Rising Star
So i'm doing FASA on xylene and backwash the acetone back in to the new clean water but i added a little vinegar because i thought it might assist some of the oils or other alkaloids back in to the clean water so I can have purer recycled xyxlene.
Now, when i dip my finger in the xyxlene and it evaps i can smell vinegar even though its only xylene. Also it is still yellow and not see through (slightly cloudy). Any problems re-using this?
I put that xylene back in the extraction vessel and the xyelene clouded up again which makes me think that there is still some FASA in the xylene even tho i backwashed with water? I then mixed the extraction vessel and separated the xylene and what do you know? No alkaloids present...
So why could acetic acid causing my xylene to keep FASA in it? Or why isn't the acetone mixing with the water on backwash?
Now, when i dip my finger in the xyxlene and it evaps i can smell vinegar even though its only xylene. Also it is still yellow and not see through (slightly cloudy). Any problems re-using this?
I put that xylene back in the extraction vessel and the xyelene clouded up again which makes me think that there is still some FASA in the xylene even tho i backwashed with water? I then mixed the extraction vessel and separated the xylene and what do you know? No alkaloids present...
So why could acetic acid causing my xylene to keep FASA in it? Or why isn't the acetone mixing with the water on backwash?