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Is safrole psychedelic?

Migrated topic.
saw a supplier that offered both therapeutic grade (100% pure) and what they called "commercial grade" which was probably only 10% elemi, the rest being jojoba oil ... about one third less cost, maybe good for massage. Who would want to ingest that? The earlier comments about sticking with the 100% product are right on.
Yep see there you go!
They may not even tell you if it diluted, jojoba oil is cheaper then essential oil... its like cutting your dope with baby laxatives... lol

so be sure your getting 100% Elemi Oil. This will make a huge difference.
One way to test if it does have Jojoba oil in it is add 5 drops to some IPA or everclear a shot glass full of it... does the oil dilute or does it ball up?
If it totally balls up or floats on top of the etoh like water and oil, then it has the jojoba oil in it. Jojoba oil is actually not an oil but a liquid wax. It does not dilute at all in alcohol. SWIM makes perfumes... good ones... and in the beginning has gotten burned by "essential oils" diluted this way.

Pau it would be great to get the brand or company name of the one that sells 100% pure elemi oil.
Not yet having tested diluting it with IPA or everclear SWIM is quite sure that he got pure essential oil. The company states it and the product has a german PZN number. PZN numbers are used for products sold by pharmacies. And it was rather expensive, he paid 7 EUR (about 9 USD) for only 5ml, which makes it one of the more expensive oils you can buy here.

So SWIM is looking forward to his next try. But he wants to make sure there is no tolerance buildup so he will wait a few days.
Dorge makes a good point. It's known that some companies secretly dilute their essential oils, but still say they are 100% pure on the bottle, which is a nasty trick. The trick is usually done for the more expensive oils though. I doubt they would do it with a cheap oil like Elemi oil, but who knows. It's less than $10 for 10 ml. But Jasmine oil, yes, they will do it, it's like $60 for 10 ml of pure Jasmine oil.

Always check the label. It should say “100% Pure” Elemi oil, and it must be “therapeutic grade”. “100% Natural” is not the same as “100% Pure”. I have a few oils that are “100% Natural” that are “therapeutic grade” but if you read the label carefully you can see they are diluted with grape seed oil or some other oil. This is usually the case with Jasmine oil because pure Jasmine oil is SUPER EXPENSIVE! A respectable company will say the oil is diluted on the bottle if it is, but there are some that cheat you and don’t say this.
@Ron: SWIM just told me what he read on the bottle (translated by me however):


conventional cultivation

is printed (beside other text) on the bottle. So I am still not sure where it is grown.

It also says "100% naturrein (German)" --> would translate that as "pure"

Therapeutical grade is not explicitly stated, but because of its PZN number it is at least in the "pharmacy area".
On the shop description I bought it from, it is said thatalong with other goods it's balancing out and recenter energies =) ( especially those bad back postures and scoliosis)
Hmmm... Sounds like a nice therapy
jaguar said:
@Ron: SWIM just told me what he read on the bottle (translated by me however):


conventional cultivation

is printed (beside other text) on the bottle. So I am still not sure where it is grown.

It also says "100% naturrein (German)" --> would translate that as "pure"

Does that mean the resin is distilled in France, it’s cultivated in France, or just bottled in France? I doesn’t really say exactly, but it does make it look like it’s cultivated in France with explicitly saying “cultivated in France”. I’m curious if it is. I’ve never heard of it being cultivated there. France is one of the places Elemi oil is popular in, so maybe they do cultivate it there now.
That would be weird to me. I researched a bit here, in france and it all says "provenance philippines" : so philippines would be the only place along with indonesia to a much lesser extent...
we'll do some more research, but my guess is that it is distilled and labelled in france.
here's a bottle of elemi we just saw:
(website info said from Philippenes, "pure therapeutic grade")

"CAUTION! May cause skin & eye irritation. Use safety glasses and chemical resistant gloves and provide adequate ventilation. Where splashing may occur, use goggles and face shield. Most essential oils are not for internal use. Ask a physician for correct usage."

Pretty watery stuff, thought it would be more "oily". Slight camphory, floral smell ... not too bad.

A couple of neighbors may add a few drops to a local favorite libation, "Tri-Trich" blend this weekend. Or earlier.
I cant help but wonder : If elemicin has the effects it has due to similarity with mescaline... could there be any interesting molecules based on "2C-X" Pihkal series but being elemicin analogues? For example the 2C-E or 2C-B analogue of elemicin comes to mind. Any educated guesses? I think the amine might be central for the receptor binding but since elemicin lacks it but still appears to have some effects its worth having a look into analogues.

(The above is just a side-dish to the main thread, my purpose isnt to derail it)
Found a great info page for Nexians interested in this thread:

Amongst other things, one can learn that elemi gives a "feeling of peace", is analgesic, and that decreasing demand has caused production to fall recently from 500 tons/yr to 200.

Poking further around the website you could learn about how to mix, say elemi oil, with edible massaage oil, which happens to come in 27 flavors from banana to watermelon. Maybe add some carrier oil in the mix to research elemi's trans-dermal potential?

I'm thinking: the menu for next weekend's backyard BBQ could be:
Tri-Tip steak on the grill,
washed down with a cold handcrafted elemi-flavored Tri-Trich brew,
followed up with a pina-colada flavored, edible elemi massage.

Nah...getting too old for that! Thinking more along the lines of a walk in the park with the dogs, some classical music.....
well moved it up to 20 drops... for swim as well as a whole host of others.. slight effects on all bases...
Dorge said:
well moved it up to 20 drops... for swim as well as a whole host of others.. slight effects on all bases...

What do you mean "on all bases"?
The oil of the Australian shrub Melaleuca squamophloia (Prickly Leafed Tea Tree) have been shown to contain as much as 81% (!) elemicin. Perhaps something to follow up on? Note that the related Melaleuca alternifolia that is used to make an antiseptic called "tea tree oil" does not contain elemicin.
What about gamma-Asarone from Chinese Wild Ginger, Asarum splendens? I think that might be very interesting. That is, if elemicin really turns into TMA. Look at the attached image.


  • gamma-asarone+TMA-2.png
    7.5 KB · Views: 0
Yeah, I’d imagine IF (again that’s a very big IF) elemicin actually does form TMA in the body, that gamma-asarone would form TMA-2. I can’t see why not. I can’t find Chinese wild ginger oil anywhere though. It would be interesting to investigate it.
If elemicin is in fact hallucinogenic, it has to be aminated into TMA. I can't see any other way. Elemicin will not be hallucinogenic as is, as it in no way will bind to the 5HT-2A receptor without a nitrogen at the tail.

The duration and nature of effects also points in the direction of TMA. Not so much the dosage, but it's a more or less uncharted territory with both elemicin and TMA. Perhaps some other enzymatic action converts elemicin to some other alkaloid, but that's a long shot.

If it really is aminated into TMA, then gamma-Asarone should form TMA-2. And safrole should form MDA. Safrole is not very closely related to elemicin and gamma-Asarone, but any allyl benzene should be aminated according to this theory. 90mg safrole should give a ~100mg MDA experience, if this theory is holding water.
I just now found that gamma-asarone is found in Acorus calamus. I bet that's it. There's the mystery substance you have been looking for in calamus. It makes sense, because alpha- and beta-asarone will not be aminated as they aren't allyls, but as you very well know calamus is hallucinogenic nonetheless.

Anyone interested in gamma-asarone should check out Caesulia axillaris leaf oil. It is found to contain as much as 63% gamma-asarone!
Evening Glory said:
If it really is aminated into TMA, then gamma-Asarone should form TMA-2. And safrole should form MDA. Safrole is not very closely related to elemicin and gamma-Asarone, but any allyl benzene should be aminated according to this theory. 90mg safrole should give a ~100mg MDA experience, if this theory is holding water.

I think this theory sounds nice but is wrong.

Several people who have tried tons of pure safrole said they got sedative effects from it mostly. I’ve never seen a trip report from safrole that looked like an MDA trip.

From another forum “15 to 30 drops of 70% pure sassafras oil would give you a very mild sedation with some minor color enhancement”. Safrole is the main element of sassafras oil and it doesn’t sound very interesting. I don't think the change from safrole to MDA happens, and I also doubt elemicin is forming TMA.
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