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Memorable quotes from DMT-Nexus (no chat quotes please)

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Enoon said:
words or phrases like "ultimate" or "only truth" seem to have very powerful effects on us. I understand why so many people want to find this, want to believe in it, and once they have something that might resemble this, will do almost anything to defend it. It frees us from doubt and uncertainty.

For me the "only truth" is that I don't know the truth, and I don't know why I should be looking for it. I experience the world as it is. I have had several profound experiences that have given me the feeling of knowing everything, of understanding how the universe works, of being in direct contact with God or a universal sentience. But I am not convinced that any of these experiences were ultimate in any way.

olio said:
I don't have any solid belief system, more of an open acceptance of the amazing mystery we're currently engaged in.
benzyme said:
science never proves anything;
you can never duplicate an event precisely at the same moment in time as the initial event.
science can only show correlation from the evidence and data derived from it.
Their paranoia is making me paranoid about my own paranoia. I'm scared to look through windows, the other day I caught a reflection of myself giving me a dirty look, what am I up to? I know it must be something but I just can't prove it, if only I could read my mind.

Everywhere I go, I feel like I am following myself. I try to get away but it seems as though every where I go, I am there also. Every move I make I seem to make the same move. I guess I'll just have to accept it and hope that one day I leave myself alone to get on with my own life.


After two hours I unexpectedly blasted through the membrane and entered full blown hyperspace. Thoughts cascaded upon each other, blasted each other, fucked each other and then raped each other. Truths were revealed and then crumbed before my eyes as lies. Paradoxes of philosophy danced before me as layer after layer of bullshit piled up to infinity. Madness ensued.
daedaloops said:
Here's a rough example on how my salvia trip can start out:
"Hmm, things are getting weird, what is that thing over there, hmm, this is a bit too much, what should I do, I'm just gonna hold on tight, wait, hold on tight, what, hold on right, hold mold on right, hold + told / mold = tight * right? hold + old * old^wait * hmm = what = what = what = what = what..."
Which is followed by a very bizarre realm where the glitching thought train is transformed into a very intense action music and the local entities are singing and laughing at you with an insane and violent sense of humour.

Here's a rough example on how my dmt trip can start out:
"Hmm, things are getting weird, I can't feel my body, I feel like an alien, this is so familiar, just gonna close my eyes, oh my god what is that, that is so familiar, so beautiful, WHAT IS THAT, OH MY GOD THATS -- HOLY S-- NO!! REALLY?!? *%$& HOW COULD I FORGET!! @$£*#&*% OOOooOOOooooOOOO"
Which is followed by alot of extra-meaningful, jaw-on-the-floor moments, transcending abstractions, becoming universes, etc..

this was not from chat, but rather a quote from olympus mon in a recent thread called "christianity" .. i thought it was a classic

How is Kim Jong Il like the Judaho Christian God,,,,, thats pretty easy. Heres a few

-Both take measure or have the ablitity to know your private thoughts and discussions andf judge you for them.
-Both demand absolute loyalty and belief in their Deism. Any refuting this is grounds for torture and death.
-Both demand regular celebrations in their honor, again non compliance= death and or torture.
-Jesus, aka God and KJI both reported with no evidence to preform miracles.
-Both demonsrtate severe insecureites and require constant praise, worship, and total compliance.
Both Claime to love their flock but have a really twisted way of showing it.
Poetry :thumb_up:

۩ said:
Consciousness itself has no illusive biological sensory interface.

Those are something we picked up along the prism.

Since our circuitry does not project, but instead act as a drip line,
synaesthesia is an inevitable result of letting go of the boundaries that cookie-cut divide our simulation.

The paths redirect in correlation to the flow of currents.
Etch reality with the light of focus.

The ripples of awareness reach as far and wide as you can resonate.
spinCycle said:
Having your assumptions about what is real challenged so deeply can shake anyone up. Some people find it liberating, some find it distressing. Sometimes the distress can lead to liberation, but the road may not be easy.
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