?
Talking about dosages is fine. Talking about buying doses and how much it costs is not. Not at all. As others have already pointed out, please actually take the time to study the attitude section more closely before posting.

I would very much look into taking ibogaine with any drug in your system. I'm not sure about xanax but ibogaine reacts negatively with many substances.
JP said:
I would very much look into taking ibogaine with any drug in your system. I'm not sure about xanax but ibogaine reacts negatively with many substances.
Yeah i know.. i will be careful, i need xanax every day buy i will keep it as far away as possbile, do my last dose 24 hours before.

If heroin addict can do that, benso must be ok.

Anyone that can help me with dosage?

Is 3g enough or is more like 5 what i need?

Can i take it directly or do i need to spread it out over hours? if so, why cant i swallow it right away?

sorry if you find this information not usefull, but:

this info is out there, relatively easy accesible if you had done the necessary research...i think with Iboga, and to treat addicition, this should be done exzessive.

If done properly, Iboga can have immense impact.
While there may be some individuals out there with different experiences, there seems to be general agreement that ibogaine doesn't help with detox from benzos and may even be dangerous.

(Benzodiazepines) have been a factor in several fatalities temporally associated with ibogaine administration due to the onset of seizures related to withdrawals (Alper 2012). Ibogaine has been shown to have no effect on the GABAnergic system (Popik 1998 ), and does not reduce withdrawal symptoms from benzodiazepines. In fact, hERG channel blockage, or syncopic episodes caused by QT prolongation can increase the likelihood of the onset of seizures in general.


Under no circumstances should benzodiazepine dependent patients be directed to stop benzodiazepine use before or during treatment. It is suggested that, if necessary, a long-term medically supervised taper be completed prior to intake, or conducted after discharge.
Source: https://www.ibogainealliance.org/guidelines/benzodiazepines/

Ibogaine may provide some psychological insight in regards to your use, but it does nothing for the physical symptoms of benzo withdrawal like it does with opiates and certain stimulants.

I would recommend seeking out other options, but if you feel like you absolutely must try ibogaine please don't try to completely taper off before the experience - this can be fatal!

And I know the Nexus tends to advocate for a DIY-at-home approach to psychedelics - but I think in the case of ibogaine at therapeutic doses, you're taking a huge and unnecessary risk doing it by yourself. Breaking through on ibogaine is not like DMT and it can kill you. Most, if not all, of the recorded deaths associated with it are entirely avoidable with a bit of education and preparation. At the very least do some reading first, get a full medical history from your doctor, and get an EKG if you haven't already. You may not be able to afford a retreat center/clinic, but check out some of the recommendations and safety protocols on their websites.

There are plenty of resources about ibogaine out there. There's no reason there has to be another fatality associated with this substance.
It sounds like you are desperate for help, so I completely understand the want to try Ibogaine. It has helped many people with addictions in the past and could potentially help you... BUT, as Praxis stated it is not something to play around with on your own. It's best to have a nurse or someone trained in first aid near by. Maybe save some money for a flight to a Dutch clinic, where it can be fairly affordable and they know what protocols need to be taken when dealing with drug interactions.

I wish you the best of luck and please be safe.
Benzodiazepine withdrawal forum:

There is much info at those forums on tapered withdrawal, benzo's can created long-term unwanted physical dependency, and getting off them requires help from a doctor in creating a tapered plan in many instances...many on the forum claimed they were switched to a longer lasting benzo, then decreased the dosage by 1mg or less every week (with help of pill cutter when exact incremental doses not available) until they were off completely, apparently the taper is done in very slow increments, to ease the withdrawal symptoms. Xanax is a very fast acting benzo and has a short half-life, anyhow that forum has many claims of success from hundreds who got the help they needed to get off the awful stuff. Many doctors prescribe them for daily long-term use. A taper should only be done under medical supervision, stopping abruptly is not recommended by most on the forum as serious withdrawal problems could result, seek advise from a qualified doctor only.

From "the Benzo book, getting safely off tranquilizers" by Jack Hobson Dupont:
From The Back Cover: "Are you--or is someone you care about--taking tranquilizers or sleeping pills? You could be at risk of addiction without even knowing it. "Benzos" are the most commonly prescribed tranquilizers and sleeping pills, in use by millions of people. Doctors prescribe
these drugs routinely without ever warning patients that regular use may cause a dangerous dependency. For many people, Benzos are much harder to quit than heroin, cocaine, crack and other illegal substances, even when taken under a physician's supervision. Benzo Withdrawal may last for months, even years.

Get the facts about the drugs in your medicine cabinet-facts the pharmaceutical companies, and even the Fda, don't want you to know." The Benzo Book recounts the author's experience as an unwitting addict, with full details about minimizing withdrawal symptoms, and exposes the sociological, medical and economic factors which cause this widespread-yet largely unknown-problem.
Thank u guys so much for the love..

And like one said, im really desperate.... i cant take this no more.

Ive gone CT on benzos before, maby i should cut it 2 days before just to be "safe".

From what i read, the HCL verision is not good on other addictions exept opiates.
But the extract and the rootbark can work on others.

This is my last chance for a good life. I will order it in 1-2 days. But this got me
thinking... it must work......

Seems like 4 grams of TA extract is a good dose for my purpuse.

Would it be okey to swallow it directly instead of doing a few caps a time? dont really know how its suppose to be dosed but i feel like a "big" dose directly instead of micro dosing it till il hit 4g is a better rout.

Mr.Joules said:
JP said:
I would very much look into taking ibogaine with any drug in your system. I'm not sure about xanax but ibogaine reacts negatively with many substances.
Yeah i know.. i will be careful, i need xanax every day buy i will keep it as far away as possbile, do my last dose 24 hours before.

If heroin addict can do that, benso must be ok.

Anyone that can help me with dosage?

Is 3g enough or is more like 5 what i need?

Can i take it directly or do i need to spread it out over hours? if so, why cant i swallow it right away?


Heroin addicts need all opioids to clear there system before taking ibogaine.

You believe there is an easy way out, there is not one. You have no choice but to grind through it.

I would like to hear that you have successfully kick your habit, but based upon your posts here I don't see it happening. You don't believe you can do it, therefore you can't do it. Change your mindset, change your life.

Ibogaine has binding affinity to opioid receptors, to my knowledge it has no affinity to GABA receptors. I don't see this breaking the addiction cycle like opioids.

Look into the Passiflora incarnata, they contain oxazepam.

I wish you the best of luck.

Remember most of your anxiety is most likely stemming from very low GABA levels because of the xanax.

Side note by best friend was hooked on benzo's, before he started he had no anxiety (he actually had an unhealthy lack of fear, almost on a toxoplasmosis level.) Towards the end of it he couldn't handle any situation without them.

Please get a sitter and re think your plan.


Please watch the documentary "I am dangerous in Love' for a scene in which a person takes ibogaine in a non controlled setting, does not tell the practitioner that he is on benzos, and goes into seizures.

Your plan is not safe, please taper off first then work with Iboga!
Thanks guys..

I know it not the safes thing to do but i feel like i have no choise. This is not the life i want to live.

I asked the girl if i could do the 4 grams direct, but she said i might puke if i do that. But i feel like i might puke either way so i dont know if i will spread them out in 4 hours (1g each hour) or do it direct and just try to hold it in.

I will use probiotics. Did ayahuasca 2 weeks ago and i was the only one who dident puke, took 5 tabs 3 hours before. Think it was the only thing that helped me so i will do the same with the iboga.


Guy 2 post up.

I KNOW im strong enough.

Everyone needs to read this -

After i found dmt i started smoking it every week, then more less and less.

But it came to a point where my 7 YEARS old xanax addiction blew away.... the "feelgood" after affect on DMT made my withdrawl go away. I was more clear in my head i ever been in my life. And it dident just last one day, a few day. It lasted a whole month !

Then i got much at work and needed xanax again. But the message of this, dmt took my withdrawl away. wich isent heard of. this is so insaine i dont know where to start.

So i really belive, that with a little help from iboga i can kick my benzo use. If dmt took the withdrawl away i really belive that iboga can do it..

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