Evening Glory said:
69ron said:
I don't think the change from safrole to MDA happens, and I also doubt elemicin is forming TMA.
Yeah, that is what my intellect tells me too. But it also tells me that elemicin can't be hallucinogenic as is. It just can't happen. So the amination of allylbenzenes theory is the only thing that comes to mind. It may be that safrole for some reason does not undergo the amination, perhaps the enzyme responsible for the action is very picky on what it converts.
We can go back and forth on this one and never know until proper research is done. Safrole and sassafras oil don't seem to be very psychoactive. They are, but its mild and mostly sedating. MDA is defined as a psychedelic stimulant, more psychedelic than MDMA, more stimulating, and less of an empathogen.
Being one who loves sassafras tea, I can say I've never felt any stimulation from it at all from untreated tea. However, I have felt mild sedation and had very slight color enhancement, and very slight empathogenic effect from it. So it is very slightly similar to MDA, but extremely weak, with the main effect being sedation. But if you wash the sassafras with MEK, which removes most of the safrole (safrole is extremely soluble in MEK), then you get affects that are mildly psychedelic, and stimulating, without the empathogenic effects. I don't know what remains in the sassafras that is active, but my gut feeling is that its the alkaloid cinnamolaurine, which has the chemical structure like that of a psychedelic.
Also, another thing that makes me not believe that amination theory is calamus oil. It primarily contains asarone which should by that theory form TMA-2, and while's it's very slightly psychoactive, it's primarily sedating like safrole and causes very severe nausea. It's hardly something I'd call psychedelic and nothing remotely like TMA-2 in its effects.
I think certain strains of calamus, like sassafras, can be psychedelic, but the effects are caused by something unknown in these plants, not safrole or asarone. SWIM found calamus washed with acetone was more psychedelic than normal calamus. Washing with acetone would remove most of the asarone.
Most of these oils do nothing interesting. The only ones that do that I know of are elemicin and myristicin.