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Memorable quotes from DMT-Nexus (no chat quotes please)

Migrated topic.
Dear people.

I've moved almost all the chat quotes from this thread to another new thread:
Funny chat quotes

I have done this since many chat quotes are not easily understandable for people who don't visits the chat that often plus that they are mainly just funny quotes. I like to keep this current thread a place to gather wise and memorable quotes from the DMT-Nexus.

So in the future only post a quote (preferably with a link the the original post) when it is a real memorable quote that is understandable for the whole DMT-Nexus public. I hope you all understand.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
universecannon said:
Often times people who get a slightly expanded view of things often mistake that for being the whole picture. Then they get comfy and set in they're ways. We see this all the time in both ourselves, on the nexus, and in the world in so many ways. Those who we hold in high esteem are not exempt from this, even though we often build them up in our minds as if they are
Daedaloops wrote;

”Funny that you mention salvia in the same post, for me salvia is like the ultimate substance that shows you how uncomfortable any clothing is. No matter how loose the clothing, when I smoke salvia, it without exception makes anything that's touching my body feel like SANDPAPER. Also it makes me sweat alot.

So my salvia sessions is just me in my undies. I stopped going all the way naked because of one traumatic experience where my penis merged with my chin, and I felt like a retarded mutant who was forced to live his life with his face next to his balls..."

Made me lol, I know that feeling with salvia.
Usually I merge with items of furniture I happen to be touching,
Not my penis.. :p

restrictive clothing
^^^ omg Daedaloops. lmfao

Anyways, Dethrone wrote:
I lived most of my life hoping I would live forever in heaven or be reincarnated or some kind of afterlife. Then I had my first DMT experience and got a good idea what forever and eternity were really like. At first it scared the hell out of me and I decided maybe I want to die after all, or what if I wanted to die but couldnt?
in reference to forgetting dmt trips:
scudge said:
You have to fight god to bring back all information

Rising Spirit said:
When I want to see God... I look at the world surrounding me, let it's myriad forms dissolve back into the Clear Light of the Void, then surrender my transient mind to the LIGHT. We are each called awaken to this lovely moment, right here and now, as it expresses itself in our perception of this cosmic dance we all share.

SKA said:
And so you have to choose: To go with the Ego in it's Fear, Paranoia, false sense of empowerment or to go with the other half of you, that wants to learn from the messages/visions; no matter how terrifying, disgusting or otherwise uneasing, to heal and to grow into a better human being.

3rdI said:
After my first DMT session i felt i understood what all those religious folk, who i had previously mocked, were after. I now felt sad for them because they could find what they were looking for, but they didnt know where to look.

Uncle Knucles said:
The things I've done that I've liked the best have all evolved accidentally. I'll just be working on something that I don't intend to develop, struggling to take it from blob of nothing into the land of something, and along the way an idea takes shape.
Hiyo Quicksilver said:
... I've spoken to people who have smoalked DMT regularly for years, and they're still terrified every time.

Nifty mantras, higher or lower doses, clever "explanations" of unconcious processes and all these other things can help, and you may find that they solve your problems... but the real way out of your fear is simply strength and courage.

First off, the sensations you feel, see, hear, etc are all going to be much more intense than your normal experience. This is the nature of the game. Just get in it and dig it, and the good stuff will happen. You will be just fine when you get back, eardrums and all. I promise.

Face your weakness, come to terms with what you are and what will happen to you upon smoalking, and continue forth not scared doubtful but strong and confident. Not only will it make your uneasy feelings completely meaningless, but when you start from a stable and strong position, the trip literally is far more positive, far more gratifying and if anything unpleasant should come up, you have at your disposal the faculties to overcome it with grace and dignity.

Strength of spirit, courage and self-responsibility are pretty much nonexistent in today's sissy, scared intellectual culture. There's no reason to feel bad about your feelings or take it personally, but do be mindful of your feelings and take them as an indicator of what is going on within yourself. Transformation is not a subtle process that you sit and watch, it's something you do.

You can sit shivering in your boots until you toke, shut up your soul and recite self help mantras as the drug takes hold and "try to maintain" until you're dropped into hyperspace and treated like a gawking child...
Or you can be strong like you know darn well you can be, and stand up to what's facing you with courage and acceptance, and be an active participant in the experience with the ability to shape what happens and the wherewithall to interact with it as an equal.

Whichever you choose, good luck and Happy Travels.

From - Smoking spice scares the hell out of me!!!
benzyme said:
when I read about people using plastic milk bottles in the preparation of their drugs,
a small part of me dies inside.
RebornInSmoke said:
Daedaloops wrote;

”Funny that you mention salvia in the same post, for me salvia is like the ultimate substance that shows you how uncomfortable any clothing is. No matter how loose the clothing, when I smoke salvia, it without exception makes anything that's touching my body feel like SANDPAPER. Also it makes me sweat alot.

So my salvia sessions is just me in my undies. I stopped going all the way naked because of one traumatic experience where my penis merged with my chin, and I felt like a retarded mutant who was forced to live his life with his face next to his balls..."

Made me lol, I know that feeling with salvia.
Usually I merge with items of furniture I happen to be touching,
Not my penis.. :p

restrictive clothing

Had to repost. This made me laugh so hard my ribs got a cramp, thanks Daeda! And I'm sorry you had to go through this!
While on "230mgs Harmalas + 120mgs DMT"...

Bezerker said:
...Time is going so slow and its hard to even read the clock face. The numbers look egyptian to me.

At this point I'm tip toeing around the house trying not to wake the wife....
hixidom said:
The times when I've realized that I am God have also been accompanied by the realization that such an idea spits in the face of all that I, as a finite being, have considered to be virtuous in the past. Thus is the irony of the situation. For example, to an all-encompassing God, all love is self-love in one form or another. We can't expect the psychology of a unitary consciousness to be the same as ours because simple concepts such as selflessness fall apart at that level of consciousness.
antrocles said:
be careful what you ask for though....most do not realize what a safe haven their false-self realities are! what is seen can never be unseen and if you are looking to see cool shit then go straight back to the safety of your old comfortable patterns....there may come a time when that won't be possible. a genuine, level III breakthrough is not something you 'come back' from. it is a part of you forever. it changes you. hear me well...IT CHANGES YOU.
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