SWIM have read about drugs, "yage, which used the Indians in the origins of the Amazon. It was assumed that yage increases telepathic sensitivity. A Columbia scientist has identified a yage drugs, calling it telepatinom. Based on SWIM experience, SWIM knew that telepathy exists in reality. SWIM do not have been in that once again find or
anything anyone to prove. SWIM want to get practical knowledge of telepathy.
The essence of SWIM searches in any relationship was trying to establish
link to inarticulate level, which is telepathic contact.
Apparently, yage SWIM was interested not only one. Russian
have used the drug in experiments on the use of bonded
Labor. They wanted to induce the state of automatic obedience and
a clear mental control. Create the main regulator of life.
No lengthy comments, no verbal purse, only the introduction of
in someone's psyche and ordering. The case could lead to the opposite
results in poor outcome for making the team because
telepathy, in itself, is not unidirectional structure, or
of a relationship between the sender and the recipient.
SWIM decided to go to Colombia and to experiment with yage. SWIM parted with his wife, and now that SWIM got nothing
retain, SWIM was ready to move southward in search of raw,
unknown satisfaction, which does not limit your ability as
Janku ago, and vice versa - reveals.
Can SWIM find in yage that sought to Djankov, marijuana and cocaine. And can to
yage all and end?