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official extraction help thread

Migrated topic.
spaghett248 said:
Does anyone know how long cactus powder is "good" for? Im wondering if maybe my powder has "expired" and that is why I am not able to get xtals to form.

Mescaline itself should be stable indefinitely, decay of carbon-14 and the occasional cosmic ray notwithstanding. Speculatively, the cellular matrix itself may slow down release of the actives if it has somehow oxidised and/or hardened but giving sufficient time for the lime paste to break it down should take care of this.

Are you absolutely sure this is the exact same batch you've had success with using limonene as the solvent? and how thoroughly did you mix the cactus dough with the EtOAc? Come to mention it, is it definitely pure ethyl acetate for that matter? What does the label/SDS say?
Thank you for your help!

downwardsfromzero said:
Are you absolutely sure this is the exact same batch you've had success with using limonene as the solvent?

Yup, I've tried two different batches that had both worked with 69ron tek a few years ago.

downwardsfromzero said:
how thoroughly did you mix the cactus dough with the EtOAc?

Thoroughly for 8 minutes to a playdough like consistency.
downwardsfromzero said:
Come to mention it, is it definitely pure ethyl acetate for that matter? What does the label/SDS say?

https://production-s3.wmbarrhub.com/assets/sds/1636_J_Jasco_MEK_Substitute_EN.pdf says 100% ethyl acetate
Hmm, puzzling. If you still have the paste it would be worth trying a few more pulls. IMLE older cactus powder benefitted from being left to soak for a longer time with the lime paste.

Thoroughly for 8 minutes to a playdough like consistency
For one pull, you mixed for 8 minutes with the ethyl acetate [EtOAc]? Or you mixed the cactus and water? And how fine was the cactus powder - like flour, or more like oatmeal?
downwardsfromzero said:
For one pull, you mixed for 8 minutes with the ethyl acetate [EtOAc]? Or you mixed the cactus and water?

No sorry. I mixed the lime and water, then added the cactus powder and mixed that for 8 minutes to form the paste pictured above.

After that I put the paste in a french press, poured the measured amount of ethyl acetate in, and mixed for 1 minute. Then rested it for 2 minutes, then drained out the ethyl acetate into collection jar. Then repeated these steps 5 more times.

downwardsfromzero said:
And how fine was the cactus powder - like flour, or more like oatmeal?

Super fine like flour, just pouring it out makes little clouds in the air
Well spaghett248, it sounds like that wasn't where the problem lies! What about this:
The wiki said:
The extract needs to be clear, particle free, and without water droplets or a water layer for the crystallization process to happen reliably
? [Trying to work this out step by step...]

Did you take any pics of the pulls immediately before adding the citric acid?
spaghett248 said:
downwardsfromzero said:
The wiki said:
The extract needs to be clear, particle free, and without water droplets or a water layer for the crystallization process to happen reliably
? [Trying to work this out step by step...]

Did you take any pics of the pulls immediately before adding the citric acid?

not the greatest of pictures, sorry

I don't understand why you are having difficulty either. On the picture there seems to be some white sediment in the bottom right, or is that a reflection?

You mentioned clouds after adding citric acid. What happens to the clouds after they settle? There is not even goo?

Have you tested the result from limonene with a bioassay? How where the effects?
Thank you everyone for your help

Loveall said:
I don't understand why you are having difficulty either. On the picture there seems to be some white sediment in the bottom right, or is that a reflection?

I believe that is just refraction of the glass and the white sheet of paper underneath. It appeared crystal clear and homogeneous as I shined a flashlight through it at various angles. I tried to make sure and decant and filter thoroughly after the fridge rest step to avoid any droplets/sediment.

Loveall said:
You mentioned clouds after adding citric acid. What happens to the clouds after they settle? There is not even goo?

The cloudiness just kind of faded away/settled down but nothing formed. It takes some time for the citric to dissolve via diffusion as well since I dont stir it in.

As some time has passed since the attempts (they have been sitting undisturbed for a few weeks now) the color has definitely changed from an emerald green as shown before to a sad green with slightly brown-ish tint to it.

Loveall said:
spaghett248, also, what amounts did you use in your attempts (powder, water, lime, EA, citric acid).

10g powder
2.5g lime
25mL distilled water

92mL(82.9g) EA total:
22mL(19.8g) for pull #1 which basically all gets absorbed (except a few ml)
14mL(12.6g) for pulls #2-6

I usually end up with about 60-70ml after the 6 pulls even though I start with 92.

0.5g citric acid (have tried both anhydrous and monohydrate, havent tried fumaric yet)

Loveall said:
Have you tested the result from limonene with a bioassay? How where the effects?

I consumed it and it was amazing and wonderful stuff. Did not test with reagents unfortunately.
That all looks good, should have worked.

Did you see droplets being left behind after the fridge rest?

What brand of lime and EA are you using?

There are no plastics that could dissolve in EA being used, right?

Did you check the solvent with pH strips? Did it go from basic to acid after salting?

I've never heard of clouds setting to nothing. That is weird.

I've only seen the color change you describe when washing with water. That makes me think of another question: was the salted EA sealed after salting? It should be.
Loveall said:
Did you see droplets being left behind after the fridge rest?

Yep, maybe a few ml of water and then I decanted those out after the 24 hour fridge rest.

Loveall said:
What brand of lime and EA are you using?

Jasco EA & Mrs Wages pickling lime

Loveall said:
There are no plastics that could dissolve in EA being used, right?

glass/metal only

Loveall said:
Did you check the solvent with pH strips? Did it go from basic to acid after salting?

Yes, and it registered a smidge below neutral ph after salting with the amount of acid given in the tek. (0.5g per 10g powder)

Should it be registering super acidic after salting? I will take picture of the ph strip after salting on my next attempt.

Loveall said:
I've only seen the color change you describe when washing with water. That makes me think of another question: was the salted EA sealed after salting? It should be.

One run was sealed and the other was not, but both have turned brown over time. I will definitely make sure to seal any further attempts after salting in the future though. Good to know! It is just so hard to decant out of jars with no spout.
spaghett248 said:
Loveall said:
With the pH solvent check, did you check before salting? It should be basic.

Also, when you say "Jasco EA" you mean "Jasko M.E.K. substitute", right?

Yes that is exactly what Ive got. i checcked the msds before I got it to make sure it was 100% ea

Ok, everything is checking out. What about the pH strips before salting, how did that look?
spaghett248 said:
Loveall said:
Ok, everything is checking out. What about the pH strips before salting, how did that look?

Just using paper ph strips so hard to give super accurate numbers, but Id say before salting it was reading between 8-9, and after salting around 6

does that ph level before and after salting indicate I did something incorrect?
Hello folks, hope you have a wonderful day.

I'm attempting my first extraction (STB. Based on this:
) and after reading that I could substitute Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) with Calcium Hydroxide Ca(OH)2 in this I tried that, since Sodium Hydroxide is kind of hard to get where I live.

However I seemingly can't manage to get the PH high enough for the color change to occur. My sludge stays grey with an ever so slightly green tint, instead of the expected black. Is this epected due to the Calcium? The PH strips I have are not super clear in the extreme PH ranges, but it looks like it's in PH 12+. I'm just not sure if it's above the required 12.5 to break down the plant structure.

Can someone who is more experienced and knowledgable in the teks tell me what's wrong? Is it impossible to do with Ca(OH)2? Did I ruin my batch? Can I salvage it somehow?

Any help would be greatly appreciated and
I've found that 11.7 seems to be the cutoff mark. Color isn't always the for sure indicator that it's been done correctly.

How much Calcium Hydroxide did you use and how much water when adding to your brew? Some more detailed information would help, as well as some pictures. You can use an image hosting site like Imgur or head into the chat to upload a photo there as it strips the meta data making it safer for you to post images. Once uploaded, right click and save, and upload here as an attachment in the "preview mode" or simply edit your post and add attachment.

Lastly, are you in the middle of your extraction right this second? Have you tried pulling with your solvent yet?

Also, depending on your pH strips it can be difficult to gauge your exact pH levels because the bark colorizes the water.

Either way, give us your measurements and some more details and can help from there. I've only worked with NaOH as it's easy to find here. I got mine on Amazon.

Let's hope a more experienced chemical expert steps in here as well as there could be alternatives to your problem.

Edit: If you're currently engaged in this extraction, go ahead and hop in the chat, you'll get help faster.
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