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official extraction help thread

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hey guys, I have a big question about the results of my first extraction, (very sorry if this was addressed elsewhere but I couldn't find another situation)

I extracted from 50g of mimosa with naphtha and lye per a "simple extraction guide" online and froze the mimosa and thawed it several times, then proceeded to add lye and water together in a jar and then add the material, shook, then left for an hour. added naphtha, gently turned up and down a several times and then extracted top layer of clear liquid using pipettes into a jar, repeating process about 4 times, and then putting the jar in the freezer for approx 16 hours or so. took it out, poured it through a coffee filter into a new jar, and let the filter dry out. I found that I got very, very little (to the point that I couldn't even scrape it together to measure it or try to purify it) however I did see a few crystals that looked pretty that must've been the stuff, but there was so very little yield.

did I mess up big time with some process or was the inner mimosa bark I bought just terrible? thank you in advance! trying to learn as best as I can!
Mimosa is not something I've worked with but for a STB it may need to soak in lye longer to break up cell walls and release DMT, (from my understanding).

You may not have added enough lye as well. (Need more information).

If you did a freeze precipitate you should have had crystals stuck to the walls and bottom of the jar. You can decant instead of filtering for a process like this then collect the crystals once the tiny amount of left over naphtha evaporates. I always loose a bit using a filter especially if working with small amounts, decanting should work fine.

So if you didn't see many crystals forming during the freeze percipitate it could be due to not enough time in the freezer (you need -20 celcius) and or its not saturated enough. To fix this you could evaporate half the naphtha (to increase saturation) and then try freezing again for say 36hrs. More crystals may form.

Alternatively you could just evaporate all the naphtha, your crystals will be less pure and there may be fats in there but you'll have a usable product (as longs as there is no lye contamination).

In addition, you could try other solvents to get left over DMT out of the "bark lye soup", xylene works well but it'll give a more waxy or oily impure dmt goo. Always good to use post naphtha pulls.

Bunk bark could be an issue to.

I should add some have more success with warm naphtha (hot water bath may work well) or use the lye reaction (heat) to pull. Obviously don't heat the solvent with an open flame.
I have a feeling it was the skipping of evaporation before freeze precipitation. Listen to _Trip_ on that one.

How much lye did you add? Also, after adding the lye, place the vessel in a heat bath for 2 hours, occasionally stirring by flipping the jar. I also think more time may be needed.

And I'm one of the advocates for everything being hot when pulls are performed; both the solvent and the soup. Hot solvent captures more DMT it seems, so when the soup is hot it prevents the solvent from reaching equilibrium too quickly.

Best of luck.

One love
Hey guys recently did my first successful extraction as well but it raised few questions about freeze precipitation steps:

Q1- how to stop condensation occuring inside your jars (I used mason jars)

Q2- I dissolved a small amount of my crystals in a very small amount of naphtha and left to freeze for 48hours after pouring off naphtha I was left with NOTHING!!! Just don't know how that is possible when the volume of naphtha was less than the volume of the 1st successful freeze precipitate the crystals of which I dissolved in the second smaller amount of naphtha.
Condensation is tricky you could try putting your pulls in the fridge first then the freezer for 48hrs then decant and back to the fridge to ease condensation. Otherwise you'll have to use a fan to get rid of left over water droplets as well as the trace amounts of naphtha. (obviously the water droplets will take a while). You can try to put the glass container on an angle so any water accumulates to one side and keeps majority of your crystals as is, eventually it'll evaporate and leave a tiny bit of dmt behind.

It is likely possible because the original naphtha pull was load with DMT. where as the second was not. What I'm saying is the first naphtha was saturated with dmt, so yes majority becomes insoluble at freezing temperatures but same would have remained in the naphtha. The fresh naphtha the second time around isn't loaded so freeze percipitate is harder (less saturated).
The solution would be to evaporate the second naphtha to 25% then freeze percipitate again.
After 12 hours of freezing I have some crystals but also a closed frozen layer. What do I do now? I only had a 50ml meat pipette it was very hard not to pick up any lye maybe something got in with it. Also, the container I put it in the freezer is not airtight.

(my freezer is -20 Celsius)
meino said:
After 12 hours of freezing I have some crystals but also a closed frozen layer. What do I do now? I only had a 50ml meat pipette it was very hard not to pick up any lye maybe something got in with it. Also, the container I put it in the freezer is not airtight.

(my freezer is -20 Celsius)

Closed frozen layer? Is it on the bottom of the dish? I doubt you pulled any lye.

Your food may be somewhat contaminated with solvent if not airtight. Smell to tell.

One love
Yes my freezer smells like naphtha. Do I have to throw my food away? Its in plastic bags but not airtight.

Does this looks ok?


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Pull some of the food out and open it and smell it. If it smells like solvent, it may be best to throw it out.

The slight purple visible in the dish looks like you may have pulled some of the soup as well so you'll want to recrystalize to purify.

It's just ice on the outside of the dish.


One love
how do I do that? It seems impossible I also always pick up a small part of solution.

I have no experience. Do I now let it all defrost and put the naphtha together with the crystals in water? (how much?)(I am not a native English speaker some things are hard for me to understand.)
meino said:
how do I do that? It seems impossible I also always pick up a small part of solution.

I have no experience. Do I now let it all defrost and put the naphtha together with the crystals in water? (how much?)(I am not a native English speaker some things are hard for me to understand.)

You may need a narrower pipette in order to better avoid sucking up any of the soup. You can also spit what you pull into one jar and when you've done all your pulls pour it into another jar before completing the next set leaving behind any soup that may have been sucked up.

To recrystalize: first, allow your dish to evaporate fully under a fan and then scrape up your deems. Dissolve it in about ml fresh hot naphtha. When fully dissolved, pipette all of the solvent avoiding sucking up any residue that did not dissolve. Allow what was pulled to evaporate some, and the place in the freezer for precipitation. Pour off remaining solvent, dry under a fan, scrape, and enjoy:)

One love
Thank You very much,
I'll try not to poison myself.
You forgot to mention the quantity for hot naphtha for recrystallization (I used 100g of root bark).
Wouldn't a syringe be even better than a pipette?
And I also do not use water for recrystallization, correct?
In my experience syringes are no good at all if being used to pull naphtha, the lubricant that makes the syringe slide with ease gets eaten up by the naphtha and your syringe will become sticky and get stuck frequently. Turkey blasters and pipettes really are the best option a great tip for seperation is to put your first pull in a very narrow beaker or jar, this makes the seperation of layers much easier.
It's also probably worth noting that if you plan on doing multiple pulls you don't have to be precise and pull every ml of naphtha available, I personally use 50ml of naphtha but only manage to pull 40-45ml when seperating, it's not important what you miss will be available next pull and after 3 or so pulls that last bit of 5-10ml of naphtha is probably hardly worth salvaging.
Honestly have no experience but a surely there are teks if you look or just search recrystallisation.
If I had to guess you just wanna dissolve it in naphtha and pass sodium carbonate water through it several times seperating after each time then freezing again afterwards, this is just a guess though. Seriously even do a search on Google something is bound to come up
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