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Media making fun of man arressted with mushrooms

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Truly sad people still think they have moral authority to arresst, incarcerate, and ruin the lives of people for possessing sacred plants . I myself think any and all drugs should be legal and people should be educated in regards to there use.

The war on drugs is responsible for 99% of the negative consequences in relation to drugs. It's funny how were told drugs will ruin our life, yet, were not told of how the current system is generally what ruins peoples lives in regards to drug use. While I do not promote or recommend people to use drugs like meyh, crack, and heroin. The simple fact is if these were never made illegal most problems in regards to them would mostly disappear.

This whole issue is perfect example of how controlled the masses are . why cannot anyone think of themselves? If your an addict of coke. Meth, or heroin yet the price hadn't been sent sky high as a result of prohibition, it would be no different then being alcoholic. You see drunks can panhandle or collect pop cans and buy a cheap bottle if they need to. They don't resort to theft in order to support a habit like many coke or heroin users do. Direct result of drug war.

Alcoholics dotn end up with felonies that take away there ability to get financial aid or a chance at a decent job if they get caught with an ounce of vodka. The fact is alcohol is far more toxic to your body then heroin is so the true risk of most of these things,meaning the health risk as all other risks are artificially created as a result of the war on drugs, is less of a risk then what the substances our society sanctions use of.

I've argued this countless times and I'm still baffled at how many people truly cannot think for themselves. My supervisor at my job uses everything from cocaine to dmt yet he sees nothing wrong with employers having the right to drug test. It's amazing if that isntind control I dunno what is.

Why does our society believe in the right to privacy and freedom yet most people, even drug users themselves, think our employers should be able to tell you what your allowed to consume once you leave work. This alone could bring me to a whole new issue of how we accept a dictatorship at work yet we scream democracy. It's my opinion that most people truly dont believe in freedom nor does our society yet you hear these concepts and words tossed around as if there the ultimate moral code for a society yet most don't even understand what they truly believe and want.

I digress though. My point is no man or woman should be told what he or she is allowed to put into there own body. People should be educated properly in regards to any health risks associated with any substance ethey may consider using so that they may make an educated choice before taking something. Because ultimately drugs are neither good nor bad they are inanimate objects some may carry potential health risks but besides that any other risk is only a result of prohibition and wouldn't be a risk if it was legal.

We ready have laws to govern bad behavior. We don't need these so called protectors to interfere with our lives anymore there attempts to do so have only made matters worse. Sorry for the rant.

Here's the article
Happiest Mugshot Ever
'Mason jars containing active ingredients to manufacture psychedelic mushrooms'.

MANUFACTURE... ugh...wish they'd just SHUT up for goodness sake. This ****ing idiot-food language drives me crazy.

He looks pretty content though, pupils look OK, I guess the main event was already over?
I saw this article. Maybe he's taking a lesson of the mushroom in stride, it is what it is man.

Thought the funniest thing about the article is how they kept referring to his mushroom-plants.
He was caught with 70 mushrooms :?:
Either the journalist is far stupider than I initially thought or the cops were consuming this guys mushrooms when they wrote the police report.

Surprised they didn't count the buds he had too :lol:
I might have the same expression if it were me.

I'd have my day in court and I would argue that I use these mushrooms as medicine to treat my cluster headaches and depression, both of which were completely untreatable by doctors.

It would probably cost A LOT to incarcerate me, far more than most prisoners.

Spend more tax payer money on me, haha! :lol: I'd smile for the camera too! :lol:
Calling that site "media" is a bit of a gray area.........but yeah the are poking fun. Sensationalist journalism, making news where there is none to drive advertising revenues........now that's a story!
Yes they defiantly are not true journalists. And I'm sure the bottom line off adverrts is there highest priority. I'm just sickened by how deluded people are. For gods sake I could be in a six month spiral of self destructive selfish addictive behavior and a few grams of mushrooms will have me ready to make peace with my issues and prepared to evolve past my old self.

How these are drugs is beyond me. There teachers plain and simple.
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