I had a really strangle experience this morning. I did some yoga and meditation and then smoked 2 full bowls of plain leaf back to back in my water pipe, and sat back against some pillows and closed my eyes. I had kitaro playing in the background.
The salvia geometry began to form in and around my head and envelope me and a visual world began to form, and then the next thing I knew it was like I was talking to myself about myself or at least thats how i interprete it now. It was as if I posessed 2 seperate conciousnesses, maybe even 3.. it seemed there to be me(but like a higher me), having a conversation with the plant about the experiment J(me) was doing. Id be saying"oh look at that, J's about to breakthrough", and when I realized this I opened my eyes for some reason, and I had my window open with daylight comming through, so realities overlapped.
So by this point Im just sort of flopping around on some blankets trying to make sence of the experience, and i could percieve the salvia "edge"(cannot describe, if you have experienced it you will know what I mean) throughout my being, splitting me into 2 different dimensions. It literally was like i was have thoughts from 2 dimensions at once. Then all of a sudden i realized that this split was necessary so that salvia could trip through me, throught the human experience.. and I felt insane:lol:
I kept making the connection to every other time ive prematurally opened my eyes while besaged and had the same trip, but forgot right after what i had experienced..this time I wanted to remember it so I lay there studying it, while trying to shake off the convincing feeling that i had finally done it, I had gone insane, doomed to conciousily exist in 2 dimensions at once.
So, obviousily I did come back, and proceeded to laugh hisarically for about 5 minutes before reflectiing on the experience. I cant shake the feeling of actual merging that went on with what seemd a plant conciousness.. not that im bothered by it, I feel great, ecstatic even. Ive def experienced the "other" with salvia and msuhrooms many times, but this one just seeme so defined and clear once i calmed down a little, it was almost TOO real.
I also jsut had another memory from the trip come back to me, I had become my room, I was me, the wall and floor and the sterio and my body all one. I could feel all of it, things that were 10 feet away from my body i encompassed. This new "encompassment" was me, but it was like me suffused with the salvia being, and she made it possible. This whole time I never lost the memory of smoking salvia, so i just made the "lower" flesh body me lay back down and said "ok, so i will jus be everything".. and thats what i did until I came down.
The whole thing didnt scare me much, but REALLY interested me. I cant wait to go back now and try to converse with this thing. I used to combine chaliponga alkaloids with salvia quite often and think I will begin re experimenting with the combination of the 2:d