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Instant ayahuasca little lightening bolt TEK

Migrated topic.
Interesting, so this does mean you would recommend adding an acid to these cold alcohol soaks? If so, which acid would be the best choice?
EDIT: And am still unclear as to whether iso or ethanol would be better for soaking up orally active DMT, if any? Tnx again for all the help!
This being in the context of extracting from plant material means that DMT will be present in its natural salt form, or rather we have protonated cations and a selection of organic and inorganic ions in the cellular matrix. In that sense the main reason to add an acid would be to free up any DMT that happened to be bound to tannin, so this decision depends, to a certain extent, on the plant material concerned.

I still haven't tried the hot vodka extraction for anything other than acorns but I still get the feeling it would be worth trying with mimosa bark, followed by precipitation of the tannins with lime. The resulting tannin-free tincture (it being reasonably safe to assume that the method is effective in removing mimosa tannin) can either be left as a solution of freebase or neutralised with some kind of edible acid. The latter option is probably more suited to subsequent ingestion.

The reasoning of this last point also extends to harmalas in that having an ostensibly food-grade solvent (ethanol) keeps some options open that iso would hinder, as well as harmalas having better solubility in the ethanol - although I can't definitively say that extends to any given salt form since there isn't an enormous amount of data available.

If you're going by the price, bear in mind you'll likely have to use a larger amount of iso for a given quantity of harmalas to dissolve, and this larger amount would take a longer time to evaporate - although this may be less relevant for an arbitrary, relatively large volume used for extracting plant material.

There are also the qualitative differences in extraction which you noticed between the two alcohols. You'll have to weigh up how much the clumping effect is disadvantageous in comparison to the seeming benefit of the clearer extract, for example.

If you already have a big bottle of iso you might as well use it. Vodka is relatively cheap where I am, or at least the cheap stuff is - how is it in your part of the world?
... the hot vodka extraction ...

Vodka is relatively cheap where I am, or at least the cheap stuff is - how is it in your part of the world?
I can get cheap vodka for about 16 euro's / liter, which is a lot cheaper than grain alcohol here. Not sure how much I would need to use but I expect it would certainly be affordable. However, I'm not sure what you mean with 'hot vodka extraction'?
(I actually have a cold vodka soak going at the moment because I happened to have some in my cabinet that I never otherwise use or drink from, 5g MHRB in about 300ml.)
I can get cheap vodka for about 16 euro's / liter, which is a lot cheaper than grain alcohol here. Not sure how much I would need to use but I expect it would certainly be affordable. However, I'm not sure what you mean with 'hot vodka extraction'?
(I actually have a cold vodka soak going at the moment because I happened to have some in my cabinet that I never otherwise use or drink from, 5g MHRB in about 300ml.)
There's a video I've linked to on here a couple of times, demonstrating a method for removing tannins from acorns. 10 parts vodka per 1 part plant matter for 2 hrs @ 60°C. Precipitate tannins with lime. If used with MHRB this would leave you with a crude (and decidedly alkaline) tincture of DMT freebase.
I also think that his dosages are better to adapt. 15 gr of potent mimosa is a hell of a trip. And 40gr of caapi seems to me as a minimum, but of course, this depends a lot of the material you are working with.

In an alchemical manner, I would prefer to do this Tek with a food grade alcohol rather than with industrial solvents. Just my two cents, but the price for a bottle of schnaps is nothing compared to more advanced extraction methods and you will find yourself with an authentic product. No doubt about consuming vodka and alike. If you go on to distill your proper alcohol, even better.

Quite natural and straight forward recipe.
So, yesterday I had another lovely, insightful & therapeutic experience with this method: Consumed 150mg harmala hcl, 20 minutes later a 5g MHRB AE combined with a 1g SR AE.

For some reason, it took 2,5 hours before the trip came on despite once again eating grapes around T40:00. I assume the grapes were not enough to stimulate the digestion this time, for whatever reason.
For the MHRB extract I used a bigger, somewhat sturdier gel cap this time, which might have had an impact? (Although I poked a few holes into it.)
Once it did start it was also more sudden and shorter-lasting than last time, 2 hours or so.

Also, I had three bites of an oatmeal cake immediately after consuming the MHRB pill. Not taking it on a fully empty stomach seemed to create significantly less nausea. This combined with CosmicLion's anti-nausea recipe made it a very low-nausea experience.

Also, scraping tip: The residue that an AE leaves on your glass surface is significantly more fluttery than the residue of a water brew. Use a lid while you scrape to prevent the particles from jumping onto your dirty desk!

EDIT: I also consumed some honey with my ginger shot after consuming the harmala's. This seemed to make my mind fluttery and less able to become centered and meditative. Sugar will do that, I guess, so I will not be repeating that.
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I can get cheap vodka for about 16 euro's / liter, which is a lot cheaper than grain alcohol here. Not sure how much I would need to use but I expect it would certainly be affordable. However, I'm not sure what you mean with 'hot vodka extraction'?
(I actually have a cold vodka soak going at the moment because I happened to have some in my cabinet that I never otherwise use or drink from, 5g MHRB in about 300ml.)
Further to this point, microwaving finely powdered MHRB on low (10% power) in vodka (well, actually Doppelkorn, but still grain alcohol @38%abv) makes a deep wine-red extract. The beaker was covered with a piece of parafilm to hinder evaporation, minimising the explosion risk.

SAFETY NOTE: ONE SHOULD ALWAYS BE WARY OF HEATING FLAMMABLE SOLVENTS! The microwave is not necessarily intrinsically safe, so careful consideration was given to heating rates and vapour confinement. If in doubt, use a warm water bath instead! NEVER HEAT A SEALED CONTAINER without incorporating a fail-safe pressure relief system! (Parafilm achieves this in this particular instance, but the temperature remained below 70ᵒC.)

50g bark with 300mL vodka resulted, after filtering and washing of the marc with 4×50mL unheated vodka, in 350mL of extract. Some evaporative losses will have occured, and the powder retains a significant volume of solvent both through absorption and interstitially. This process may be amenable to use of a Soxhlet apparatus, despite prior opinions to the contrary…

It remains to be decided whether to proceed with tannin precipitation using lime, or simply to keep the tincture in its present form.
Nice, curious to hear the results you get from the tincture after consumption (with and/or without the tannin precipitation).

Also, I forgot to mention: Can confirm now that IPA indeed sucks for harmala's. I soaked 2g of grinded SR in some IPA and the result was a sickly green oil that wouldn't dry and became red when I scraped it together. Probably it would have been psychoactive but it felt intuitively gross to ingest, so I didn't.
Nice, curious to hear the results you get from the tincture after consumption (with and/or without the tannin precipitation).

Also, I forgot to mention: Can confirm now that IPA indeed sucks for harmala's. I soaked 2g of grinded SR in some IPA and the result was a sickly green oil that wouldn't dry and became red when I scraped it together. Probably it would have been psychoactive but it felt intuitively gross to ingest, so I didn't.
It seems best to proceed with a test tube experiment for determining stoichiometry of the tannin precipitation. This appears prudent to establish for any given batch of plant material, after all.

Maybe you could send your IPA harmala gunk to Kykeon for analysis? That's a possible way to avoid it being a waste (although 2g of rue is no big deal, indeed!)
Any thoughts on doing a 're-x' step with naphta on an alcohol extraction?
I.e, dissolve the tannin-y AE residue into naphta, separate naphta from impurities, freeze precipitate, evaporate naphta.

Not for vaporizing obviously, but for removing plant gunk from the extract for oral consumption. Would this work, or am I missing something?

Also, had another wonderful (at times challenging) experience with this method with 6g MHRB. This seems to be a sweet spot at the moment until I feel ready for more. However, now it took 3 hours for the effects to begin, despite eating a lot at various points before that. Possibly it's coincidental, but the slow onset has started with me once I started doing CosmicLion's anti-nausea recipe (lemon EO, peppermint EO, ginger juice). Or maybe it's the encapsulation somehow. Will experiment further because the long wait is annoying.
Any thoughts on doing a 're-x' step with naphta on an alcohol extraction?
I.e, dissolve the tannin-y AE residue into naphta, separate naphta from impurities, freeze precipitate, evaporate naphta.

Not for vaporizing obviously, but for removing plant gunk from the extract for oral consumption. Would this work, or am I missing something?

Also, had another wonderful (at times challenging) experience with this method with 6g MHRB. This seems to be a sweet spot at the moment until I feel ready for more. However, now it took 3 hours for the effects to begin, despite eating a lot at various points before that. Possibly it's coincidental, but the slow onset has started with me once I started doing CosmicLion's anti-nausea recipe (lemon EO, peppermint EO, ginger juice). Or maybe it's the encapsulation somehow. Will experiment further because the long wait is annoying.
Well, if you get the amount of lime just right, de-tanninised vodka extract seems useable as-is for putting into a brew, so it would also appear reasonable to suggest that evaporating it down - maybe after adding a little acid - would be good enough for capsules. Maybe even, without adding acid, it could be evaporated down for vaporisation. I also wonder if a citrate goo from this vodka/lime method would work in e-juice.

That doesn't really answer the question about naphtha, except to say now, that if you have freebase DMT in crude form there's every reason to suspect it can be cleaned up by dissolving in naphtha and freeze precipitating it. I just wonder how well the DMT would partition into the naphtha from vodka, since ethanol is clearly the far 'better' solvent in this case, in terms of sheer dissolving power at least. Naphtha is useful to us precisely because it doesn't dissolve the DMT so well - a nice illustration of how "better" works subjectively in this context.
I'd like to help identify the impact of heat and time soaking. Can you summarize what you've found so far in terms of how heat impacts yield or how much time left soaking impacts yield? Also, if we assume the tannins cause Nausea, I'm curious about the use of Lime Transform suggests. It sounds like SichoNaut hasn't tried that yet, correct? I watched that LONG acorn video and i wasn't clear how it translates to this. It seems there were 3 layers at the end, with the middle being tannins trapped in lime, but I wasn't clear what was on the top and bottom and where all our DMT would be. Lastly, SichoNaut, have you tried this sublingually instead of in capsules to see how that affects the onset and duration?
Since Sodium carbonate isn't very soluble in IPA, I'm trying to mix and remove some Sodium Carbonate to see if it grabs any undesired compounds. In another batch, I also tried just very salty saltwater, hoping some undesired parts might get trapped in the saltwater, which separates from the alcohol with some patience (see video:
). These are just stabs in the dark, so maybe Transform can lmk if these are futile efforts to get closer to pure DMT.
Since Sodium carbonate isn't very soluble in IPA, I'm trying to mix and remove some Sodium Carbonate to see if it grabs any undesired compounds. In another batch, I also tried just very salty saltwater, hoping some undesired parts might get trapped in the saltwater, which separates from the alcohol with some patience (see video:
). These are just stabs in the dark, so maybe Transform can lmk if these are futile efforts to get closer to pure DMT.
I'd like to help identify the impact of heat and time soaking. Can you summarize what you've found so far in terms of how heat impacts yield or how much time left soaking impacts yield? Also, if we assume the tannins cause Nausea, I'm curious about the use of Lime Transform suggests. It sounds like SichoNaut hasn't tried that yet, correct? I watched that LONG acorn video and i wasn't clear how it translates to this. It seems there were 3 layers at the end, with the middle being tannins trapped in lime, but I wasn't clear what was on the top and bottom and where all our DMT would be. Lastly, SichoNaut, have you tried this sublingually instead of in capsules to see how that affects the onset and duration?
Ummm, yeah... the acorn video was essentially included for the purpose of illustrating how to precipitate tannins from aqueous ethanol. I'd put two and two together and made DMT, so to speak, as it was clear this could be applied to removing the tannins from a MHRB tincture while simultaneously converting the DMT to its freebase form. DMT freebase is very readily soluble in ethanol and aqueous ethanol down to vodka strength.

Re your question about adding sodium carbonate: yes this will cause a layer of more concentrated alcohol to separate along with the dissolved DMT, and this separation also occurs more readily with IPA than with ethanol. If you've already removed the red colour of tannins using lime, you should be able to evaporate off the IPA to collect a crude DMT goo. This may prove amenable to further purification using the FASA method. Indeed, if you were able to sequester any and all remaining water out of the de-tanninised solution, you might be able to crash the DMT out as the fumarate.

As far as extraction times go, it appears that following the protocol in the acorn video is effective enough. (And I hope Robert Murray-Smith appreciates the good use that has been made of his content 😁 )

Finally, since we've been talking about removing water from the alcohol, it bears pointing out that the reaction of lime with tannin produces two molecules of water for every equivalent of lime, so if you're ever getting into the nitty-gritty of equations that needs to be taken into account.
Trying to distill the info from this thread (and Mr Smith's Acorn Video). That's 25 grams of acorns and 500l of ethanol agitated for 3 hours on a magnetic stir. I'm guessing he did about 25g of Lime (though he was only working with maybe 20% of his volume, so maybe 2-4x the amount of plant material). Have you used Lime to remove tannins? Do you have suggestions for quantities of Lime with 100g of MHRB?

Here's my guesses for turning this into a 100g MHRB Tek:

100g MHRB in 1L Ethanol (Alcohol 70 proof or higher)
Magnetic Stir/Hotplate for 4 hours
(Sicho Naut has been agitating/soaking for weeks, whereas Mr Smith did it for 3 hours, so I'll test a few durations)
Then filter out and discard the plant material (may not be necessary but Mr Smith did it)
Add 200g lime, mix again and let settle.
You'll get a layer of DMT suspended in ethanol/alcohol up top.
A layer of Calcium Tannate in the middle
and some Calcium Hydroxide on the bottom.
Pipette-off your ethanol/Alcohol
Evaporate as much as you want, depending on your chosen ROA

Thoughts? Would you suggest different measurements or times?
Trying to distill the info from this thread (and Mr Smith's Acorn Video). That's 25 grams of acorns and 500l of ethanol agitated for 3 hours on a magnetic stir. I'm guessing he did about 25g of Lime (though he was only working with maybe 20% of his volume, so maybe 2-4x the amount of plant material). Have you used Lime to remove tannins? Do you have suggestions for quantities of Lime with 100g of MHRB?

Here's my guesses for turning this into a 100g MHRB Tek:

100g MHRB in 1L Ethanol (Alcohol 70 proof or higher)
Magnetic Stir/Hotplate for 4 hours
(Sicho Naut has been agitating/soaking for weeks, whereas Mr Smith did it for 3 hours, so I'll test a few durations)
Then filter out and discard the plant material (may not be necessary but Mr Smith did it)
Add 200g lime, mix again and let settle.
You'll get a layer of DMT suspended in ethanol/alcohol up top.
A layer of Calcium Tannate in the middle
and some Calcium Hydroxide on the bottom.
Pipette-off your ethanol/Alcohol
Evaporate as much as you want, depending on your chosen ROA

Thoughts? Would you suggest different measurements or times?
Your outline scheme looks about right. I think we can probably get away with using a bit less lime, more like 50g, as there's no way 2 equivalents of lime will react with 1 equivalent of bark, even taking into account the polybasicity of tannin acids. [As an aside, a useful metric here would be the basicity per Dalton (or something like that) to get a better idea of how many neutralisation equivalents a given mass of tannin might require.]

You can fine-tune the amount of lime for your particular batch by doing a preliminary test with a measured, small (test tube sized...) quantity, or by mixing up a lime/vodka paste of, say, half a gram of lime and estimating how much of the extract it decolorises. Preparation of the extract proceeded smoothly in the microwave on low/medium for about 20 - 30 minutes, using powdered bark material - the main thing is to avoid boiling the solvent, and if using a microwave I would particularly recommend covering the container with laboratory film or saran wrap. Shredded bark will certainly require longer, so powder your bark if at all possible.

Since our goal is slightly different, we only need to optimise dissolving the alkaloids rather than the tannins. I would still recommend doing three solvent runs on a given portion of of bark, using fresh solvent each time. In absence of vacuum filtration apparatus, the simplest way of separating the calcium tannate from the clarified solution is to dump it all into a funnel plugged with a piece of cotton wool. Circular make-up removal pads prove to be quite convenient for this since they can be gently but firmly pushed into the neck of the funnel and the ~felty-woven structure of the pad proves to be more effective at catching fine articles than the more random structure of a simple ball of cotton wool.

Once all the liquid has drained through, it's possible to wash the solid material with a bit more vodka to recover trapped alkaloids that remain in the vodka moistening the calcium tannate powder. Be aware that, without suction, this filtration can take a day or two each time on account of the fine particle size of the Ca tannate.

At this point, one way of removing excess water, in part resulting from the reaction of lime with tannin acids, is to put the solution into a very cold freezer. At around -30°C the whole solution will freeze solid, but at around -22 to -24°C ice crystals will separate. It's probably most straightforward to separate the alcoholic solution from the ice with the aid of a Pasteur pipette, although with a little ingenuity one could take advantage of the aforementioned freeze/thaw possibilities and set a frozen solid beaker upside down in a funnel in the freezer (if you have sufficient room and can rely on it remaining undisturbed) and then 'turn down the cold' so that the alcohol is released and the ice remains trapped in the funnel. Obviously, the funnel should be stood securely in a suitable receptacle, and it 's probably wise to enclose the apparatus in a sealed container to prevent ice formation from moisture in the air.

So, that's one way of separating off a good proportion of the excess water without using a ton of sodium carbonate - the "freeze-dried" solvent can be finished with a more frugal portion of anhydrous SC, and if using IPA it would be worth attempting a fumarate precipitation at that point.

In summary, less time, less lime, filter, freeze, and do as you please :)
I'd like to help identify the impact of heat and time soaking. Can you summarize what you've found so far in terms of how heat impacts yield or how much time left soaking impacts yield? Also, if we assume the tannins cause Nausea, I'm curious about the use of Lime Transform suggests. It sounds like SichoNaut hasn't tried that yet, correct? I watched that LONG acorn video and i wasn't clear how it translates to this. It seems there were 3 layers at the end, with the middle being tannins trapped in lime, but I wasn't clear what was on the top and bottom and where all our DMT would be. Lastly, SichoNaut, have you tried this sublingually instead of in capsules to see how that affects the onset and duration?
-RE Impact of heat and time soaking: I have not yet worked with heat, only soaks at room temp. As far as soaking time is concerned, I can only say that a little less than three weeks versus two months showed no discernible difference in terms of potency.

-I indeed have not tried the lime route yet. I am a little resistant to trying it because I have no idea what I am doing, but it is on my list for possible future experiments. My next experiment will be to consume the residue of an IPA soak and note possible differences with 96% grain alcohol soaks. Depending on the results I will afterwards probably try the lime route or re-x'ing the evaporated AE residue with naphta.

-I have never heard of doing DMT sublingually. You think just putting the AE residue under your tongue would work? I expect the taste would be disgusting. Also, the residue that an IPA soak leaves weighs about as much as the residue of a grain alcohol soak, but the volume of the latter is about 4 times that of the previous, possibly making sublingual consumption relatively uncomfortable.
-I have never heard of doing DMT sublingually. You think just putting the AE residue under your tongue would work? I expect the taste would be disgusting. Also, the residue that an IPA soak leaves weighs about as much as the residue of a grain alcohol soak, but the volume of the latter is about 4 times that of the previous, possibly making sublingual consumption relatively uncomfortable.
DMT (and similar molecules) are supposedly about twice as bioavailable sublingually, and the effect is apparently shorter-lived, but I've failed to make a sublingual tincture that didn't cause immense pain. Here's a good thread for making a pain-free sublingual tincture, which I'm working on replicating: Sublingual DMT tincture: Story and Recipe. (NO BURN, NO NAUSEA)

One more question: I'm trying this now with 4 separate batches of 20gmhrb in 200ml of 99.9%IPA, Everclear (95% Ethanol), Rum (40% ethanol) and Tequila (40% ethanol). I'm unclear about the best ROA. It seems Transform thinks this is pure enough to smoke/vape. I'm also curious about drinking the ethanol versions (with MAOI of course), but alcohol is generally bad to mix with MAOI, so maybe I'll try to evap most of the alcohol (leaving some of the water) and dosing orally (unless it works sublingually). Are you drying and putting in capsules, Sicho? What would you two suggest for ROA?
DMT (and similar molecules) are supposedly about twice as bioavailable sublingually, and the effect is apparently shorter-lived, but I've failed to make a sublingual tincture that didn't cause immense pain. Here's a good thread for making a pain-free sublingual tincture, which I'm working on replicating: Sublingual DMT tincture: Story and Recipe. (NO BURN, NO NAUSEA)

One more question: I'm trying this now with 4 separate batches of 20gmhrb in 200ml of 99.9%IPA, Everclear (95% Ethanol), Rum (40% ethanol) and Tequila (40% ethanol). I'm unclear about the best ROA. It seems Transform thinks this is pure enough to smoke/vape. I'm also curious about drinking the ethanol versions (with MAOI of course), but alcohol is generally bad to mix with MAOI, so maybe I'll try to evap most of the alcohol (leaving some of the water) and dosing orally (unless it works sublingually). Are you drying and putting in capsules, Sicho? What would you two suggest for ROA?
Thanks for the link, sounds interesting-- Will check it out.

If I understand correctly, Transform speculates that tannin removal with lime on a vodka tincture could result in a very pure tincture. I have no opinion one way or the other, but it seems in any a case a promising route for arriving at an extract that is less taxing to the digestive system.

So far I have indeed fully evaporated the alcohol extractions and encapsulated them. However, I have my suspicion that the gel cap approach correlates with a) delayed onset (see my previous posts in this thread) and b) a not very intense but lingering, uncomfortable nausea that persists until the next day (even if the nausea during the experience itself is minimal).
So, I will be experimenting in the future with re-dissolving the residue in a non-alcoholic liquid, some options: a) coca cola, b) orange juice, c) water, d) water + a squirt of lemon juice. The downside would doubtless be taste, but if it removes the delayed onset and lingering nausea this would be worth it. Not a big fan of the idea of cola and orange juice because sugar tends to correlate with a fluttery mind, but many people seem to recommend it because of their acidity. In any case, this would be a way of not having to consume any of the alcohol used in your extraction.
From my tests, it seems the higher alcohol solvents (99.9%IPA and 95% Everclear) are separating more or at least faster.
My updated best guesses at quantities from my 20g tests, incorporating extra steps from Transform:

20g MHRB in 100-150ML Ethanol or IPA (Alcohol 70 proof or higher)
Magnetic Stir/Hotplate for 6-12 hours (or more)
Allow to settle. Pipette off alcohol and set aside.
Mix another 100Ml Ethanol or IPA into your plant material
Magnetic Stir/Hotplate for another 6-12 hours (or more)
Allow to settle. Pipette off alcohol and strain/squeeze plant material through filter/fabric, to catch all the alcohol. Discard plant material.
Add 15-20g lime to the 200-250ml alcohol, mix again and let settle for at least 12 hours (settling in the freezer may be useful, though mine seemed to settle & separate more at room temperature)
You'll get a layer of DMT suspended in ethanol/alcohol up top and a layer of Calcium Tannate on the bottom
Pipette-off your ethanol/Alcohol. Discard Calcium Tannate
Evaporate as much as you want, depending on your chosen ROA

Transform: Any suggestions for how to ensure you're getting all the lime out of the finished product? Also, I'm going to add NaOH and naptha to the leftover Calcium Tannate layer to try to discern how much DMT is in there. It'd be nice to squeeze all the alcohol from that layer, but when I've tried, the lime/calcium ends up in my final product, passing through both coffee filters and makeup removal pads. I'd love help with this, as Colorado's state law has essentially limited legal DMT Extraction solvents to water, alcohol/ethanol, and limonene, so we're incentivized to perfect these teks that avoid Naptha and similar solvents.
I'd love help with this, as Colorado's state law has essentially limited legal DMT Extraction solvents to water, alcohol/ethanol, and limonene, so we're incentivized to perfect these teks that avoid Naptha and similar solvents.
This is precisely the set of circumstances behind my suggesting the lime/vodka method - they can't stop us from producing our own vodka and burning our own lime, even if both of those are unlikely to disappear from the shops anytime soon.

It's best to minimise the amount of lime used by getting the stoichiometry just right, then there's less solvent remaining trapped in the calcium tannate, and any DMT residue can be recovered with a couple of washes. Fine, powdery sludge is not the sort of thing you want to be pressing, so you'll have to be satisfied with rinsing unless you can get hold of a good vacuum filtration setup and some very fine filters.

Freezing has been suggested as a way of removing water from the tincture, not as a way of separating the calcium tannate. It may help, but the main tool in getting the tincture free of lime and calcium tannate is patience.

Regarding the step where the plant material gets separated from the tincture, this is again a point where the trusty cotton-plug-in-a-funnel trick comes into its own, just as long as you have the time and patience. It's best to let the solids settle out and decant off the bulk of the tincture through the filter/funnel so that the clearer portion runs through more quickly and less of the liquid has to percolate through the sludge and part-clogged filter.

Tannins precipitate from the vodka-strength tincture on cooling, so it bears considering whether you want to filter it hot and filter again after cooling and standing, or let the freshly-produced tincture cool down completely and filter the once, in which case one has to consider whether any significant amount of DMT will be trapped by the tannins. This appears to be an argument for getting the maximum amount of tannin in contact with the lime, or maybe even acidifying the vodka a little prior to producing the tincture.

Above all, it's pleasing to hear of someone testing this out experimentally. I hope you try a few things out and keep meticulous and detailed notes.

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