images are missing for me as well.Here's one: images hosted at imgur appear in the "edit post" window but appear as broken links in the post itself. Maybe it's a result of my browser settings so if somebody would like to check this for me to see how it behaves on their own devices I'll have a look at what tinkering with things over here may or may not achieve.
View attachment 101616View attachment 101617
Increasing mescaline content. Myth, reality ?
After reading here and there that keeping a cutting in the dark for a while increase mescaline content, i thought i could make a little experiment. Process : - Find a nice specimen like this little fellow named #P5. A T. Peruvianus started from seed, 2 years old 60cm tall : - Take
Blank areas are what is currently displaying on the old forum for the equivalent post to the one I've included above.
using firefox.