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Things that affect breakthrough, and retention of information post breakthrough/experience -Q asked

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Rising Star
Since dabbling in the realm of DMT I have noticed multiple factors that have suppressed, enhanced or changed an experience instantaneously. Or gradually. I am not sure some of the time as I was not of this space at the time but I would like to ask about a few things and see if peoples experiences correlate.

1. Tiredness- Relating to affecting breaking through and remembering the breakthrough. On a number of occasions for myself I have turned the lights down low prior to lift off, I have meditated without music, concentrated on breathing and have been drifting off (a rarity for myself, as I frankly have the disposition/temperament of an over-thinker with ADHD ((possibly did/do have)) I stay up all night wondering if I closed the parenthesis never mind if I actually managed to lock the actual door...
but anyway due to a hectic work week I was almost coaxed into slumber, so post haste I took that as I was prepared for the journey. 40mg-used to a little wastage. I remember my hand blending with my lighter at the around 20 secs and managed a second blast...I recall hurtling through a gaping vastness then hearing myself......gap.....hear myself vocally clicking as if communicating to something.
This is the 3rd time I have not remembered breakthrough experiences. I had 15 20 minutes after of legitimately serene 'nodding' as though it was an opium induced semi-coma, but recollection of said experience is disappointingly low....(anyone have any input here? Supplements that help, not doing it when tired, pre-mantras for post-correlation of events) which leads me to...

2. Lighting-I enjoy sub B.T experiences, especially after other illicit substances and numerous light fittings shimmering; creating an atmosphere of, simplistically put, 'Yellow Submarine Cartoon quality'. Many people find them a waste of time, but sometimes they can be elongated and enhanced. That being said, I have enjoyed a fair few decent whacks at low light immersion, trying to use the mind more than the eyes ( counter-intuitive possibly, generally asking for answers on this).
This has led me to a zen, odd state of awareness, even at lower doses and also led to my first breakthrough, an hour and a bit after a semi-B.T experience.
Where do people draw the line on over-lighting and what is ones definition of comfortable? I have relished the prolonged effects of visual stimuli, meandering between being more K and MD than DMT and more human than the 3 put together and many a possibility in between. I am sure on the other hand that with a more toned down atmosphere one could technically be less excited/more prepared to breakthrough from the same amount of spice.

3. Movement, awareness outside the current state/situation and noise.
I have recently twice tried to communicate with telepathic entities one that I can comprehend, the other aforementioned. Now this is possibly part of my psyche, innate, unchangeable, and something I may have to work on due to being a fidgety, over enthusiastic individual. I not have a space where I solo-voyage. Trying to B.T with others is an unrealistic endeavour. Even with my most trusted pal, I still think about my breathing and am conscious someone is there, even sometimes needing to try explain how nice I feel...anyway, this is my point here that I wouldn't mind input and clarification on this, from others experiences. I have studied trip reports etc on the nexus for a long time, I am an avid reader and love the human psyche but anyway...
Have you brought yourself round/brought yourself out of an experience...heard yourself speaking or trying to communicate via whistles or clicks/clacks/taps? It is a phenomena I am now aware of. One time I was conversing telepathically with a machine elf/jester of neon room status (go figure) and I was still trying to talk to him in my usual way (tongue 'clacks', ((top of the mouth&tongue combo sound-not my usual way but in this parallel reality yes)) He didn't understand me and relayed a message 'you are here' a few times then I flashed out of this existence and heard myself clacking, I knew I had been trying to communicate and knew the entity I had spoken with too.
A similar experience was my blackout tiredness experience where I was clicking with my tongue in a high pitch, yet do not know why this time! Anyone have similar experiences etc let me know I am more than intrigued.

I do have more to add to this topic, and of course although there are questions in this and it is a public forum, I am aware no one is obliged to answer/respond, even read; therefore this is as much as anything a diary entry and a way of asking myself more questions on a more micro level to get, and be part of the nitty gritty committee on this topic/amalgamation of thoughts and ideas.

Peace and safe travels, staying inspired, SturdyPegs.
Main thing that affects the breakthrough for me is intention. Am i seeking something? Or am i just passing time? With the latter, it tends to show me pretty pathetic visuals, almost like it's deliberately and patronisingly toning everything down. "Are you satisfied with these fireworks, sir?"

When i have a proper intention, and i treat the experience as a ceremony and a journey, it always launches me into the deep end. "OK. Time for some teachings, young one."
SturdyPegs wrote:

I had 15 20 minutes after of legitimately serene 'nodding' as though it was an opium induced semi-coma, but recollection of said experience is disappointingly low....(anyone have any input here? Supplements that help, not doing it when tired, pre-mantras for post-correlation of events) which leads me to...

I know for me that after a heavy breakthrough [or even a milder form], for some time after I become very relaxed, loose and fluid, tired slightly, though if I go do some form of activity [being active] it seems to fetter itself out into my 'being active', dissolves back into everything without me being all that tired.

Now this 'could' be partly from the little bit of harmalas that I add to my enhanced leaf, though really at the ratio that I put them in I highly doubt that it's a major playing factor, as I've had similar after-experience things happen just on enhanced leaf alone, so.

Where do people draw the line on over-lighting and what is ones definition of comfortable?

Opinions will vary widely on this I think. What I've worked myself into moreso over the years is being in some form of ambient lighting, toned down, easier on the eyes, less fluorescent stimuli to none [and if used I usually turn them down low], though I usually stick with 2-3 good sized candles 'and/or' himalayan rock salt lamps. I've always respected rock salt lamps in a weird way when it comes to the dmt experience and diving in. The type of light they impart onto the immediate environment, how that lighting tone makes my Mind feel prior to smoking. Like calm water. Also, they tend to add something in prior to smoking for me, similar to how harmalas in addition to dmt can help hold-me-steady [aside from slowing the experience down slightly] in the face of the ordered chaos mysterium that is the dmt experience - the type of light/glow given off from these lamps has a profound effect on how I receive and react to the oncoming rush of the experience.

I've read that some say a setting of heavy or strong lighting can induce panic situations [as IT's coming at you] , depending on the person I suppose. Not as easy to relax versus the former. Makes sense to me tbh.

Then again I'm probably bias because I've mostly done all my experience over the years at nighttime [same goes for any of the other tryptamines]. With the exception of mescaline - which I've mostly taken during the day. I also feel at night time that that's when there's less of a divide between the mental and the finite, Mind and Matter, the two [though seemingly One] realities move in on oneanother, with all this seeming less apparent during daylight [to me].

I not have a space where I solo-voyage. Trying to B.T with others is an unrealistic endeavour. Even with my most trusted pal, I still think about my breathing and am conscious someone is there, even sometimes needing to try explain how nice I feel...anyway, this is my point here that I wouldn't mind input and clarification on this, from others experiences.

Moreso in the beginning of taking dmt I was often around a few people that I felt were close to me [in some form]. Powerful experiences much of those times. This though dwindled over the later years and up until this point. I think there's nothing wrong with doing it around a few people, depends much on the setting that we're all in at that time ime/imo. Though I've always made it ritualized/ceremonial in some fashion when I'd take it with/around others, I think the experience deserves 'at least' that amount of respect. I usually will have a few simple rules/tenets for everyone that's not partaking [cellphones off, no talking, jokes, laughing, no jostling around or fidgeting in their seats, nothing] - all those things can pull you back into consensus reality in unforseen ways ime/imo, I prefer to mitigate those things if possible, in respect for the person/s undergoing the experience.

Much of my experiences though have been solo, and this over the years I've come to prefer in many ways. The strongest, most obliterative, the ones that have unquestionably shaken me to the core - they've all been when I was by myself. I feel more sensitized to the present, myself and the immediacy of what's around me. It's always seemed that in these scenarios I have to come with my A-game, no playing around, as things have always been significantly more profound than when I'd been doing them with/around others.

tatt said:
Now this 'could' be partly from the little bit of harmalas that I add to my enhanced leaf, though really at the ratio that I put them in

Where do people draw the line on over-lighting and what is ones definition of comfortable?

Pray do tell tatt, having stumbled upon some 10X I am interested in going that route.

The rock salt lamps are of course a wonderful thing to behold, and the H.R.Salt is also known to have healing properties, hell people pay good money to sit in rooms made of the stuff, even saunas of that variety exist! I have seen before its a no go with general candles, personally I love lit incense at the other end of the room whilst pre-smoalk-meditating but do not dare go in with things lit etc!

I am the fidgety one I'm afraid, and alone I am able to let know, meditate and get in 'the zone' as it were, and when with others I have always had the rule of no phones, speaking , negative thoughts etc ;) The last time with someone though I was put off more as hearing an inconsiderate individual pissing like a race horse without having shut the door meant I got a little vexed and visuals and all ceased soon thereafter possibly due to the addition of chemicals released due to stressed dare I say anger.

When it comes to making it a ritual, I am fully for it. Same goes for going into it to delve deeper and to explore new places, go over specific P.O.I and to learn.

Thank you for your input tate,
Psilosopher? said:
Main thing that affects the breakthrough for me is intention. Am i seeking something? Or am i just passing time? With the latter, it tends to show me pretty pathetic visuals, almost like it's deliberately and patronisingly toning everything down. "Are you satisfied with these fireworks, sir?"

When i have a proper intention, and i treat the experience as a ceremony and a journey, it always launches me into the deep end. "OK. Time for some teachings, young one."

Lovely use of the English language there creating some serious imagery of a sarcastic god with finger shaking and a tutting sound being given to you just as slowly as said finger is a-shaking!
Agree too for sure :)
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