So I've laid off spice for about 2 months now. Last time I smoked I got a lockout scenario. Since then I've developed an anxiety for smoking dmt. Not sure why because the lockout wasn't that scary except that I wasn't sure why it was happening when it happened. But now I have some ideas as to what I had been doing wrong. Has anyone else developed preflight anxiety with Dmitri? Or has anyone have any good ideas to ward the anxiety? Like a pretreatment of benzos. I plan on eating 2.5 gs of p. Cubensis mushrooms tomorrow because I believe during the trip. I'll be able to focus and understand and eliminate those feelings of anxiety to reconnect with dmt post shroom trip. Anyone else have advice or better ideas? It's also worth noting that before trying dmt (I've smoked it about 30 times I'd say) I had only tripped 3 times before (nbome, a psilocybin chocolate and one 2 tines with lsd but it may have been DOX) so my mentality is that if I take a trip and try to learn from it the experience will help me reconnect with hyperspace. Any advice is appreciated