boylobster said:Hm. burnt, 'spose you could simplify the above extraction for those of us less gifted in applied chemistry? 'Cause at first glance, I have to say that that procedure doesn't appear to be feasible for me, either. :/
Is it kosher to post external links around here? I've only managed to find one other commercial site that makes reference to THH, and they do so by listing it under "Custom Synthesis". I made an inquiry and have yet to hear back, but it appears to me as though the chemicals they regularly manufacture could be of questionable legality, which makes me a bit wary... happy to share the link, however, if it's permissable.
On May 3, 2005, a new law went into effect in France that bans the non-licensed possession of Banisteriopsis caapi, Peganum harmala, Psychotria viridis, Diplopterys cabrerana, Mimosa hostilis, Banisteriopsis rusbyana, harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine (THH), harmol, and harmalol. This list includes the ayahuasca vine itself as well as many of the most common plants and chemicals that make up both traditional and modern ayahuasca tea.
As far as we know, France is the first country to ban Peganum harmala (Syrian Rue), a plant with a long history of use from the Middle East through western India. Syrian Rue has strong-smelling seeds containing harmala alkaloids that are burned in ceremonial fires and used as a type of incense. They are widely available at Middle Easter markets around the world.
Mm. Was afraid of that. The other conversion (or... wait, derivization! ) referenced zinc, but I'm still leery of tossing metals into hydrochloric unless someone can assure me that I won't be needing the fume hood that I don't have.burnt said:Yes and about the amalgam that does involve using mercury with some metals SWIM thinks to help catalyze the reaction, SWIM has not looked up the mechanism or thought about it yet either. So that method may need to be skipped as its nasty.
Eek. Didn't mean to broach any taboo subjects.burnt said:However is this a discussion the moderators will allow us to have as it is synthesis and we said we didn't want to talk about such things? So moderators yay or nay?
Agreed, but given what I read earlier in this thread about ravenous hordes of hyperspace seekers buying the only reasonably priced known supply of THH out of stock, might it not be more discrete to simply learn to do it ourselves? Just a thought. Of course, it's still going to be up to someone else to figure out how that would be; I can think about it 'till time turns inside out, but it wouldn't do anything. :roll:burnt said:Utilizing it for recreational/spiritual purposes may attract attention of authorities resulting in it becoming illegal for researchers trying to study this interesting compound.
69ron said:If you did it all from scratch, starting with seeds and ending with THH, you’d probably be working the whole weekend long.
Extracting harmala alkaloids is a lot of work. If you've ever done it, it can take all day long just to filter the seeds. It’s relatively simple, but a pain nonetheless. Then you would have to isolate the harmaline which is not as easy as it sounds (I've read that it requires monitoring the harmala alkaloids under a microscope while slowly freebasing them).
Then synthesizing THH from pure harmaline would be a whole new can of worms. From what I’ve read you would lose much in the process (with most yields reported as 60-70%). In TIHKAL, they start with 1 gram of pure harmaline and end up with only 0.53 g of THH. Apparently a lot gets destroyed in the process.
I don’t know. It sounds like an awful lot of trouble to SWIM. SWIM would rather just buy it.
xameleonx said:CIA experiments telypathy and psychedelics
Please VISIT
SWIM post
Please tell me about experiments with THH and telepathic effects.
boylobster said:Hm. Interesting discussion, thx. I think my position is probably most closely resembles Synethesiac's post towards the end.
Back to the subject at hand - SWIM would vastly prefer to just buy the stuff as well, but it doesn't seem to be an option at the moment... unless someone knows otherwise, or is willing to fork over 300 Euros for a gram. !