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russian olive status ?

Migrated topic.
Funny this thread appeared again just recently did a salt extraction on some
Bark . Cooked a batch of bark in a pressure cooker then did salt extraction .
Filtered , dried then scraped off filter.

Haven't done it in a while , wow it works .
Placed a pinch of powder in vape on mullein .
talk about attitude adjustment . Even with a small amount of
Spice it'd quite amazing and very uplifting.

Once again I still don't understand why more people
Are not working with this stuff . It has alot to offer
so you have not tried it with oral DMT yet?

Yes there does need to be more work with it. It is apparently around my area, but not as much of it as there are in other places. I need to find out where I can find them in my area..surprised with the abundance of these trees in NA more people are not working on this.
this tree grows everywhere here, there are two growing right in my yard in fact.
This tree has strange power and definitely has something to tell us.

I've said it before the synergy with spice is phenomenal. Its energizing and very clear.

I tried some yesterday and today I still feel amazing and uplifted from a small dose.
Occupy and my various pending charges put this on hold for me as my time has been spent in engaging in actions and legal defenses/civil suits. I still need to get either a new food processor or a new base for the food processor I've got.

I hope to collect another large quantity of bark/leaves when the weather warms up a little bit. I have a jar of acidified bark extract somewhere, but it was from the beginning of Occupy and molded due to neglect. I could potentially try to finish the extraction, I was just turned off by having additional crap to filter out.

I'll be trying the pillowcase "boil-in-bag" trick (a la rue extraction) for my next full-length run.

I haven't dosed anything in several months...hopefully when I find some equilibrium I'll be able to test the dimethyl-waters again and if things go well, some MAOI/DMT tests with this will be in order.
I know it works , powder from very simple salt extraction
Yields a very active substance when vaped.

Also working on tincture made from multiple combined evaps
From basic PC ed bark no salt just boils with vinegar . Once dry it yields a hard crystal laquer that
Can be scraped then heated in glycerin to make tincture .
Working on potency .

Snozz good luck in your battles , The Man. Is a brutal
Unrelenting bastard
My results were inconclusive. I'd say taking what was actually .5g of cubes may have potentiated it to the level of a + on shulgin scale, but I'd have to repeat with the same amount to see what it does. My extraction was not very efficient and I'm not absolutely sure how much to use. I think I figured it out by the supposed % concentration around the time I last posted though.

We can at least say that you probably wont overdose on the amount I used, nor will it make you terribly sick in some way, as far as I can tell. I didnt feel much nausea at all. I did not vomit.

Something interesting that I noted though was that before the mushrooms came on (at them 1/2 hr after the agustahuasca) and only the slight, possibly placebo effects could be felt, I noticed in the shower that I had incredible balance. I Usually can balance pretty well but I could just feel this solid ability to stand on one foot. It took no effort to balance at all for decent periods of time.

Effects total only lasted about 4 hrs.

Effects from the bark were slight if not placebo, but it deffinately felt like I took a shot with a sort of warm glow about me.

I must say though that its fairly terryfying having just taken a potent concoction of some unknown plant plart. Be careful. People have allergies, etc. Start low.
I want to post some results of Elaeagnus Angustifolia (Russian Olive) extraction. The material used for the extraction was the bark of the tree.
The method used for extracting and cleaning the precipitates was A/B. The extract was washed multiple times, until the precipitates were clean enough and all insoluble particles during the acidic stage were removed.

Ammount of bark used was around 300 g

Vinegar was used for the acidic stage, and lye for basifying. ( i used Ph meter so the amount of acid and base was not really calculated ) rough estimate is around 5 g of both. 4-5 g of acid and around 5 g of lye to neutralize it and bring it to alkaline ph level.

The bark was well grinded in coffee grinder and boiled for over an hour.After the solution is cooled it was filtered until fine transparent liquid was obtained.The particles from the coffee grinder are not so tiny, so there was no problem with filtration and clogging of the filter paper. So here are some photos of the process :

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here's direct link from the photos. i couldn't manage to embed the photos here. if anyone has a better way of posting eight photos in one album i am open to hear it.

i tried bioessaying this material sublingually with no success. Arround 300 mg were consumed with no effects. Maybe some other route of administration or in other form rather than freebase, don't know...all suggestions are welcomed.

I really want to know what exactly was obtained from the extraction, and i will do more research and testing to pinpoint what exactly is pulled with this method.

edit : the yielded material weighed around 10 g
sorry for the waiting, but i am not skillful with forum posting and internet codes.It take's some time for me : ) And yea still didn't managed to embed the album with photos directly !
I, m curious about all these inconclusive results .
My results have been very conclusive and simple ,
its very effective .

Perhaps the autumn olive is more potent , or maybe
The environment or the soil is different here .

How difficult would it be to do a focussed mass spec
Analysis of the autumn olive from this particular area ?

Did you ever get to where you were 100% on what species you're dealing with? Sounds like they have fairly different looking ripe fruit if you check them in the fall. Ripe Autumn Olive fruits being deep red to pink and ripe Russian Olive fruits being yellow or orange.

I was thinking about planting a few of them this spring if they work as good as you say. But I'd hate to plant the wrong invasive species if one of them works and one doesn't.
I was able to confirm last year that these are indeed autumn olive trees
Around here .
even if the soil and weather climate are different, it is already determined what are the metabolites of this genus of trees.I think its impossible that your autumn olive has evolved to produce some more psychedelic compounds.

If you checked the graph few pages back you can see that Autumn olive is not with the highest alkaloid profile, so i would expect less not more from that tree. And it is little strange that only you have conclusive results.

Anyway, i still don't want to make any conclusions.Taking in mind that these trees are widely spread where i live, i will try to find Autumn olive somewhere near me and i will do extraction on leaves and bark. then there will be even less space for confusion.

edit : I know these trees from my childhood, they have been always around me. And i am 100% sure what i am working with here, but if you guys want to confirm i can still put some pics up. The trees i collected the bark from were healthy trees E.Angustifolia, still having their leaves and fruits on them even in the coldest part of the year.
I,ve been interested in these trees for a long time they are growing
In my own yard. I,ve made jelly from the fruits .
It's a labor of love for sure. It's a strange coincidence
That they contain harmine alkaloids. I have seen the analysis
Many times over on autumn olive vers Russian olive.

I will stand by my findings , this stuff is a strong potentiator of
Spice. There is no doubt about this.
ok, and what are your routes of administration and in what form do you ingest it ? the freebase which i have is inactive when ingested. when tried sublingually it hardly dissolves in my mouth, its like having sand. are you saying that your freebase extract has different characteristics ? can you post some photos of your extract to compare it ? when i purify the precipitates sufficiently i always have them with the same color at the end which is off-white to grayish.

what are your purifying steps ? in which form you can successfully smoke it ?
It's a very simple extraction, a dark tea is produced
From multiple boils of bark or pressure cooked
I think is was 15lbs for like 30 or 40 mins.

Resulting tea boiled down to concentrate, then simple
Salt extraction performed, salted tea in fridge overnight ,
Filtered through cloth, bed sheet material , fan dried
Material is scraped from filter , yeilds a brownish grey
Powder. Can be vaped on mullein with spice . Will produce
Effects alone . synergistic with spice. Energizing clear and quite amazing .

I suspect the nicotine-like compound that I see in the
Analysis may play a role in this.
It looks like I found some russian olive! It's winter now so no leaves or flowers to verify with, but I'm pretty confident it is...

Here's some pics:
picture 1: Tree which appears to be russian olive that I unwittingly spent all summer smoalking changa under.

picture 2: I was surprised to find that there was a full sized uprooted tree down the hill from my smoalking tree.

picture 3: A few remaining dead leaves on the uprooted tree.

picture 4: Trunk bark of the uprooted tree.

picture 5: The upper branches on the uprooted tree were mostly smooth and had very few thorns.

picture 6: Thorns on a similar nearby tree.

Does that look about right?


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^ I would be going nuts harvesting that bark from the uprooted tree9assuming it's done for) and experimenting. I really dont get why more people here are not all over this..there must be many more people here with these trees around them. And there is harmalas in the leaves as well right? If so leaves could be harvested ethically as opposed to stripping the trunks..or at least use branch bark..

Keep us updated..
The autumn olive that I have around here does not have thorns
I will post some photos .

Jamie I agree , these trees have great potential
It's being overlooked
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