On the topic of belief, I felt it appropriate to share this little tidbit from the jacket of the Tool album Aenima:
"Ritual magick is a set of practices aimed at awakening parts of the mind we might normally never use. No true ritual magician has ever sacrificed life, drank goat's blood, or participated in any other stupid urban legend ritual. These types of behaviors are left to the dogmatic fundamentalist believers you see on TV every day letting off bombs and killing people in the name of God.
Beliefs are dangerous. Beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning. A non functioning mind is clinically dead. Believe in nothing."
Now I'd like to point out that this goes for the belief that dmt elves DO exist just as much as it goes for the belief that they do NOT exist. To "believe" in either conclusion is to close yourself off to the possibility that the other may in fact be true, and this opens you up to the possibility of being wrong.
As Tim Leary put it, "To think for yourself you must question authority and learn to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness, chaotic confused vulnerability, to inform yourself."
There's a certain security in saying "I know." Christians for instance love the feeling of security they get when they say "I know I'm going to heaven." Sadly this is all a lie they tell themselves to cover up the fact that they do not know. And deep down they all know that they do not know. This is why they get so defensive when you question their beliefs... you're poking at a sore spot that they've kept hidden from themselves.
I've often noticed the same reaction in certain deterministic scientist types when you pry too far into the limitations of their own "belief structure." This is ultimately unscientific as well and is essentially what I like to call "scientific dogma," which in reality has nothing to do with the scientific method of inquiry and actually gives true science a bad reputation.
For instance taking the scientific observation that the observed phenomenon of evolution may account for the progression of life on the planet and coming to the dogmatic conclusion that evolution created man and god didn't is just as irrational as saying that god created man and evolution didn't. Who's to say that god did not create evolution, and thereby create man?
Science actually "knows" very little when it comes to these things. Even if the big bang can account for the origin of the universe, what can account for the big bang? Science is great for answering questions of "how does this work?" etc. It's not so great at answering questions like "WHY does this work?" or "Why is any of this here in the first place?"
Can you even begin to imagine how the scientific method could POSSIBLY hope to answer such a question? You say: "If some real evidence comes up to indicate that it is real and spirits are real and may exist then perhaps I will be forced to change my mind" well ok what evidence could possibly come up that would convince you? You want me to hand you a dmt elf in a test tube or what?
Ok I'm having too much fun with this... I gotta get back to the so-called "real" world for now but one more thing before I conclude...
I can't see how anyone can logically say that the dmt experience is more real then reality. Or that dreams are more real then reality. You can die in reality you can be physically harmed. In dreams and in dmt worlds you cannot be physically harmed.
That proves nothing. In the dream world I can percieve that I am being physically harmed, and don't realize that it's not real until I wake up.
In this world, I can percieve that I am being physically harmed or even killed. But what if I just wake up again after?
The fact that we are having this conversation does not prove that we are not dreaming about having it. This is your own arguement coming back at you... subjective perception does not prove that anything outside of your subjective perception actually exists, whether you think you are on dmt or just think you are sitting at a computer typing.
Again I ask you... where is the proof? What proof could even possibly exist?
The ONLY fact that we can possibly know is that we cannot possibly know anything.
Much love for all, and thanks to everyone for your contributions and for making me think.
Syzygy Psy