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Tetrahydroharmine (THH) sublingually

Migrated topic.
boylobster said:
If a fairly workable process were available, I'd be more than willing to purchase harmala extract, and then attempt the conversion. This is what happens when you're late to the party; I haven't gotten the pleasure of investigating the stuff personally. :cry:

I don’t think you’re too late. It’s just bad timing. The vendor SWIM got his from several times before still caries it. SWIM emailed them to ask if they dropped it because he didn't see it on their web site. They responded saying they are just temporarily out of stock and will get more soon.
Huh. Funny thing, I emailed them as well via their online form and still haven't heard back. Their principal domain bounces emails back, so I couldn't do it more directly. Well, all's well that ends with some THH in my mailbox, I guess... I'll just have to be patient. :)

As for testing telepathy, I guess any empirical method you'd care to devise would depend heavily on the nature of how, if such a thing really exists (easy, xameleonx, I'm just sayin'... ;)), it functions - which is pretty much completely unknown as of now. You could do the card guessing game, a la Ghostbusters - simple symbols viewed by another person while SWIY attempts to discern those shapes telepatically. Many verifiable tests could be easily devised, but because of the lack of understanding of the mechanics (for lack of a better term) of ESP, you'd basically be stabbing in the dark, not knowing if your tests are applicable to the phenomenon. Just my two cents, of course.

I've pondered previously what a disaster universal telepathy would be, should it ever be experienced by humanity. We can barely handle the things people *say* to one another, let alone having direct access to the fearful, damaged shitstorm that almost everyone has frothing in their minds. Whoo...
SWIM have read about drugs, "yage, which used the Indians in the origins of the Amazon. It was assumed that yage increases telepathic sensitivity. A Columbia scientist has identified a yage drugs, calling it telepatinom. Based on SWIM experience, SWIM knew that telepathy exists in reality. SWIM do not have been in that once again find or
anything anyone to prove. SWIM want to get practical knowledge of telepathy.
The essence of SWIM searches in any relationship was trying to establish
link to inarticulate level, which is telepathic contact.
Apparently, yage SWIM was interested not only one. Russian
have used the drug in experiments on the use of bonded
Labor. They wanted to induce the state of automatic obedience and
a clear mental control. Create the main regulator of life.
No lengthy comments, no verbal purse, only the introduction of
in someone's psyche and ordering. The case could lead to the opposite
results in poor outcome for making the team because
telepathy, in itself, is not unidirectional structure, or
of a relationship between the sender and the recipient.
SWIM decided to go to Colombia and to experiment with yage. SWIM parted with his wife, and now that SWIM got nothing
retain, SWIM was ready to move southward in search of raw,
unknown satisfaction, which does not limit your ability as
Janku ago, and vice versa - reveals.
Can SWIM find in yage that sought to Djankov, marijuana and cocaine. And can to
yage all and end?

Is Quote
SWIM has gotten some telepathic effects with another person when using THH for lsa and spice enhancement...lots of thinking the same thoughts at the same time...or asking a question when somebody else is thinking it...things just pop into your head and then you say them just to have the other person be like..i was just gonna ask you that..

its been happening to SWIM's all over the place...granted there was also a bunch of spice smoking and acid/mushrooms lsa whatever going on..plus some 2ce here and there...not sure where the telepathy could be coming from
from the post xameleonx linked...its possible it was also coming from the 2CE..but with both being used here and there its possible they could be working together

btw there wasnt any thh and 2ce combos
Realize old name telepathine or whatever it was, was a misidentification of harmine or harmaline being found in b. caapi in the old days. Then they realized it was the same as harmine or harmaline i forget. Telepathine is not or was not a name for THH! This was because people associated ayahuasca with tripping and hallucinating long before people really were studying these things and so called it telepathine (or something) just because it effected the mind and they saw how the shamans used it. This was before they knew that DMT was the main psychedlic component, this is when they only knew about the harmine like alkaloids. If DMT had been isolated first they probably would have named that telepathine. I would be very skeptical in believing this substance can induce mind reading. The CIA would have been all over it. I haven't checked out the link about the CIA using it but if it worked they would be still using it.

Now it is interesting that you all are reporting some kind of telepathic like effect but it needs further investigation as SWIM gets these kind of things also on other psychedelics. Although I wouldn't call it telepathy I would call it more like being on the 'same wavelength feeling the same vibe'. But not directly reading thoughts no one has ever read my thoughts while tripping or they would be quite scared :lol:

Anyway yes for the average person just buying the stuff is better then making it but SWIM believes this chemical as well as the rest of the ayahuasca plants (the main ones) will perhaps one day be banned as they already have been in certain countries. People must make ready for this chance. Or resist the laws. I prefer to resist the laws as they have no right to ban these plants but the DEA doesn't think like that and neither does most of the EU. I think australia has already taken measures.
I absolutely don’t agree about that remark about DMT above. DMT is not the main psychoactive compound in ayahuasca. Harmine and THH are the main psychoactive compounds in ayahuasca, DMT just adds extra visual content. It’s just an additive.

Telepathine was used to name the compound in Ayahuasca responsible for the telepathic effects. At the time they thought it was harmine and so harmine was given the name. The reason they didn’t look at DMT was because not all ayahuasca has DMT in it. So they studied only banisteriopsis caapi which is the single plant common to all ayahuasca. Which on its own can cause visions. SWIM has had dream-like visions from just banisteriopsis caapi alone. So I don’t believe for a second that DMT is the main psychoactive compound in ayahuasca. That is just inaccurate, as there is ayahuasca that is very powerful that is made without any DMT at all.

SWIM has had light visual effects from 200 mg of THH citrate taken orally and actually saw a face appear in the wall and saw lots of faint sparkly visual effects. That’s without harmine, DMT, or any other compound taken with it. The visuals were weak, but strong enough to form a face in the wall. SWIM was quite surprised to see the face appear. I imagine if it was taken with 200 mg of harmine, the visuals would have been much stronger.
69ron what would SWIY use for a ratio if one were to combine thh, harmine, and harmline for full maoi..and is 25 minutes a good amount of time to wait before taking the spice?
The MAOI effects of the harmala alkaloids are stronger when they are used together than when used alone. For good MAOI effects from harmaline, 100 mg is usually used, 200 for harmine. I don’t know about the potency of the MAOI effects of THH. It is supposed to be only weakly effective as an MAOI.

Of the three, harmaline is the most effective MAOI, and its foggy headed psychoactive effects are pretty heavy duty so SWIM usually keeps the dose as low as possible. Harmine, in SWIM’s opinion, while less psychoactive is more of a psychedelic than harmaline is. SWIM is still not sure how to classify THH. It feels somehow psychedelic to SWIM and he’s had mild visual effects from it, but its unlike harmine or harmaline, and not really like anything else SWIM had tried.

For a mix that would approximate a caapi mix SWIM would use 135 mg of harmine, 15 mg harmaline, and 100 mg of THH (all calculated as freebase). That’s approximately the amount of each alkaloid present in 50 grams of caapi. The DMT would be taken orally 45 minutes after.
Jorkest said:
you wouldnt happen to know the ratio in Syrian Rue would you? what about adding THH to a rue extract?

Adding THH to rue would still not produce a caapi like experience, because rue has a lot of harmaline.

There’s so much conflicting information about rue though. I've read that rue contains THH, and I’ve also read that it doesn't. I've read that it's usually 2/3rds harmine, and other books say 2/3rds harmaline! Others say 50:50! So who knows? It’s likely that they are all right and that it simply varies a lot in alkaloid content by strain, season, etc.

Judging by the effects, I’d say most rue is about 50:50 harmine to harmaline, and contains very little THH if any at all.
SWIM just ordered 1 gram. He'll be doing more tests soon.

SWIM is planning to take a very large dose orally. The last time when he used 200 mg orally, he had an actual vision of a face superimposed on the wall plus lots of sparkly visuals. He wants to see if 300 mg orally will be more visual.

Anyone have a good way to freebase such a small amount without too much loss of material? SWIM wants to try smoking it too.
69ron said:
SWIM just ordered 1 gram. He'll be doing more tests soon.

SWIM is planning to take a very large dose orally. The last time when he used 200 mg orally, he had an actual vision of a face superimposed on the wall plus lots of sparkly visuals. He wants to see if 300 mg orally will be more visual.

Anyone have a good way to freebase such a small amount without too much loss of material? SWIM wants to try smoking it too.

please fill me in on information pretaining to onset, duration, peak, plateau ect.

thanks im happy to hear of these effects!

ill be giving .5g a go orally

there apears to be no downside other than scarcity of the product

thanks a bunch for the work so far!
69ron said:
I absolutely don’t agree about that remark about DMT above. DMT is not the main psychoactive compound in ayahuasca. Harmine and THH are the main psychoactive compounds in ayahuasca, DMT just adds extra visual content. It’s just an additive.

Telepathine was used to name the compound in Ayahuasca responsible for the telepathic effects. At the time they thought it was harmine and so harmine was given the name. The reason they didn’t look at DMT was because not all ayahuasca has DMT in it. So they studied only banisteriopsis caapi which is the single plant common to all ayahuasca. Which on its own can cause visions. SWIM has had dream-like visions from just banisteriopsis caapi alone. So I don’t believe for a second that DMT is the main psychoactive compound in ayahuasca. That is just inaccurate, as there is ayahuasca that is very powerful that is made without any DMT at all.

The "DMT intensity" and the "Ayahuasca presence" which told you this.

The key important central core understanding here is that the "DMT intensity" and the "Ayahuasca presence" that told you these things, especially about telepathy, are =two different entities=.

This is something very central that I learned about Ayahuasca living with Indians in the Amazon for whom Ayahuasca is at the center of their life and has been for thousands of years -- in fact, I lived with an Ayahuasca shaman and his family, but also participated in ceremonies in other Indian villages. So their perception of the matter should count for something. I emphasize this because it seems to get forgotten by people who brew and drink Ayahuasca here.

It is not an accident that the brew bears the name of the Vine.
To the Indians, using Ayahuasca means developing a relationship with this teacher-being, the Caapi spirit, who is the Mother of all Plants. To them, the DMT plants are =her helpers= -- whereas I find that people in North America tend to look at the DMT as the main event and the Caapi as a mere potentiator.

But it should be remembered that the first Westerners who studied Ayahuasca ceremonies named the active chemicals in the Caapi vine "telepathine," precisely because of what you are talking about. They observed the telepathy in the ceremonies, they discovered it themselves. Those chemicals were later renamed harmine and harmaline, but the original name still testifies to how much telepathy is one of Caapi's specialties.

You can even take Caapi alone =without= her DMT helpers, and you won't get much of anything in the way of visuals, and it is overall a much gentler and calmer experience than it is with the DMT added, but she can lead you into some profound insights.

I agree with this. The DMT and Ayahuasca (Caapi) experience are totally distinct. For me, the medicinal plant brew contains a consciousness - divine spirit teacher, if you will -that straight-up DMT does not.

Wasn't this why the CIA investigated Ayahuasca in the 50's? William Burroughs mentions their investigation into a drug they called "Telepathine" that was an Ayahuasca derivitive if i recall correctly...

This Link Source

"Telepathic Communication with Ayahuasca"
Yea you are all right, DMT is not the main psychoactive component I should not have said it like that and thanks for correcting me.

SWIM has never taken that mixture of MAOI on own so couldn't say what subjective effects are.

I also did not realize that people have actually experienced telepathic effects. I thought that was just a name some scientists gave it because they saw a bunch of native people taking it and seeming to communicate with each other and other beings but not actually taking it themselves.

Would you all think that THH is the ingredient responsible then because its one of the main differences between b caapi and p harmala in terms of alkaloids?

Again sorry for the misinformation.

There’s so much conflicting information about rue though. I've read that rue contains THH, and I’ve also read that it doesn't. I've read that it's usually 2/3rds harmine, and other books say 2/3rds harmaline! Others say 50:50! So who knows? It’s likely that they are all right and that it simply varies a lot in alkaloid content by strain, season, etc.

There is a very good chance THH could be an artifact in rue extracts as its known to form under acidic conditions. So they way people extract it could be playing a big role.
burnt said:
Yea you are all right, DMT is not the main psychoactive component I should not have said it like that and thanks for correcting me.

SWIM has never taken that mixture of MAOI on own so couldn't say what subjective effects are.

I also did not realize that people have actually experienced telepathic effects. I thought that was just a name some scientists gave it because they saw a bunch of native people taking it and seeming to communicate with each other and other beings but not actually taking it themselves.

Would you all think that THH is the ingredient responsible then because its one of the main differences between b caapi and p harmala in terms of alkaloids?

Again sorry for the misinformation.

There’s so much conflicting information about rue though. I've read that rue contains THH, and I’ve also read that it doesn't. I've read that it's usually 2/3rds harmine, and other books say 2/3rds harmaline! Others say 50:50! So who knows? It’s likely that they are all right and that it simply varies a lot in alkaloid content by strain, season, etc.

There is a very good chance THH could be an artifact in rue extracts as its known to form under acidic conditions. So they way people extract it could be playing a big role.

I agree with that))) but who benefit from this confusion?

I've read a lot and still counting) telepatin) benistorin and etc)

but no news about thh

I respect 69ron), he had good
because I am nowhere more topics invisible except here
69ron said:
xameleonx said:
CIA experiments telypathy and psychedelics

Please VISIT

SWIM post


Please tell me about experiments with THH and telepathic effects.

I’m also interested. SWIM has once had what seemed to be telepathic effect from a small amount of 5-MeO-DMT taken sublingually. He visited someplace in the world that appeared to be 100% real. Not a hallucination. He was watching these people having a normal conversation about normal everyday life. Nothing spectacular. These were people he didn’t know. They were unaware of his presence. It seemed completely real to SWIM. It’s never happened to SWIM before or since.

SWIM is also interested in the potential telepathic effects of THH. One of the members here talked about such effects. How many of you have experienced telepathic effects from THH? SWIM has not YET. He’s going to order more soon.

How should one go about testing telepathy?

SWIM heard a lot about 5-MeO-DMT and telepathy)

SWIM test today and say in topic

pleas visite

boylobster said:
I've pondered previously what a disaster universal telepathy would be, should it ever be experienced by humanity. We can barely handle the things people *say* to one another, let alone having direct access to the fearful, damaged shitstorm that almost everyone has frothing in their minds. Whoo...

maybe some agents and people have this right) but we do not know it
xameleonx said:
boylobster said:
I've pondered previously what a disaster universal telepathy would be, should it ever be experienced by humanity. We can barely handle the things people *say* to one another, let alone having direct access to the fearful, damaged shitstorm that almost everyone has frothing in their minds. Whoo...

maybe some agents and people have this right) but we do not know it

You mean you think perhaps they've got it sorted, but are withholding for fear of the devastation having open access to other people's minds would wreak on humanity? That tickles my funny spot. Nice.

69ron said:
No, they do have it in stock. SWIM bought some yesterday. SWIM just checked a minute ago and they have it in stock. Maybe you looked in the wrong place or maybe you need to refresh your web browser?
BOOYAH!!!!! Thanks for the update! I'd been checking frequently, but was becoming discouraged. I can't afford it right now, but I'm a' buyin' it anyway! :d
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