My experience (with the VG, not GVG, but I believe they're pretty similar in terms of usage), is that the optimum procedure would be as follows: first, pre-melt spice, then apply flame close to the ceramic filter (1 cm or so, but not directly touching the filter because it will clog fast), and after circling the flame over the filter for about 2-3 seconds, vapor starts to emerge, pretty fast I'd say; you want to inhale slowly at this point, because it takes a little bit while the mesh/filters get hot. Then increase the distance slowly until you get to about 3 cm away from your pipe while pulling just a tad faster. Do this for about 8-10 seconds (that's what it takes me to vape a full dose), and hold the smoke for 15-20 seconds. Play with the lighter distance a little while, and don't feel discouraged, have patience. You'll know when you got it right. Additionally, if you want to smoalk slower, and apply multiple hits, you'll have your pipe hot already, so you'll not need to start with the flame from as close as for the first hit, or you risk burning the remaining spice.
And also, I've found that a mesh (copper/I use stainless steel ones) work way better than multiple filters, because of they're scrambled structure. Flat surfaces don't hold liquid that great, but the mesh kinda "absorbs" it and makes vaporization a LOT easier. Plus, you'll save some mgs of spice