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Maybe i f'd something up?

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[quote:317409d1f5]What about healthy food, some physical exercises and maybe some yoga! Have you people ever thought about that?[/quote:317409d1f5] That should be the basis ! But even with that, when you are really ' mind fucked' this is just not enough...
[quote:3c3d05eaef="Garulfo"][quote:3c3d05eaef]What about healthy food, some physical exercises and maybe some yoga! Have you people ever thought about that?[/quote:3c3d05eaef] That should be the basis ! But even with that, when you are really ' mind fucked' this is just not enough...[/quote:3c3d05eaef] Well sometimes when things really fuck up it will take a lot of time and work to put things right. Sometimes there just is no quick fix, there's no easy way out. I know that from experience.
Sure there is no easy way. But there is no reason to suffer more. If some medecine can help you to recover AND to reduce suffering.. why not ? I know nobody who is deciding to not take a headache medecine just because it will pass out anyway (unless there is other medecinal reasons). That's the same thing for anxiety. It will disapear with time for most people. But how many months of suffering ? Suffering for suffering is only an old Judeo-Christian precept IMO
I'm not against medication, I just feel like some of you don't see anything else and are counting too much on some more chemicals to fix a damage done by chemicals. Like I said before, sometimes the easiest way out ain't so easy. Sometimes it's just hard work and the sooner you realize the better. But like I said I'm not against medication. I just think it's bad to look at it as THE solution to all your problems.
[quote:a02f07cc61="Garulfo"]...a low smoked dose everyday (~20 mg in two trips) seems having a very calming and relaxing effect for the long term. He wonder tough if it is affecting is overall energy, feeling himself less 'performant'...[/quote:a02f07cc61] I have a friend who likes his dmt containing 'acacia potion' he makes up for oral dosing, he does say that the main day after type effect he feels is a little tiredness.. I feel that the potion has more of a lasting effect on the body than a smoked dose, so at this time of lower overall energy for you, could there have been another contributer? when i first found out about spice, i as excited as you can imagine when i first found out you could break through.. WHOA!!! on average five nights a week i would break through at least once, sometimes as much as three or four time, this went on for months i never noticed a tiredness as such, if anything the complete opposite; i was more motivated than ever in my life, and it had a lasting effect the motivation however wasn't to go to work the next day and do my best at that engineering document, quite the contrary i struggled being at work, to the point of working five hour 'give-a-fuck' days (did my position reeeally become redundant or do you think they just didn't like me?) my motivation was to show everyone what i'd found every single person i could show i would, this has been my mission for quite some time now, i'm sure the little bit of dmt in all of us gets a warm cuddly feeling from what we're all doing here, i know mine does :D mushrooms didn't help either (by the way, tiredness, every time i take either lsd, mushrooms, or that acacia potion i YAAWWN like never before, like i am massively overdue for ultra slumber time, so, tryptamines, sleep, linked to melatonin i'm sure..) ...mushrooms didn't help either, when a shroom tells you that you should be spending your life running around the earth half naked eating apples off trees and smelling cannabis plants and flowers, perhaps playing with a beetle or chilling with a koala, well shit you just try going to work the next day and focusing YOUR fucking energy for a company's benefit .. rubbish rubbish anyway, i've realised a few things recently no job and sweet sweet lucy has given me the time and space to do the thinking i need, and a week in apollo bay was well overdue, fucking gorgeous place these things, well i won't go into it here, but they're all good and all beneficial. in summary: I think this panic bullshit is a warning bell for where i'm headed, and i've been pondering the 'where exactly am i going with all this?' thought for the better part of a year.. in the last month there have been at least three instances where i found myself in a place thinking 'why am i here, do i want to be here? if not (and yes that answer is no), then why am i here?' did i need to take thirteen tabs to figure it out? no, seventeen more did that for me.. it's real simple, it's all me, the person i used to be and where i wanted to direct my life was lost, all this time i've been thinking 'how can i get back to that point..', it's simple, i just need to make the decision to go back. There is a switch, and i *think* i may have found what i've been looking for.. not by some mass introspective psychedelic awakening, but just by really thinink about it i was talking with a friend, he said they trialed lsd (not to mention ibogaine) to treat heroin addiction with great success. "ohh a mass dose of lsd does wonders, it changes everything wrong inside of a person and when they come back they're reborn.." trash all it does is (quote my friend): 'gives these people the mechanism to step back and take a good look at how fucked up they've become' then they (maybe) make the decision to get their shit together i'm rambling, but there's a point in there who knows how it'll eventuate perhaps i'll never smoke anoher cigarette perhaps i'll incorporate a daily dose of lsd into my life for corrective-alignment purposes (i'm full of shit see) perhaps i'll never take another psychedelic :roll: :lol: eitherway, i will make the decision because it is something i want, and that's what i think i found how to do for myself since i made the decision not to smoke when i don't want, i haven't i'd wake up and within an hour have a cigarette, thinking the whole time 'why am i doing this, i don't like it, it makes me feel crap, it smells foul and is obviously bad for you.. why am i doing it?' -- that's as i smoke it... what a fucking dick, if you don't like it, then don't do it and it's not easier said than done just make the fucking decision not to do it and you won't even need to try to stick by your decision ehhh perhaps? makes sense, works so far damn i love this shit ps, re panic attacks no more, no pot to be smoked for a while pot is so far the only trigger, everything else is a-ok 😉
Back when SWIM was 17 he was talking to his heavily-medicated friend one night. Overly-paranoid hypochondriac parents this guy had. 3 different psycho meds he was on. SWIM and he were discussing deep stuff, meaning of life, deep philosophy. 10-15 minutes after he'd popped one of his meds SWIM noticed the difference pretty explicitly. SWIM decided that experience was probably worth having once, so he copped a couple of each. Sadly didn't record the names on the bottles. The immediate effects were very hallucinatory, very disorienting. At one point in the woods SWIM kind of lost sense of gravity, up-from-down, that sort of thing. No euphoria, a little anxiety perhaps. The worst was yet to come. 2 days later, still pretty much there. Everything seemed.. blank. Almost pointless. Libido was decimated, trying to masturbate was pure frustration, except the chemicals didn't allow full emotions. On the other hand, just about any 'creative' activity like antique shop browsing was absolutely fascinating and met with enthusiasm. SWIM wondered if he'd just signed himself up for a new permanent lifestyle. Thankfully the effects subsided after 5 or 6 days much to SWIM's relief. SWIM guesses one of the drugs was Lithium as it was [b:dede83cbcd]de riguer[/b:dede83cbcd] in that era and would explain the emotionlessness. Any ideas what the second might be?
no clue.. i wouldn't mind some though lol hmm, how many did you take and how large were they? what does your friend use them for (legitimate purpose) ? well, i can happily say that i have my paper back (actually i don't know if this is something i'm 'happy' about.. i want more 2ce, so do you, believe me) that loss of whatever you'd call it lasted up to around two weeks, but now i'm feeling back to normal more or less. as far as the panic bullllllllllshit goes i haven't had it since the second time, but i haven't really smoked any pot since then either :cry: actually, i don't really miss it, i think a break was well in order
Years ago i mixed Zyprexa (antipsychotic) and Wellbutrin and started hallucinating. I was amazingly clear-headed, yet hearing voices, and saw a red static over all the walls and floors. I tried doing more, and blacked out. Apparently my dad found me and i was completely delusional, having full-on conversations with nonexistent people. Funny how antipsychotic medication can make you psychotic.
I took ~1000 mg of DXM once, and definitely regret it to this day. It was the time that I finally 'woke up' and I still think I'm working through it over a year later, not helped by past entheogen use. The biggest advice would be figuring out what in your life drives you to use to such extremes and correct it. If uncorrectable, learn another less self-destructive activity to engage in.
for me that dxm indulgence was the result of a peaceful weekend away gone wrong. I took my medicine bag full of psychedelic goodies like lsd, 2ce, dmt + maoi etc.. the aim was a pleasant adventure, however my buddies were fucked on smack the whole time so i wasn't in the right environment to be opening myself up to psychedelic induced awareness. So that night i though well fuck, they're fucked, i'm drunk, fuck it i'll just give this a go.. bummer :cry: i haven't had any lsd for over a month, so a few nights ago i had a nice strong amount ~400mics). massive massive huge adventure that was, and ffs of all things it ended in a small panic attack (not like those previous ones, this was quite managable, but i'm really not happy about that, i thought it was limited to smoking dope, i guess not) but, you said [quote:ae030cff1e]The biggest advice would be figuring out what in your life drives you to use to such extremes and correct it. If uncorrectable, learn another less self-destructive activity to engage in.[/quote:ae030cff1e] this fits, every time i've had a panic attack it's been when i could have done without what i took to set it off (no need for that last joint, no need for that lsd (i was drunk and home alone, wanted to spice things up a little)).. perhaps this self-distructive activity is the getting wasted for the fuck of it rather than with good intentions in mind.. still.. it's absolute bullshit
hey brother, it's all good. let me tell you why. your brain has just undergone seemingly traumatic stress- for lack of a better medium to capture the essence of your experience- to which i feel i can relate. it has done something to adapt to that stress, but as you were not fully conscious during the experience, you have difficulty integrating the factors of change, then change itself, and in turn- the end result, which is how you currently feel. your brain has made a quantum leap, and although it may not be in the direction that you thought you sought and have been seeking- it has adapted to your stress and evolved accordingly. your after effects were affected by your body's interpretation of the message you gave it when you enacted physical sensory overload, and in-turn overload of conscious awareness. It will only take a little while for your mind and body to find another sync that flows accordingly. you feel worried that you will not be the same...yet do you truly want to be the same person...i guess just be careful what you wish for, because it helps construct the percpetion of your reality. also, psychedelics are not like beer- after you've had one too many, the results are not exactly predictable. you've changed very much indeed, but intrinsically you will always be you- regardless of where you are now, where you;ve been, or where you'll go- a whole within a whole- ad infinitem. imho, you are brave; but bravery does not guarantee glory. take this battle scar, and from it put forth new light and life. p.s. great tek 8)
[i:b399d3f685]take this battle scar, and from it put forth new light and life[/i:b399d3f685] well said, thank for the words that's pretty much exactly what i've done (all i can do really) I am very happy with the person i am, and i attribute a significant portion of that to psychedelic exploration (which is a great thing, everyone should be a part of this) now i'm pretty much not smoking dope, that is a good thing, i feel a LOT clearer. but it's a pity that i can't even indulge in those moments where a nice joint is the sweetest thing at the time (not everyday, but when you're a little drunk by the beach with mates in the sun.. [img:b399d3f685]Contact Support perfect!) it'll all work out i'm sure, i guess just BE CAREFUL PEOPLE like you say, getting drunk and passing out or munting in some unsightly place is fine if that's your thing, but when you're playing with your brain you've really got to be smart about it
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