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I get really bad anxiety at times. Will taking Harmaline HCl help?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I do know that it has sort of a serotonin agonist effect and that sounds like it could help me. I'm considering what would be the normal trip dose for a pharma trip, or 200mg. I have an empty stomach right now and plan to go on a 5 mile walk pretty soon, should I go for it?
and they will put him on some alprazolam or bromazepam and make him a benzohead.:lol:

I am not saying to not seek medical attention but it is good that he is considering natural remedies.

Even though I don't know if you want serotonin in your brain or if you want GABA
It can help, but I've noticed from taking caapi, rue and passionflower on their own that they can still bring up repressed memories and other stuff up out of the subconscious to be processed, even without the dmt. So that may seem negative at first. Harmalas for anxiety would be more of a holistic thing, than simply taking a xanex to aliviate the symptoms.
ZonSun said:
and they will put him on some alprazolam or bromazepam and make him a benzohead.:lol:

I am not saying to not seek medical attention but it is good that he is considering natural remedies.

Even though I don't know if you want serotonin in your brain or if you want GABA
I'm not against rue or pro white pills, but we better be practical about hard cases.

IF you go the alternative route, OK but then go serious, 1 on 1 relationship and working on a solid base with people who are on top of such practices. Some thrown suggestions in a forum are not on par with really bad anxiety victims, however it is all nice and good intended. There is NO feeling possible in a forum and any good intended suggestion could as well work alarming counter productive. No medical/psychological advise should ever be given to bad cases over the shallow depth of a distant pixel contact that only last like 10 seconds.

I would favor any natural molecules remedy over standard drugs. It's just the context that forces certain routes to be followed, even when that involves lesser healthy approaches.

But don't follow my advise by all means, give this person your suggested cure, and lean back while you will never know what you actually triggered on the unknown other end of the continent. Go for it :twisted:

Sorry if I sounded harsh :?: , no offense meant :love:
Jees said:
No medical/psychological advise should ever be given to bad cases over the shallow depth of a distant pixel contact that only last like 10 seconds.

I follow you on this line along with ..

Jees said:
Go see professionals for tailored medical/psychological advice.

And like to add, that there is difference between providing information and giving advices.

New I am, know you I don't but feeling you, caapi (solo, no nothing added except vinegar) seems to me would benefit you greatly. A few days of daily standard dosage of your own intuition, simply vine of the soul with vinegar if your health permits, otherwise simply her, so you can unveil that area of your being that will bring you smiles. Abuelita will lighten your heart gently and with love~
Jees said:
Really bad anxiety?
Go see professionals for tailored medical/psychological advise.
Take the pills they prescribe only to overcome an acute episode in your life. Otherwise a few months down the line they'll be having no effect, loads of unwanted side effects and you'll be totally hooked on them. The pharma companies are there to make huge profits, not cure you!

DMT is an anxiolytic in its own right. Working with it intelligently can get you to the bottom of the underlying problems too. I'd also suggest 5-MeO-DMT under the supervision of someone with therapeutic skills. Check out MDMA + Therapy too.
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