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Migrated topic.


Ontological Philosopher
Hello everybody!
I would like to share some sapience on the topic of bad trips, & avoiding them in the entirety.
This will be as concise as possible so here we go.
Start with a dose not exceeding 3 ~ 3.5 Grams dried
First off, what is a bad trip?
Bad trips can come on from a variety of different factors, including but not limited to
(Surroundings, temperature,(Too cold, Too hot) tripping with people, misuse).

*Bad surroundings - people & unfamiliar places can incite anxiety,
*Temperature being too cold or too hot. Too cold temperature with anxiety can lead to shivering,
uncomfortable thought loops, as well as being too hot can lead to slightly more aggressive thought

Basically everyone knows of Set & Setting;
(Set being your mental health & state of being, Setting being your environment)
This can tremendously influence your experience.
For example, if you take two trips, both 5g's 1 trip being with music, people and conversation will result in a reduced trip intensity because you are not able to let go, free your consciousness, as opposed to the other being by yourself with no stimuli (music, noise, or visual) resulting in a much more intensified journey.
Its a VAST difference between the two experiences.
You do not need a trip sitter, as long as you're in your room, or just somewhere safe by yourself you will be just fine, trip sitters can make it hard to let go for one, not to mention if they are less than perfect sitters they can make the experience nugatory or even dysphoric. If you find a sitter requisite make sure they are out of the room and will let you be ALONE.
*Misuse can result in bad trips as well; if you are not using these tools properly, to learn and expand, but to get intoxicated is just the wrong reason in itself.
Use them correctly, know what you are getting into, you will become exorbitantly introspective. learn about yourself, expand your consciousness (after all they are a consciousness expanding tool), dissolve the societal and cultural indoctrination. lol.
A good tip is to make sure you go in with intentions, talk with the mushroom, work with it, the possibilities are endless.
Happy travels everyone, I hope this helps someone out there in some way.
Dont forget the "bombers" -Mckenna, steering rockets!;)

But be careful they can also drag you down further of own experience.. especially if smoking on the peak..

And also.. there are no bad trips.. just more learning;)
Eaglepath said:
And also.. there are no bad trips.. just more learning;)
I and i'm sure most feel the same about bad trips.. but sometimes there is those trips that feel like you really harmed yourself both mentally and psychologically, at least for me, and those happen when i take them just to "trip" combined with a bad setting, and i think such trips should be avoided.

For me bad setting is the main cause of bad trips.. i don't mind if the experience itself and what i see in it is terrifying or strong body load and nausea and feeling like i am dying, it's all fine and teaching as long as there's no oustside factor bothering me and making me anxious, like thinking someone might come or something bad might happen..

Although so far most of my mushroom trips were unpleasent and some were really bad due to bad setting i have gained something important from it, i have gained a lot of respect to psychedelics and no longer have the "desire" of wanting to "trip". They say mushrooms make you gay and i am glad they made me a pussy :p i thought i can handle any trip and just 2 grams of mushrooms made me realise how wrong i am.

@Astonish what you wrote seem like good mesures to avoid bad trips and i agree that there's no need for a sitter as long as you trust yourself and of course this trust is strengthened by lots of reasearch and reading and making your own stuff.
Congrats on the full membership :thumb_up:
I think the trip you get is what you need. Ideal set and setting and prior preparation never guarantee that the trip will be all rainbows, puppy dogs and kittens. Sometimes a difficult or so-called bad trip is exactly what you need. You may need this difficulty to wake up something in you, deal with some sort of trauma in your psyche, or promote healing in a way that you had not thought of before.

A wide variety of emotions can come up, ranging from utter rage to weeping to paralyzing fear etc.. Thought patterns that are difficult can loop and become pestering. You can get into places in your mind where you would do anything to abort the journey you are on. We could go into all sorts of scenarios here as these are just a couple examples of difficulties that can pop into your trip.

Courage is required. You must be prepared for these difficulties as soon as you ingest any psychedelic. Understand your emotions prior to ingestion. Try and deal with issues in your life before. Meditation can be very helpful for those who are into that. I mean you can do all sorts of work on yourself before ingestion and still end up weeping for no apparent reason. I always call this a purge of emotions. Stuff comes up and it must be felt, observed and allowed to pass through you. This purge is perfectly ok. There is nothing wrong with crying it out. There is nothing wrong with fear. The fight or flight response can be very hard to deal with. These things are popping up for a purpose. Be prepared to have the courage to stand strong in the face of these strong emotions.

You are the one tossing the dice so take responsibility for it. If you are suffering and having a bad trip, it is because you are creating it, and not the fault of psychedelic you took. Start you dosage off low and work up, getting used to the terrain can help out in this very much. Setting intention before ingestion is of the utmost importance and paramount to healing and information gathering. Please know why you are taking the substance you choose. Do you want healing? Ask for it. Do you want a teacher? As for one. Do you want to see some cool trippy stuff? Ask for that I guess... Each to their own. Do it for whatever reason you choose.... but do it for a reason.

Psychedelics give you what you need and not what you want. You can't go to class and instruct the teacher. It doesn't work that way. Be humble. Show courage. Be prepared. Try and have fun in the process. Do everything you can to go into your jounrney as positive as you can before you even take one step. Allow yourself to let go. Allow yourself to feel. Allow yourself to fear. Have faith that you can make it through it no matter what comes up. It will be ok!
Good Morning All!!
My fairly moderate experiences have been Not as Many as I Would Like to be. But Yet in Tripple Digits Prob even Quad Digies!!
( Certainly Not Bragging!!!)
But I've Yet to have a " Badd Tripp".)
By Simply Being Pure Of Heart & Intent.
1 Love
Wavey Gravey said:
Good Morning All!!
My fairly moderate experiences have been Not as Many as I Would Like to be. But Yet in Tripple Digits Prob even Quad Digies!!
( Certainly Not Bragging!!!)
But I've Yet to have a " Badd Tripp".)
By Simply Being Pure Of Heart & Intent.
1 Love
Helping dissolve the stigma of bad trips and fear.
Happy travels!
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